Agreement of the adjective with the noun in number and gender

Summary of a group speech therapy lesson for writing and reading deficiencies,...

Quotes with the word "conclude"

In English there is a rule for the coordination (sequence) of tenses in...

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

We were accidentally brought together by fate, We found ourselves in one another, And soul became friends with soul;...

Leader of the Cold Worlds

BASIC FEATURES OF SCIENTIFIC STYLE Purpose of the lesson: To generalize and deepen knowledge on the topic...

1564 event. "Apostle. Why "Apostle"

In 1560, Ivan IV radically changed his entire policy. He refused Adashev's help...

Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors: biography

Date of death Affiliation Russian Empire Ukrainian SSR Branch of troops Years...

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors in the Bryansk region

In the Soviet Union, his name was a legend. Streets and state farms, ships were named in his honor...

N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General": description, characters, comedy analysis. Officials in Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" Question to the class: "Who lives well in the city?"

Plan Introduction Images of officials - a gallery of typical characters of the provincial...