The internal rhythms of a person roughly correspond to the daily variant. internal rhythm of the body

Rhythms are for everyone. Both galaxies and cells. And Life on Earth is cyclical. This has long been proven by science. The change of day and night, which occurs as a result of the rotation of the Earth around its axis, as well as the change of seasons, leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity.

Turning on and off factors are physical changes in the external environment, for example, changes in the intensity of the light flux associated with the movement of the Sun, as well as changes in the phases of the Moon, seasonal changes in nature, magnetic storms, solar winds and other cosmic factors.

On Earth, all living beings are subject to daily rhythms. A person has an internal clock that runs even in the absence of external signals. Our DNA is ingrained with the earth's natural rhythms. This connection is very important to us, as it not only determines when we wake up and when it's time to rest, but it also affects our blood pressure and body temperature.


Of the daily rhythms of our body, we are most familiar with the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep. In the evening we fall asleep, wake up in the morning, and so 365 times a year throughout our lives. Sleep is an undulating rhythmic process. The periods of the easiest awakening are repeated every 1.5 hours. A person's normal sleep should be a multiple of this time and should last 6, 7.5, or 9 hours. It is most beneficial for the body to get up in the morning at sunrise, and it is harmful to go to bed or even take a nap at sunset (you will get up with a feeling of weakness, and often with a headache).

The rhythms of human activity and rest are associated with the change of day and night. During the day we are usually awake, at night we sleep. Several times a day there is an ebb and flow of physical forces. After the activity phase comes the rest phase. The mood of a person is also dependent on these rhythms.

A person tunes in to natural changes, reacts to them, like a sensitive tuning fork, manifesting this in changes in his cardiac activity, the work of the kidneys, endocrine glands, in a change in pressure.

There is a whole science that fixes and studies these changes. It's called chronal biology.

In recent years, much has been done in the science of biorhythms, chronobiology, to establish the mechanism for the occurrence of daily hormonal cycles. Scientists know that the body counts time using circadian rhythms, they have discovered in the brain a “circadian center” and in it the so-called “clock genes” of biological health rhythms.

The daily biorhythm is associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the change of day and night. It gives periods of decline and rise in physical and mental activity during the day.

The circadian (circadian) biorhythm is the most important human biological rhythm. In the human body, arranged as a complexly organized oscillatory system that can give resonant responses under the influence of external frequency influences, the biological activity of organs is measured by the clock in seconds, minutes, hours and years.

They are responsible for the adaptations caused by the change of day and night, the change of time zones, the change in the cycles of the seasons.

The circadian clock forces us to obey the cycles of day and night caused by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Cycles form a certain reproducible structure of nervous excitation from one moment to another.

One of the reasons for the daily biorhythm is the protection of the nerve cells of the central nervous system from exhaustion by periodic sleep, accompanied by protective inhibition.

One of the most common external signals is light. The human brain, following the change in light with the help of receptors located in the retina of the eyeball, which perceive light rays and process their energy into nerve irritation, sends a signal to the pineal gland (pineal gland), which secretes melatonin, sometimes called the sleep hormone, a signal allowing or forbidding its release. Thanks to this watch, we sleep at night and stay awake during the day.
The pineal gland takes part in the implementation of biorhythms, making connections with the hypothalamus and thymus gland. For example, the daily activity of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus controls water-salt and fat metabolism, body temperature, and the rhythmic functioning of the endocrine glands.

Body temperature regularly rises in the evening and drops a few hours before morning awakening, in the morning the secretion of the stress hormone cortisone is 10-20 times higher than at night.

The urge to urinate and bowel movements are usually suppressed at night and resumed in the morning. Studies have shown that people who are forced to work at night, even if they consume large amounts of caffeine, daily cycles persist.

Time zone change or shift work are exceptional situations in which the phase of the internal circadian clock changes in relation to the day-night and sleep-wake cycles.

This can happen every year with the change of seasons. Usually, most people wake up in the morning at the same time all year round. As a rule, this is required by life circumstances.

The term "circadian" means that these rhythms have a period of about a day (24 hours). The circadian rhythms make us feel sleepy or awake at the same time every day.

Some people suffer from sleep disorders associated with circadian rhythm disturbances. In doing so, their natural sleep time is superimposed on the time when it is necessary to perform activities that are characteristic of the waking state, such as work or study.

Among other factors, bright light, such as sunlight or artificial lighting, can "fail" our internal clock. The periods of sleep and wakefulness in a person are replaced with a circadian periodicity.

One of the main actions of melatonin is the regulation of sleep. He takes part in the creation of the circadian rhythm: it directly affects the cells and changes the level of secretion of other hormones and biologically active substances, the concentration of which depends on the time of day.

The influence of the light cycle on the rhythm of melatonin secretion is shown in the observation of the blind. In most of them, rhythmic secretion of the hormone was found, but with a freely varying period that differs from the daily one (25-hour cycle compared to 24-hour daily cycle).

That is, in humans, the rhythm of melatonin secretion has the form of a circadian melatonin wave, “freely running” in the absence of a change in light-dark cycles. A shift in the rhythm of melatonin secretion also occurs when flying across time zones.

The role of the pineal gland and epiphyseal melatonin in the daily and seasonal rhythm, sleep-wake mode seems to be undoubted today.

Melatonin plays an important role in the biological process. It is produced by the pineal gland, mainly at night, and is delayed in strong light (both in daytime and nocturnal animals).

Melatonin is responsible for transmitting data on the length of night and day and thus provides information about the seasons.

Melatonin itself is not a sleeping pill, it only “recommends” the brain to switch to night mode. On the other hand, an “unscheduled” change in the amount of melatonin in the blood can change the course of our “biological clock”. In a healthy person with a regular sleep pattern, the schedule of melatonin content in the blood is similar from night to night, provided that the dark and light periods of the day occur at the same time.

In blind people, the "biological clock" runs "by inertia" - without adjustment, and the blood melatonin graph, shifting by several minutes a day, gradually shifts either to night or day.

For a sighted person, when the eyes are exposed to bright light at night, the production of melatonin decreases sharply, and in the morning, the presence of darkness before waking up, “drags out” the melatonin phase in the day.

Blind children sometimes develop sleep disturbances due to the fact that their brain does not receive information about light and dark. Taking artificial melatonin helps treat sleep disorders in the blind.

Many blind people suffer from insomnia due to the fact that they do not see daylight, which upsets their internal clock.

Thus, the synthesis of melatonin is associated with illumination: the stronger the illumination, the less melatonin is formed. Therefore, the peak of melatonin content in the blood is observed at night, and at least during the day.

Prolonged excessive lighting leads to a very low level of melatonin, which is unfavorable for the state of the body. In addition to the humoral (endocrine) function, melatonin has the function of a strong terminal antioxidant that protects DNA from damage. Terminal antioxidants are antioxidants that are not capable of being restored back from the oxidized (active oxygen radicals) form.

Interestingly, melatonin is a hormone of various taxonomic groups from algae to mammals, that is, it is a very ancient and important hormone.

As noted in the studies of many scientists, the biological clock affects the daily rhythm of many physiological processes.

The daily (circadian) rhythm gives periods of decline and rise in physical and mental activity during the day. The daily rhythms of the activity of the human body are formed under the influence of processes occurring on the surface of the Earth, and the Moon, in turn, gives strength to these processes, filling the working organ with nutrients (through blood) and magnetoelectric energy, activating the biochemical processes of the organ.

Every person has their own chronotype.
Each of us, in addition, has an individual internal clock, which does not interfere with checking our plans in order to properly use the energy potential of the body. They will tell you what to do now and what to put off until later.

. Chronotype
morning ("larks"),
evening ("owls")
daytime ("pigeons").

Owls have a maximum daily biorhythms of activity and rest shifted to later, and for "larks" - to earlier hours.
Pigeons have peak activity occurs approximately in the middle of the day period.
Approximately 20% of people have a well-defined morning or evening type of activity.

The chronotype is inherited, as, for example, eye color or hair color.
Certain character traits, indicators of health and adaptive capabilities are associated with it.

For example, "owls" are more prone to cardiovascular diseases than "larks", but their biorhythms are more plastic, and they better adapt to new modes of life.

The “larks” have many health indicators better than the “owls”, but they are more conservative and hardly tolerate changes in their usual lifestyle.

Modern man now and then breaks the rhythms of his life, incorrectly and forcibly handling the periods of sleep and wakefulness, active and passive behavior, satiety and hunger.
Concerned about survival and gain, he forgets about the natural needs of his body and turns it into a machine forced to work for wear and tear and surrounded by dangerous, destructive energy-informational influences.

So, for example, it happens with human sleep, which is a necessary condition for the normal and safe existence of a person.

Scientists believe that sleep protects and restores the human biofield disturbed during the day, makes it more protected and able to withstand the complexities of life.
We need sleep.
But let's see how casually we treat him.
We are constantly breaking the rules.
Someone works the night shift, and someone arranges a night shift for himself at the TV screen or monitor, and in the morning he feels overwhelmed and incapable of productive activity.

Sleep disturbance very often leads to insomnia, which seems harmless only at first glance.
On the second day without sleep, a person stumbles over every word, stumbles out of the blue, becomes uncritical of himself; he is unable to do tasks that require increased attention, gradually he becomes fussy and restless.

On the fourth day of insomnia, hallucinations occur, on the fifth - a person is not able to solve the simplest problem, on the seventh - he feels like a victim of a conspiracy, his will is completely suppressed, suggestibility is unusually high.

In a word, deprivation (from the English. deprivation - deprivation) of sleep is a source of severe stress with all its psychophysiological and biochemical changes and, in the end, leads to nervous exhaustion and death.

In developed countries, 10% of all drugs prescribed by doctors are sleeping pills.
If we take into account the tendency of our compatriots to self-medicate and use pills according to the principle “it helped a friend, it will help me”, then this figure will certainly be even higher.
But sleeping pills are chemicals that have side effects and have nothing to do with the natural life processes of relaxation and recovery.

We see the same thing with diet. Without breakfast, we condemn the body to work in a stressful mode during the day.
Snacking on the go, we do not give him the opportunity to digest the products necessary for our life.

Many girls who follow their figure categorically do not eat after 18.00. And then they cannot fall asleep on an empty stomach, which is forced to process its own walls.

From the point of view of chronobiologists, the last meal should be about 1.5 hours before bedtime.
It can be a glass of kefir, warm milk with honey (it helps to fall asleep quickly), some vegetables or fruits.
And, of course, products that have a tonic effect on the body should be avoided: tea, coffee, drinks containing.

But bananas contain, which is a mediator of inhibition processes in the brain.
So, 1-2 of these delicious and nutritious fruits at night won't hurt anyone.

Rhythm changes
You can not approach the rhythms of life from a rigid position.
They change during a person's life, when the need for sleep, periods of activity and relaxation varies with the development of his brain synchronizers.
This happens, for example, during puberty in adolescents, in pregnant and lactating mothers, in connection with moving to other time and climatic zones, in old and senile age due to changes in hormonal biorhythms.
The decrease in adaptive capabilities with age is due to a decrease in the plasticity of the body's biorhythms.
In addition, the rhythms of life are affected by seasonal changes and natural disasters.

The task of a person is to listen to the needs of his body, not to force him and not let him relax too often.

Being close to nature, being actively awake and fully resting, eating right and not going too far, maintaining emotional balance are simple and well-known ways to feel healthy and happy.
To be in good shape means to live in the rhythm of your planet, merging into the constant process of its every second metamorphoses.

The Moon, revolving around the Earth, affects the Earth on the physical plane - the ebb and flow of the Earth's water resources follow in its rhythm. Naturally, the Moon also affects a person who mainly consists of water. Lunar rhythms affect the human psyche and, as a result, their behavior.

So on the new moon, the mood changes from depression to calmness, on the full moon - from emotional upsurge to anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness, depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

The moon is the ruler of the two-hour rhythm of the sequential activity of 12 human organs (the daily mode of operation of each of the internal organs), which was noticed by Chinese folk medicine.

Moreover, the activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. With the energy excitation of the body, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. The full cycle of energy excitation of the organs is completed in about 24 hours.

Each organ of our body has its own biorhythm. During the day, it goes through one highest phase of maximum activity of organs, in which it works well and efficiently for 2 hours in a row (at this time it is, as it were, the leader, that is, it bears a heavy load), as well as a two-hour phase of minimum activity .

In the phase of maximum activity, the human organ responds better to therapeutic effects. . A whole cascade of additional biochemical reactions is launched in the body, using the substances of natural preparations and medicines in a complex way.

The time of maximum activity of human organs by hours in the daily biorhythm:

From 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. - the liver is active,
from 3 to 5 hours - easy,
from 5 to 7 hours - large intestine,
from 7 to 9 hours - stomach,
9 to 11 - spleen (pancreas),
from 11 to 13 hours - heart,
from 13 to 15 hours - small intestine,
from 15 to 17 hours - the bladder,
from 17 to 19 hours - kidneys,
from 19 to 21 hours - pericardium (circulatory system),
from 9 pm to 11 pm - the total concentration of energy (three fires or heaters),
from 23:00 to 1:00 - gallbladder.

These hours are most favorable for their treatment, cleansing and recovery. For example, the function of the heart is strong from 11 am to 1 pm - at this time it is necessary to give the greatest load, including in the form of physical exercises;

The time of minimum activity of human organs in the hourly daily biorhythm:
from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. _ small intestine,
from 3 to 5 hours - the bladder,
from 5 to 7 hours - kidneys,
from 7 to 9 hours - pericardium,
from 9 to 11 - triple heater,
from 11 to 13 hours - gallbladder,
from 13 to 15 hours - liver,
from 15 to 17 hours - easy,
from 17 to 19 hours - large intestine,
from 19 to 21 hours - stomach,
from 21 to 23 hours - spleen and pancreas,
from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. - the heart.

Note: (organ activity by clock)

1. "Three heaters." This organ has no anatomical representation, but its functional role is great. Its upper part includes the lungs and heart, is in charge of breathing, the circulatory system, and control of the skin pores. The middle part - the spleen and stomach controls the digestion of food. The lower part - the kidneys, liver, bladder, small and large intestines carry out filtration, remove excess water and unnecessary substances from the body.

2. The pericardium is a functional system that regulates blood circulation (together with the heart), respiration and sexual functions. His task also includes protecting the heart from outside threats.

Oriental healers, relying on vast experience, proved that not only the dose, but also the time of taking them is of great importance when taking medicines. Therefore, knowing the time of the highest activity of the organs, it is possible to carry out procedures aimed at strengthening health, introducing healing substances or washing out poisons much more efficiently.

The most favorable influence on these organs and parts of the body will be provided by medical and wellness procedures, if we also take into account the daily position of the moon.

So, for example, from 7 to 9 o'clock is the best time for breakfast (the stomach is as active as possible),

from 11 to 13 hours - for the largest meal (when the heart is active).

From 5 pm to 7 pm is a favorable time for dinner, kidney and back treatment (kidney activity time).

From 19:00 to 21:00, the Moon appears in the sky, at this time it is most effective to be treated for impotence and frigidity.

The period from 21 to 23 hours is exceptionally good for helping with skin and hair.

biological rhythms- periodically recurring changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in living organisms. The biological rhythms of physiological functions are so precise that they are often referred to as "biological clocks".

There is reason to believe that the time reference mechanism is contained in every molecule of the human body, including DNA molecules that store genetic information. Cellular biological clocks are called "small", in contrast to the "large" ones, which are believed to be located in the brain and synchronize all physiological processes in the body.

Classification of biorhythms.

Rhythms, set by the internal "clock" or pacemakers, are called endogenous, Unlike exogenous which are controlled by external factors. Most biological rhythms are mixed, that is, partly endogenous and partly exogenous.

In many cases, the main external factor regulating rhythmic activity is the photoperiod, i.e., the length of the daylight hours. This is the only factor that can be a reliable indication of the time and is used to set the "clock".

The exact nature of the "clock" is unknown, but there is no doubt that a physiological mechanism is at work here, which may include both nervous and endocrine components.

Most rhythms are formed in the process of individual development (ontogenesis). So, daily fluctuations in the activity of various functions in a child are observed before his birth, they can be registered already in the second half of pregnancy.

  • Biological rhythms are implemented in close interaction with the environment and reflect the characteristics of the body's adaptation to the cyclically changing factors of this environment. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun (with a period of about a year), the rotation of the Earth around its axis (with a period of about 24 hours), the rotation of the Moon around the Earth (with a period of about 28 days) lead to fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, electromagnetic field strength, etc. etc., serve as a kind of pointers, or sensors, of time for the "biological clock".
  • biological rhythms have large differences in frequencies or periods. A group of so-called high-frequency biological rhythms is distinguished, the oscillation periods of which range from a fraction of a second to half an hour. Examples are fluctuations in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs and tissues. By registering them with the help of special equipment, valuable information is obtained about the physiological mechanisms of the activity of these organs, which is also used to diagnose diseases (electroencephalography, electromyography, electrocardiography, etc.). The rhythm of breathing can also be attributed to this group.
  • Biological rhythms with a period of 20-28 hours are called circadian (circadian, or circadian), for example, periodic fluctuations throughout the day of body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, human performance, etc.
  • There is also a group of biological rhythms of low frequency; these are circa-weekly, circa-monthly, seasonal, circa-annual, perennial rhythms.

The selection of each of them is based on clearly recorded fluctuations of a functional indicator.

For example: The circa-week biological rhythm corresponds to the level of urinary excretion of certain physiologically active substances, the circa-month rhythm corresponds to the menstrual cycle in women, seasonal biological rhythms - changes in sleep duration, muscle strength, morbidity, etc.

The most studied is the circadian biological rhythm, one of the most important in the human body, which acts as a conductor of numerous internal rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are highly sensitive to the action of various negative factors, and disruption of the coordinated work of the system that generates these rhythms is one of the first symptoms of an organism's disease. Circadian fluctuations of more than 300 physiological functions of the human body have been established. All these processes are coordinated in time.

Many circadian processes reach maximum values ​​in the daytime every 16-20 hours and minimum values ​​- at night or in the early morning hours.

For example: At night, a person has the lowest body temperature. By morning it rises and reaches a maximum in the afternoon.

The main reason for daily hesitation physiological functions in the human body are periodic changes in the excitability of the nervous system, depressing or stimulating metabolism. As a result of changes in metabolism, changes in various physiological functions occur (Fig. 1).

For example: The respiratory rate is higher during the day than at night. At night, the function of the digestive apparatus is reduced.

Rice. 1. Daily biological rhythms in the human body

For example: It has been established that the daily dynamics of body temperature has a wave-like character. At about 6 pm, the temperature reaches its maximum, and by midnight it decreases: its minimum value is between 1 am and 5 am. The change in body temperature during the day does not depend on whether a person is sleeping or doing intensive work. body temperature determines rate of biological reactions, during the day the metabolism is most intensive.

Sleep and awakening are closely related to the circadian rhythm. A decrease in body temperature serves as a kind of internal signal for rest for sleep. During the day, it changes with an amplitude of up to 1.3°C.

For example: By measuring the body temperature under the tongue every 2-3 hours for several days (with a conventional medical thermometer), you can quite accurately determine the most appropriate moment for going to bed, and determine periods of maximum performance from temperature peaks.

As the day grows heart rate(HR), above arterial pressure(BP), more frequent breathing. From day to day, by the time of awakening, as if anticipating the increasing need of the body, the content of adrenaline in the blood rises - a substance that increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, activates the work of the whole organism; by this time, biological stimulants accumulate in the blood. A decrease in the concentration of these substances in the evening is an indispensable condition for restful sleep. No wonder sleep disorders are always accompanied by excitement and anxiety: in these conditions, the concentration of adrenaline and other biologically active substances increases in the blood, the body is in a state of “combat readiness” for a long time. Obeying biological rhythms, each physiological indicator during the day can significantly change its level.

Life routine, acclimatization.

Biological rhythms are the basis of rational regulation of the daily routine of human life, since high performance and good health can only be achieved if the rhythm of life corresponds to the rhythm of physiological functions inherent in the body. In this regard, it is necessary to reasonably organize the regime of work (training) and rest, as well as food intake. Deviation from the correct diet can lead to a significant increase in weight, which in turn, disrupting the vital rhythms of the body, causes a change in metabolism.

For example: If you eat food with a total calorie content of 2000 kcal only in the morning, the weight decreases; if the same food is taken in the evening, it increases. In order to maintain the body weight achieved by the age of 20-25, food should be taken 3-4 times a day in exact accordance with the individual daily energy expenditure and at those hours when a noticeable feeling of hunger appears.

However, these general patterns sometimes hide the diversity of individual characteristics of biological rhythms. Not all people are characterized by the same type of fluctuations in performance. Some, the so-called "larks", work vigorously in the morning; others, "owls", - in the evening. People belonging to the “larks” experience drowsiness in the evening, go to bed early, but, waking up early, feel alert and efficient (Fig. 2).

Easier to carry acclimatization a person, if he takes (3-5 times a day) hot meals and adaptogens, vitamin complexes, and gradually increases physical activity, as he adapts to them (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2. Curves of the rhythm of work capacity during the day

Rice. 3. Daily rhythms of life processes under constant external conditions of life (according to Graf)

If these conditions are not observed, the so-called desynchronosis (a kind of pathological condition) may occur.

The phenomenon of desynchronosis is also observed in athletes, especially those who train in conditions of heat and humid climate or middle mountains. Therefore, an athlete flying to international competitions must be well prepared. Today, there is a whole system of activities aimed at preserving habitual biorhythms.

For the human biological clock, the correct course is important not only in daily, but also in the so-called low-frequency rhythms, for example, in the circadian one.

At present, it has been established that the weekly rhythm is artificially developed: no convincing data on the existence of congenital seven-day rhythms in humans have been found. Obviously, this is an evolutionarily fixed habit. The seven-day week became the basis of rhythm and rest in ancient Babylon. Over the millennia, a weekly social rhythm has been formed: a person works more productively in the middle of the week than at the beginning or end of it.

The biological clock of a person reflects not only daily natural rhythms, but also those that have a long duration, for example, seasonal ones. They are manifested in an increase in metabolism in the spring and in its decrease in autumn and winter, in an increase in the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood and in a change in the excitability of the respiratory center in spring and summer.

The state of the body in summer and winter to some extent corresponds to its state day and night. So, in winter, compared with summer, the sugar content in the blood decreased (a similar phenomenon occurs at night), and the amount of ATP and cholesterol increased.

Biorhythms and performance.

The rhythms of working capacity, like the rhythms of physiological processes, are endogenous in nature.

performance may depend on many factors acting individually or together. These factors include: the level of motivation, food intake, environmental factors, physical readiness, health status, age and other factors. Apparently, fatigue also affects the dynamics of performance (in elite athletes, chronic fatigue), although it is not entirely clear in what way. Fatigue that occurs when performing exercises (training loads) is difficult to overcome even for a sufficiently motivated athlete.

For example: Fatigue reduces performance, and repeated training (with an interval of 2-4 hours after the first) improves the functional state of the athlete.

During transcontinental flights, circadian rhythms of various functions are rebuilt at different rates - from 2-3 days to 1 month. To normalize the cyclicity before the flight, it is necessary to shift the bedtime by 1 hour every day. If you do this within 5-7 days before departure and go to bed in a dark room, you will be able to acclimatize faster.

Upon arrival in a new time zone, it is necessary to smoothly enter the training process (moderate physical activity during the hours when the competition will be held). Training should not be "impact".

It should be noted that the natural rhythm of the body's vital activity is determined not only by internal factors, but also by external conditions. As a result of the research, the wave character of changes in loads during training was revealed. Previous ideas about a steady and straightforward increase in training loads turned out to be untenable. The wave-like nature of the change in loads during training is associated with the internal biological rhythms of a person.

For example: There are three categories of “waves” of training: “small”, covering from 3 to 7 days (or more), “medium” - most often 4-6 weeks (weekly training processes) and “large”, lasting several months.

Normalization of biological rhythms allows for intense physical activity, and training with a disturbed biological rhythm leads to various functional disorders (for example, desynchronosis), and sometimes to diseases.

Source of information: V.Smirnov, V.Dubrovsky (Physiology of physical education and sports).

As for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing for awakening.

By 5 o'clock in the morning, production begins to decrease, body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, at about 5:00 am according to geographic, real local time, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of "activity hormones" - cortisol, adrenaline - is increasing. In the blood, the content of hemoglobin and sugar increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.


By 7-8 o'clock, "owls" have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. In "larks" - earlier, at 4-5 hours, in other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 in the morning - getting up, physical education, breakfast (meal - after sunrise).

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - the assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two or three hours after waking up - take care of the heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, "wiggle your brains". "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9 - 11 am - immunity increases.

Effective drugs that increase the body's resistance to disease.


Up to 11 hours - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

The activity of the brain is reduced. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone, respectively, begin to decrease, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 +/- 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - noon and afternoon rest (lunch, "quiet time", )

After 14 hours - minimal pain sensitivity, the most effective and long-lasting effect of painkillers.

15 - long-term memory works. Time - to remember and remember well the right thing.

After 16 - the rise of working capacity.

15-18 hours - it's time to go in for sports. Thirst, at this time, plentifully and often quench with clean boiled water, hot-warm - in winter (for the prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In the summer you can also cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework


19 +/- 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate food (natural - honey, etc.) contributes to the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which favors a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 9 pm, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical education is good for health, walking in the fresh air

After 21:00 - the body prepares for a night's rest, the body temperature drops.

22:00 is time for sleep. Immunity is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.


In the first half of the night, when slow sleep prevails, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, which stimulates the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in a dream we grow. There is a regeneration and cleansing of body tissues.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may be depressed.

2-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Minimum body temperature and cortisol levels, maximum melatonin in the blood.

The Moon, revolving around the Earth, affects the Earth on the physical plane - the ebb and flow of the Earth's water resources follow in its rhythm. Naturally, the Moon also affects a person who mainly consists of water. Lunar rhythms affect the human psyche and, as a result, their behavior.

So on the new moon, the mood changes from depression to calmness, on the full moon - from emotional upsurge to anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness, depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

The moon is the ruler of the two-hour rhythm of the sequential activity of 12 human organs (the daily mode of operation of each of the internal organs), which was noticed by Chinese folk medicine.

Moreover, the activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. When energetically excited

The main organs of the body interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. The full cycle of energy excitation of the organs is completed in about 24 hours.

Each organ of our body has its own biorhythm. During the day, it goes through one highest phase of maximum activity of organs, in which it works well and efficiently for 2 hours in a row (at this time it is, as it were, the leader, that is, it bears a heavy load), as well as a two-hour phase of minimum activity .

In the phase of maximum activity, the human organ responds better to therapeutic effects. A whole cascade of additional biochemical reactions is launched in the body, using the substances of natural preparations and medicines in a complex way.

Time of maximum activity human organs by the clock in the daily biorhythm:

  • from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. - the liver is active,
  • from 3 to 5 hours - easy,
  • from 5 to 7 hours - large intestine,
  • from 7 to 9 hours - stomach,
  • 9 to 11 - spleen (pancreas),
  • from 11 to 13 hours - heart,
  • from 13 to 15 hours - small intestine,
  • from 15 to 17 hours - the bladder,
  • from 17 to 19 hours - kidneys,
  • from 19 to 21 hours - pericardium (circulatory system),
  • from 21:00 to 23:00 - the total concentration of energy (three fires or heaters),
  • from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. - gallbladder.

These hours are most favorable for their treatment, cleansing and recovery. For example, the function of the heart is strong from 11 to 13 hours - at this time it is necessary to give the greatest load, including in the form of physical exercises;

Time minimum activity of human organs in the hourly daily biorhythm:

  • from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. _ small intestine,
  • from 3 to 5 hours - the bladder,
  • from 5 to 7 hours - kidneys,
  • from 7 to 9 hours - pericardium,
  • from 9 to 11 - triple heater,
  • from 11 to 13 hours - gallbladder,
  • from 13 to 15 hours - liver,
  • from 15 to 17 hours - easy,
  • from 17 to 19 hours - large intestine,
  • from 19 to 21 hours - stomach,
  • from 21 to 23 hours - spleen and pancreas,
  • from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. - the heart.

Human biological clock

Note: ( organ activity by the hour )

1. Three heaters. This organ has no anatomical representation, but its functional role is great. Its upper part includes the lungs and heart, is in charge of breathing, the circulatory system, and control of the skin pores. The middle part, the spleen and stomach, controls the digestion of food. The lower part - the kidneys, liver, bladder, small and large intestines carry out filtration, remove excess water and unnecessary substances from the body.

2. Pericardium is a functional system that regulates blood circulation (together with the heart), respiration and sexual functions. His task is to protect the heart from outside threats.

Oriental healers, relying on vast experience, proved that not only the dose, but also the time of taking them is of great importance when taking medicines. Therefore, knowing the time of the highest activity of the organs, it is possible to carry out procedures aimed at strengthening health, introducing healing substances or washing out poisons much more efficiently. The most favorable influence on these organs and parts of the body will be provided by medical and wellness procedures, if we also take into account the daily position of the moon.

So, for example, from 7 to 9 o'clock is the most suitable time for breakfast (the stomach is most active), from 11 to 13 o'clock - for the largest meal (when the heart is active). Those suffering from poor blood circulation are advised to move less from 11 am to 1 pm and stay in the shade on hot days. If you have problems with the small intestine, then the treatment is effective at this time. From 5 pm to 7 pm is a favorable time for dinner, kidney and back treatment (kidney activity time). From 19:00 to 21:00, the Moon appears in the sky, at this time it is most effective to be treated for impotence and frigidity. The period from 21 to 23 hours is exceptionally good for helping with skin and hair.

From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. is the most mystical part of the day.

Daily activity of organs by hours and functions

(the most favorable time for their recovery, purification and treatment)

Yang-period (from 6.00 to 18.00) - the activity of the body, the breakdown of its structures, the acquisition and digestion of food, i.e., the waste of energy (catabolism).

Yin-period (from 18.00 to 6.00) - the transition of the body to a passive state, the assimilation of absorbed food (anabolism), the restoration of destroyed structures in a day

Pitta (Bile) is a favorable time (10.00-14.00, 22.00-2.00) for all physiological reactions in the body: digestion, metabolism, immunity, etc.

Vata (Wind) - (14.00-18.00, 2.00-6.00) drying up and cooling of the body, a favorable time for the circulation of air, blood, lymph and other fluids in the body.

Kapha (Plime) - (18.00-22.00, 6.00-10.00) mucus of the body, decrease in calorific abilities, predisposition of the body to colds and tumor diseases.

The highest pulse rate is observed at 17-18 hours, the decrease in the pulse is at 13-14 and 22-23 hours. Blood pressure has a minimum value in the early morning hours and around midnight, and a maximum at 16-20 hours. Therefore, most drugs that lower blood pressure, it is advisable to take at 15-17 hours.

The maximum readings of body temperature and blood pressure are observed at 18 o'clock, body weight - at 20 o'clock, minute respiratory volume - at 13, leukocytes in the blood at 24 o'clock.

It has been established that a decrease in body temperature can cause a restructuring of physiological rhythms. The biological clock slows down. Human life is extended.
With an increase in body temperature, for example, with the flu, the human biological clock, on the contrary, begins to rush.

During the day organ activity by the hour a person has several rises in physiological activity.

In the daytime, they are observed from 10 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm. This time is most favorable for doing physical work, making decisions, new beginnings.

Night physiological rise falls on the time from 0 to 1 o'clock in the morning. Some successfully use this time for creativity.

At 5-6 o'clock in the morning, a person has the highest efficiency: the pressure increases, the heart beats more often, the blood pulsates. Viruses and bacteria at this time are least likely to infiltrate our body. The most significant peak of normal labor occurs in the morning hours.

The most favorable time for going to bed - 21-23 hours - falls on one of the physiological recessions. And if it is not possible to fall asleep by 23 o'clock, then later it is more difficult to do it because of the physiological rise approaching 24 o'clock. This is especially useful for people who suffer from insomnia.

Morning can store danger for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Their body is especially sensitive to the “wake up” signal. Usually, blood pressure, which is lowered at night, jumps sharply upon awakening. A change in the biorhythm under the influence of a light stimulus causes the tonsils to release an increased amount of hormones into the blood. This causes the blood cells to stick together, which can eventually lead to a stroke.

After 12 noon, the first period of daily activity takes place. Less glucose enters the blood from the liver. Starts to feel tired. Rest is needed. After 13:00, the energy production curve goes down, our reactions slow down. This is the second low point in the diurnal cycle.

After 14 hours, the state of health begins to improve. The sense organs, and above all the sense of smell and taste, become particularly sensitive. This is the best time to eat.

At 16 o'clock, the second daily physiological rise begins. At this time, it is good to play sports: the body feels the need for movement, and mental activity gradually fades away. During evening training, the flexibility of athletes increases, but their growth decreases, and this is most noticeable in people of the asthenic type, and least in picnics.

After 6 p.m., blood pressure rises, we become nervous, quarrels over trifles easily arise. This is a bad time for allergy sufferers. Often at this time, the head starts to hurt.

After 19 hours our weight reaches its maximum (daily), the reactions become unusually fast. At this time, the least traffic accidents are recorded.

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves.

After 9 pm, the number of white blood cells almost doubles, the body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues. The body needs to be prepared for sleep.

Between 2 and 4 o'clock in the morning, memory, coordination of movements deteriorate, slowness in actions appears, the number of errors in the performance of mental work increases, muscle strength decreases by 2-4 kilograms, and the heart rate decreases by 15-20 beats, by 4-6 breaths - expiration, pulmonary ventilation decreases, blood oxygen saturation decreases by 4-5%.
Only the liver uses this period for intensive metabolism, removing all toxic substances from the body. There is a lot of cleansing going on in our body.
At four o'clock in the morning, the brain receives the minimum amount of blood. Although the body works at minimum speed, but the hearing is aggravated. A person can wake up even the slightest noise. This is the time when most people die.

The value of circadian rhythms can be used to increase, as well as to reduce the doses of drugs, since even small dosages are absorbed to the maximum during the period of organ activity.


  • Michael Smolensky, one of the leading experts in the field of chronobiology, and Lynne Lamberg, a veteran medical journalist, wrote the book "The Body Clock Guide to Better Health" by Michael Smolensky and Lynne Lamberg.
  • Deepak Chopra - "Full sleep. Complete program to overcome insomnia.
  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E.S. Simakova






UDC 373:811.161.1

BBK 81.2Rus-922

Simakova, Elena Svyatoslavovna

C37 Unified State Exam-2017: Russian language: 40 training options

examination papers to prepare for the unified state exam / E.S. Simakov. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2016. - 319, p. - (USE-2017. A large collection of training options) ISBN 978-5-17-096611-0 (LLC "AST Publishing House") A manual for preparing for the USE, which contains 40 training options for examination papers, is offered to the attention of schoolchildren and applicants.

Each option is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the unified state exam, includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity.

At the end of the book, answers are given for self-testing for all tasks of part 1 and criteria for evaluating a task with a detailed answer of part 2.

UDC 373:811.161.1 BBC 81.2Rus-922 ISBN 978-5-17-096611-0 (AST Publishing House LLC) © Simakova E.S.

© AST Publishing House LLC

.................................. 143 Operating Instructions ..... 5 Option 22............. .............. 150 Option 1....................... 6 Option 23...... .................... 158 Option 24....................... 165 Option 2 .................. 13 Option 25 ..................... .... 172 Option 3.......................... 20 Option 26............. ...

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The manual is intended for graduates of educational institutions, applicants, teachers. It contains practical training materials that provide high-quality preparation for the unified state exam, namely, options for tests for self-control, provided with answers, recommendations for writing an essay-reasoning.

The structure of the examination work, the types of tasks of varying complexity in each option are developed according to the "Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in the Russian language" and "Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for the unified state exam in the Russian language", drawn up

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). Each test includes the following questions:

Improving the ability to be aware of the connection and sequence of sentences in the text;

Forming the ability to identify and qualify the means of speech expressiveness;

Developing spelling and punctuation skills;

Increasing the speech culture of students, including improving knowledge of the norms of the modern Russian literary language (orthoepic, morphological, syntactic and other norms);

Teaching essays based on the proposed text.

The performance of training tasks serves as preparation for testing: on the one hand, the student masters the test form of control, and on the other hand, he increases his own level of knowledge of all sections of the science of language, acquires and improves the skills necessary for passing the exam. The manual creates conditions for systematic work and systematic repetition of the school course of the Russian language.

The manual includes 40 variants of examination papers (1000 tasks in total). All tasks are provided with answers that will help to control the quality of knowledge.

Due to possible changes in the format and number of tasks, in the process of preparing for the exam, we recommend that you refer to the materials on the website of the official developer of examination tasks - the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements:

Instructions for the performance of the work The examination work consists of two parts, containing 25 tasks. Part 1 contains 24 tasks, part 2 contains one task.

3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper in the Russian language.

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it according to the samples below to the answer form No. 1.

Task 25 of part 2 is an essay based on the read text. This task is performed on the answer sheet No. 2.

All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. You can use a gel, capillary or fountain pen.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries do not count towards the assessment of the work.

The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success! OPTION 1

Part 1 The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

(1) More than 20 churches have been preserved in Norway, built at the end of the Viking Age using a very ingenious technology. (2) The Vikings have long lost their concrete historical essence and take a place on the shelf next to the trolls on the rights of indeterminate antiquity. (3) ... they have a history that ended in the 11th century when Norway became Christian. (4) Throughout the country, they began to diligently build wooden churches with an ingenious frame system that allows you to replace any rotten part or disassemble the church into logs, like a designer, and transport it to another place. (5) Therefore, churches were often given to kings or just good people, bought and sold. (6) The richer the community, the more magnificent the carved portals, decorated with dragons and other old-fashioned evil spirits - in case the Christian saints suddenly do not help.

1) The end of the Viking Age was marked by the construction of wooden collapsible churches.

2) More than 20 churches preserved in Norway from the Viking Age have a frame system and can be dismantled and transported to a new location.

3) Collapsible wooden churches with a special frame system have been preserved in Norway since the end of the Viking Age.

4) In the 11th century, Norway became Christian, and all over the country began to build wooden churches with an ingenious frame system that could be sold, bought or donated.

5) In collapsible wooden churches in Norway, carved portals are decorated not only with images of Christian saints, but also with dragons and evil spirits.


–  –  –

Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word HISTORY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

HISTORY, -and, f.

1) Reality in its development, movement. Laws of history.

2) The totality of sciences that study the past of human society. World (universal) history. History of the Middle Ages.

3) Incident, event, mostly unpleasant (colloquial). Get into history.

4) The past, preserved in the memory of mankind. Events in history.

5) Story, narration (colloquial). Tell funny stories.

–  –  –

Agreements on TRUST management of the ward's property related to real estate are subject to mandatory state registration.

The TRUSTEE complied with the request of the principal.

With age, the British kittens of my acquaintances began to GO GOOL: they went bald and the fur lost its luster.

People flocked there to the cinema, despite the weekday.

The brewhouse was damp and cold.

–  –  –


–  –  –

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE.

Open the brackets and write out these two words.

“THAT (SAME) is my hero!” - Tamara exclaimed (IN) HEARTS.

(I) SO, this is a (REALLY) wonderful plant that needs careful care.

The scout was (ON) THE CHECK and watched (IN) BOTH.

(B) CONSEQUENTLY, the dollar declined, (NOT) DESPITE the forecasts of financial analysts.

Through life they walked HAND (ON) HAND, (FOR) IT was easier to overcome difficulties.

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

A remarkable (1) mind, sophistication (2) manners and discipline (3) helped the Suvorovs become a famous military (4) leader.

Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

2) You and my wedding song and my crazy star. (N.C.)

3) The stove was heated hot and dinner was cooked in it ... (M. L.).

4) By that time, his physiognomy represented something that sharply testified to the characteristics and essence of the whole life he had lived. (F.D.)

5) The cook was ordered to clean up the table as quietly as possible and not to knock dishes and feet. (A. Ch.)



And the tank (1) increasing speed (2) increasingly covered (3) by fire (5) widely dangling through the armor (4) rammed (6) entered this darkness (7) closed the gun (8) began to turn right and left at one place…. (Yu. B.) Answer:.

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.

Meanwhile (1) it is already quite dark in the girl's room, and Kovalev (2) finally (3) decides to see if Sudak is coming. (I. B.) She had an extraordinary reading talent, and (4) maybe (5) a kind of genius. (LW) Answer:.

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

It seemed (1) that they would forever stand on the horizons (2) these pale blue clouds (3) under which (4) thatched roofs turned gray (5) vines turned green (6) and colorful cells of the surrounding fields were full of colors. (I. B.) Answer:.

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Foggy masses rose in the night sky (1) and (2) when the last starry gap was swallowed up (3) a blind wind (4) covering his face with his sleeves (5) swept low (6) along the deserted street. (V.N.) Answer:.

–  –  –

(1) A couple of wolves have lived in a small dark cage with thick iron bars for ten years. (2) Although many of the inhabitants of the zoo had names, for some reason the wolves remained nameless. (3) The she-wolf seemed quite young - she was thin, reddish, tall, with slightly squinting bright yellow eyes. (4) The wolf was large, with a heavy head and also very thin and flat, like a washboard. (5) A long light mane covered his neck, and every spring during the molt, ugly tufts of wool hung on it for a long time. (6) He limped on both hind legs, and when, wobbling, he began to walk around the cage, he became like an invalid, paralyzed. (7) In his youth, the wolf once managed to escape from the cage.

(8) But he never managed to overcome the high stone fence that surrounded the entire zoo. (9) In the morning they caught him, again drove him into a cage and beat him for a long time with an iron rod. (10) After that, he began to constantly drag his hind legs.

(11) The she-wolf was very attached to him, and he answered her with the most tender and courageous love that he was capable of. (12) They often played with each other like puppies, and the she-wolf always managed to gently lick his nose. (13) The wolf rarely got angry with her, but if this happened, he became ferocious and terrible:

his hair stood on end, he pursed his lips, revealing huge, curved, like sabers, yellow fangs. (14) And the she-wolf immediately fell like a puppy on her back and raised her paws up as a sign of her complete humility.

OPTION 1 (15) But most often the wolves lay dozing, not paying attention to people, and woke up only when the workers began to deliver meat. (16) They instantly caught the familiar creaking of a cart with meat and were transformed - they jumped onto the net, waving their tails and whining with impatience.

(17) Every spring, in April or May, the she-wolf brought cubs. (18) But only once in her whole life she managed to feed her wolf cubs - she was happy that summer ... (19) Then her children, grown up and strong, were sold to the circus. (20) Of course, she didn’t know this, but how painful, how sad she was then! (21) Exciting the whole zoo, she howled day and night, and the wolf howled at her. (22) But it was even more terrible when her cubs disappeared on the same day on which they were born. (23) Still wet, not licked by her, they only had time to fall on her swollen nipples, when people came, drove the wolves into the next cage with long iron sticks and took away all the cubs. (24) She howled, growled, gnawed the net in a rage, but what could she ?! (25) After her cubs were taken away, the she-wolf lay for days on end without moving, as if dead, did not eat anything, did not feel anything, except for the debilitating pain in her chest overflowing with milk. (26) But time passed, she gradually came to life, as if she had forgotten about the cubs, again began to play with the wolf and sometimes caressed him as gently as she would caress her disappeared children.

(M. D. Valeeva *) * Maya Diasovna Valeeva (b. 1962) - Tatar writer, author of books about the world of nature and man.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) At the zoo, a couple of wolves were not given names, although other animals did not remain nameless.

2) The wolf was severely beaten for trying to escape, and now he was slowly moving around the cage, dragging his hind legs.

3) Every year, the she-wolf brought cubs, which were taken away and sold to the circus.

4) Wolves hated people and scared them with wild howls.

5) If people who brought meat came to the cage, then the wolves jumped onto the net, waving their tails and whining with impatience.

–  –  –

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

–  –  –

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated with 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) The internal rhythms of a person roughly correspond to a day: a person falls asleep and wakes up with a frequency of 24 plus or minus three hours. (2) Focusing on vision, the brain releases melatonin, the sleep hormone, into the blood, preventing the body from falling behind or ahead of daily rhythms. (3) With a rapid change in time zone, melatonin production goes off track and biological rhythms drift. (4) Failures in the change of day and night also disrupt the cyclical production of cortisol, one of the wakefulness hormones. (5) In most people, its blood levels rise from midnight, reaching a maximum concentration by 6-8 a.m., when melatonin production almost stops. (6) ... if you do not fall asleep in time, the body will respond with drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night. (7) Obesity and heart disease are the consequences of a chronic disturbance in the production of these hormones.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Human circadian rhythms are associated with the release of sleep and wakefulness hormones into the blood, violation of the regimen leads to improper production of these hormones and diseases.

2) With a quick change in the time zone, human biological rhythms go astray.

3) The hormones melatonin and cortisol that regulate the daily rhythms of a person determine the periods of sleep and wakefulness of a person, disturbances in their production negatively affect health.

4) The brain releases the hormones melatonin and cortisol into the human blood, focusing on vision.

5) Failures in the change of day and night and chronic sleep deprivation lead to obesity and heart disease.


–  –  –

Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word ORGANISM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ORGANISM, -a, m.

1) A living being that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. Animals, plant organisms.

2) Complexly organized unity, integrity. state organism.

3) The totality of the physical and spiritual properties of a person. Strong body.

Weakened body.

–  –  –

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

A LIBRARY SUBSCRIBER received a book sent from the capital.

Mothers for the anniversary gave a handbag of their CROCODILE skin.

FIST fighting was an old Russian pastime.

Anna's nephew turned out to be an INCONSISTENT and indifferent boy to everything.

The conflict was quickly resolved, thanks to the POLITICAL approach of the leader.

–  –  –

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
