Agreement of the adjective with the noun in number and gender

Summary of a group speech therapy lesson for writing and reading deficiencies,...

Tshombe, mercenaries, "Wild Geese", book, film and life

Mercenaries participated in almost all major military campaigns: from Antiquity to...

The main characters of "Mumu": brief description

(Drawing by I.I. Pchelko) The simplicity and irony of the images of Turgenev’s heroes almost immediately...

The beginning of global strategies, the struggle for dividing the world

The following brief summary of this development at the end of the 19th century: “Characteristic...

Three useful life hacks on how to solve quadratic equations faster than using a discriminant

We continue to study the topic “solving equations”. We have already met linear...

Konstantin Simonov biography

In the minds of living people, the name of Konstantin Simonov is strongly associated with...

Hissing consonants in Russian

In the Russian language, not all speech sounds are designated, but only the main ones. In Russian there are 43...

Characteristics of cytoplasmic movement

Hyaloplasm (cytoplasmic matrix) is a transparent colloidal solution of organic and...