Location orientation

You can navigate: by map, compass, sun, clock, stars, natural signs and...

Presentation on the topic "oil and methods of its processing" Oil and petroleum products presentation on chemistry

Physico-chemical cleaning is carried out using solvents that selectively remove...

Internal rhythm of the body

Rhythms are inherent to everyone. Both galaxies and cells. And Life on Earth is cyclical. It's been a long time...

How the Russian army is able to detect the enemy Day of Radio Engineering Air Defense Forces

One of the holidays revered among military professionals is...

Oxides composition obtaining properties application briefly

The oxide formula is necessary to be able to solve problems and understand possible...

Shadayev Maksut Igorevich Shadayev Maksut Igorevich leaves

05/31/2017, Wed, 16:51, Moscow time, Text: Valeria Shmyrova IT Minister of the Moscow Region...

The Seven Years' War - briefly

Kingdom of Naples Kingdom of Sardinia Commanders Frederick II F.W. Seydlitz...

Russia gaining access to the sea under Peter I Peter the First war with the Swedes

Northern War (Russian-Swedish) 1700-1721 - a protracted conflict between Sweden and...