What hard hissing sounds. Hissing consonants in Russian

In Russian, not all speech sounds are indicated, but only the main ones. There are 43 basic sounds in Russian - 6 vowels and 37 consonants, while the number of letters is 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 37 sounds) also do not match. The difference in the quantitative composition of the main sounds and letters is determined by the peculiarities of Russian writing. In Russian, hard and soft sounds are denoted by the same letter, but soft and hard sounds are considered different, which is why there are more consonant sounds than the letters they are denoted by.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. Voiced sounds are made up of noise and voice, deaf sounds are made up of noise only.

Voiced consonants: [b] [b "] [c] [c "] [g] [g "] [d] [d "] [h] [h "] [g] [l] [l "] [ m] [m "] [n] [n"] [r] [r "] [th]

Deaf consonants: [n] [n "] [f] [f "] [k] [k "] [t] [t "] [s] [s "] [w] [x] [x"] [ h "] [u"]

Paired and unpaired consonants

Many consonants form pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants:

Voiced [b] [b "] [c] [c "] [g] [g "] [d] [d "] [h] [h "] [g]

Deaf [n] [n "] [f] [f "] [k] [k "] [t] [t "] [s] [s "] [w]

The following voiced and voiceless consonants do not form pairs:

Voiced [l] [l "] [m] [m "] [n] [n "] [r] [r "] [th]

Deaf [x] [x "] [h "] [u"]

Soft and hard consonants

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft. They differ in the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form pairs of hard and soft consonants:

Solid [b] [c] [g] [d] [h] [k] [l] [m] [n] [p] [r] [s] [t] [f] [x]

Soft [b "] [c"] [g "] [d"] [h "] [k"] [l"] [m "] [n"] [n "] [p"] [s"] [ t "] [f"] [x"]

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs:

Solid [w] [w] [c]

Soft [h "] [u"] [th"]

Hissing consonants

The sounds [w], [w], [h ’], [u ’] are called hissing.

[w] [w] [h "] [u"]

Whistling consonants

[s] [s "] [s] [s "] [c]

Whistling sounds s-s, s-z anterior-lingual, slotted. When articulating hard s-z, the teeth are exposed, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is slightly curved, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, which causes a groove to form in the middle. Air flows through this groove creating frictional noise.

When pronouncing soft s, z, the articulation is the same, but additionally the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate. When pronouncing sounds, the z-z ligaments are closed and vibrate. The palatine curtain is up.

There are 21 consonants and 37 consonants in Russian:

LetterSounds LetterSounds
B [b], [b"] P [P], [P"]
IN [V], [V"] R [R], [R"]
G [G], [G"] WITH [With], [With"]
D [d], [d"] T [T], [T"]
AND [and], [and"] F [f], [f"]
W [h], [h"] X [X], [X"]
Y [th"] C [c]
TO [To], [To"] H [h"]
L [l], [l"] W [sh]
M [m], [m"] SCH [sch"]
H [n], [n"]

Consonants are hard and soft, voiced and deaf. The softness of sound in transcription is indicated by [ " ].

Hard and soft consonants

A solid consonant is produced when the consonant is followed by a vowel. A, O, U, S or E:

lo ku we fe

A soft consonant is produced when the consonant is followed by a vowel. E, Yo, I, Yu or I:

be le ki nu la

The softness of consonants is also indicated with a soft sign - b. The soft sign itself does not denote sound. It is written after a consonant letter and together with it denotes one soft consonant sound:

lynx [lynx"], fire [fire"], snowstorm [in the "th" ug].

Most consonants correspond to two sounds: hard and soft, such consonants are called paired.

Paired consonants for hardness - softness:

But there are consonants that correspond to only one of the sounds: hard or soft. Such consonants are called unpaired.

Unpaired hard consonants(always solid):

AND [and], W [sh], C [c].

Unpaired soft consonants(always soft):

H [h"], SCH[sch"], Y [th"].

In Russian there is a long voiced soft sound [ and"]. It is found in a small number of words and is obtained only when pronouncing combinations of letters zhzh, zhzh, zhd:

reins, rattle, rain.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonants can be divided into voiceless and voiced.

Deaf consonants are called such sounds, the pronunciation of which does not use the voice. They consist only of noise. For example: sounds [ With], [sh], [h"].

Voiced consonants are called such sounds, the pronunciation of which uses the voice, that is, they consist of voice and noise. For example: sounds [ R], [and], [d].

Some sounds make up a pair: voiced - deaf, such sounds are called paired.

Paired consonants for deafness - voicedness:

Unpaired voiced consonants: Y, L, M, N, R.

Unpaired voiceless consonants: X, C, H, W.

Hissing and whistling consonants

Sounds [ and], [sh], [h"], [sch"] are called hissing consonants. Sounds [ and] And [ sh] are unpaired hard hissing consonants:

bug [bug], jester [jester]

Sounds [ h"] And [ sch"] are unpaired soft hissing consonants:

siskin [h "izh], shield [shield]

Sounds [ h], [h"], [With], [With"], [c] are called whistling consonants.

Letter and sound Y

Letter Y(and short) denotes the sound [ th"]: paradise [paradise"].

Letter Y it is written:

  1. At the beginning of words:

    iodine, yogurt.

  2. In the middle of words, before consonants:

    husky, t-shirt, coffee pot.

  3. At the end of words:

    paradise, may, yours.

Sound [ th"] is more common than letters Y, since it appears in words where there is no letter Y, but there are vowels I, E, Yu And Yo. Consider in what cases the sound [ th"] occurs in words that do not contain a letter Y:

  1. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo are at the beginning of a word:

    pit [th "ama],

  2. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo come after vowels:

    blowing [blow it],

  3. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo stand after a dividing solid sign ( Kommersant):

    entry [vy "ezd],

  4. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo stand after the separating soft sign ( b):

    pouring [l "th" from],

  5. vowel AND stands after the separator soft sign ( b):

    hives [st "th" and].

As you know, the Russian alphabet includes 33 letters. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of "letter" from the sound. The letter is what we write and see, and the sound is what we hear and pronounce.

Of the 21st consonant letters, two (these are “b” and “b”) do not have sound equivalents. Others are divided into several categories by sounds, one of them is hissing. From the first grade, everyone learns a simple rule about them: "zhi" and shi" is written with "i", "cha" or "scha" is written with "a", and the combinations "shu" or "chu" with "y".

Classification of sounds in Russian

The phonetics of the Russian language includes vowels and consonants, which are indicated in the letter by certain letters.

key vowels that are under stress, there are only six:

Since there are more consonant sound formations in Russian, they are classified according to the following criteria:

  • the way of education;
  • place;
  • by the degree of participation of noise and voice.
  • sonorants and their soft pairs (p, m, l) and "th" without a pair;
  • noisy (voiced and deaf);
  • hissing (u, h, w and w).

At the same time, W and W are always hard, and H and W are only soft.

Features of hissing sounds

Hissing during pronunciation have their own characteristics. So, the lips need to be tightened and slightly pushed forward. They cannot be pronounced with closed lips, unlike some others (for example, M). The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate with its edges, leaving a small space in the center of the tongue. It is through it that the air passes, forming a hissing sound during pronunciation.

Initially, hissing consonants were soft in Old Russian. They appeared as a result of the first palatalization, or when the combination of consonants with, ["zj] and other sounds changed.

The initial softness of these sounds determined the fact that in many literary monuments the letters that denoted them , pronounced with subsequent vowels or "ь", For example:

  • husband;
  • nessshi;
  • hour;
  • comfort, etc.

However, in the process of the formation of language norms and adverbs, [w] and [g] hardened, but “h” still remained soft. The curing of [w] took place around the 14th century. At this time, spellings of the sounds [w] or [g] with the letter “y” after them appear in literary monuments. For example, "Shyshkin" or "hold".

In modern language traditionally spelling a soft sign at the end or the letter "and" to indicate the sound [s] in words such as:

  • disturb;
  • sew;
  • rye, etc.

Combinations such as soft [shtshch] or [zhdzh], which were common in antiquity, then lost the explosive element in such combinations in words such as “I'm looking for” or “yeast”.

Sample tasks on the topic of hissing consonants

The teacher who will conduct a lesson for first graders on this topic, must take on the following tasks:

  • he is obliged to create conditions for children to learn the concept of hardness and softness of consonants, for example, that “w” and “sh” are always hard;
  • teach students to correctly formulate writing skills;
  • develop their written language and coherent oral;
  • use new information technologies in teaching.

After the teacher explains the essence of the lesson, he can write several letters on the board (B, L, C, K, P).

Then the question is asked which of the presented letters does not indicate any sound, then the correct answer is b. You can also ask students to find the letter that represents the hissing sound.

  • children are invited to take turns reading the text (the skill of reading aloud is being improved);
  • choose some words and invite the children to explain their meaning (at the choice of the teacher);
  • offer to find those words in which there are letters denoting hissing consonants;
  • Have them say them out loud and write the letters on the board.

The next part of the lesson is to do work with images. Hang the pictures on the board and ask the students the following questions:

  • what objects are shown in the pictures;
  • what names contain hissing sounds;
  • which of the listed sibilants are hard and which are soft.

Working with tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are a great warm-up for kids which perfectly develops their speech skills. In the educational process, they are used in different ways, in particular, in the study of hissing consonants.

Ask the children what hissing sounds they found in tongue twisters, if they differ from each other, and what are their main characteristics.

Dictation offer to write down one of them in a notebook and ask the students to underline the hard (or soft) sibilants. Ask one of the students to do this at the blackboard.

Partial written work was mentioned above. It can also include homework. Sometimes workbooks contain tasks when you need to insert missing letters into words where certain hisses are present. They should be emphasized.

So, we examined what hissing consonant sounds are, how they can be determined, and with the help of what tasks it is possible to conduct a lesson at school on this topic.


Watch an interesting video tutorial about hissing consonants.

The topic of the lesson is "Hissing consonants."

Goals: conduct observations on the peculiarity of the pronunciation of hissing sounds; to form the ability to recognize hissing consonant sounds in words; develop the skill of correct spelling of words with studied spelling; learn to work with text; give ideas about hard consonant sounds [Ж] and [Ш] and soft sounds [Ч "] and [Щ"].

Planned results: students will learn how to correctly pronounce hissing consonant sounds; distinguish hissing consonant sounds in words.

Lesson objectives:

    creating conditions for replenishing children's knowledge about the hardness-softness of consonant sounds ([w] - [w] - always hard);

    to promote the formation of literate writing skills;

    to develop in students coherent oral and written speech.

    instilling interest in Russian language lessons through the use of information technology.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

A cheerful bell rang

We are starting our lesson.

We are on the road with the Russian language.

And we take a good mood to help.

What is the mood?


slide 1.

Children, today we are going to have an extraordinary trip to the country of animation. We found ourselves in a wonderful fairy-tale meadow. Where are we?

slide 2

Drawn country
cute round animals
From end to end she
In a thousand rabbit jumps.

So who are we visiting?

Right. We were invited to Smeshariki. (slide3 )

    Knowledge update.

So, let's start the journey.

This house is colorful
Like a master of long ears!
And visible from afar
And boom boom!
From it, well, very often,
Because you won't understand
Why so restless
This cute rabbit Krosh! (slide4)

Guys, Krosh loves to joke, he is such a fun guy. I hid the topic of our lesson, encrypted it. Let's play with Krosh in his game.(Slide5)

Suggestion board:

    A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.

    Six mice rustle in a hut.

    Wolves roam, looking for food.

What are these offers called?

How are tongue twisters read?

Let's say it slowly first and then quickly.

Was it difficult to pronounce? Who guessed what sounds these tongue twisters teach to pronounce?

    goal setting

What do you think is the topic of our lesson today? (slide 6) (hissing consonants)

What goals will we set? (Learn to pronounce hissing consonants correctly; learn to distinguish them in words)

Cognitive task lesson: what are hissing consonants.

(slide 7)

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Organization of perception and comprehension of new information, that is, the assimilation of initial data.

    1. Textbook work.

Ex. 1 (p. 104)


What is this text about?

Find words that have hissing sounds. Say each hissing sound. Name the letter with which it is designated on the letter.

Find in the text words with hissing consonants. Name the letters they represent.

Ex. 2 (p. 104)

Review the drawings. Name the items.

Listen to the sound of the hissing consonant in each of the words.

Which of the hissing consonants in these words are hard and which are soft?

Let's all get up. introduced themselvesballoon . We start to deflate, we make a sound. And now we -beetles . They buzzed. What sounds did we make? Are they hard or soft?slide 8, 9)

2. Primary check of understanding. Slide 10

These tasks were invented for you by the Hedgehog.

slide 11

Working with tongue twisters. (One write off in a notebook, emphasizing the letters that indicate the hissing sounds.)

slide 12

Here we see a beautiful house,
And flowers grow all around
And the hostess is just
Queen of beauty.
No, not a queen yet
But princess, yes,
Inspire everyone you know
For great things!
Who is this clumsy
Who is the fastest of all
Gathered guests?
Well, of course it's Nyusha!

She really loves to read books. And then one day she read her favorite poem, and the butterflies, playing, covered a few words in it. Let's read this passage and fill in the right words.Slide 13-16

Well done! You did it.How pleased with your answers Nyusha.

    Physical education minute. ( slide17 ) Sovunya invites you to rest. She likes to organize morning exercises. Her motto is "Give a healthy and cheerful lifestyle!"(Musical physical education)

And we go to the next house.

    Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

3. Organization of the assimilation of methods of activity by reproducing information and exercises in its application according to the model.

VIII . Vocabulary work. slide18

Here we see the house
And a heart on the door
And inside is full of paper
On the paper of that verse.
He is a romantic, he is a dreamer
He is afraid of heights
Gore is an ardent contemplator,
With Nyusha, the muse of beauty.
To be inspired
Make a sharp turn
What is this creation?
Well, of course - Barash.

Barash offers you a proverb. Read it.


    Introduction to a new word.

AnyJobeasy if you do it willingly.

How many syllables are there in a word?

What percussion?

What unstressed vowel do we need to remember?

Split the word to hyphenate.

Write the word in your notebook. Place the stress and underline the unstressed vowel A.

2. Work on the development of speech.

Orally - make a sentence with a new dictionary word.

3. Creative application and acquisition of knowledge, development of methods of activity by solving problematic tasks built on the basis of previously acquired knowledge and skills.

slide 20.

This house smells like honey

Garden around the house.

Unfamiliar with ice

The disco dancer lives in it.

There is no better landowner,

He is talented here and there

good-natured bear

Everyone calls Kopatych.

Kopatych is a very active bear, hardworking, generous. He loves his friends very much and hopes to test your knowledge of hissing consonants with their help.

Work in pairs. slide 21.

In this fabulous country, everyone is friends, help each other in difficult times, rejoice together and grieve together. But it's great when you have friends.

Exercise: restore the poem. Emphasize sizzling. Come up with a title for the poem.

1 .In the morning, grandfather asked his granddaughter

Why don't you wash your hands?

Granddaughter answers:

I'm not white! (7 hisses)

2 .The spring day has come.

I run out onto the porch.

Sun in the sky, sun in a puddle.

Both shine in my face. (3 hisses)

3 . The pike swallowed the brush

Brushto herticklesthroat

Amazing thing!

What kind of fish did I eat? (5 hissing)

slide 22

Before us is a green house
He's like that because of the grass
A scientist lives there
He is a connoisseur of beauty!
There are many books in this house
And this dummy planet,
Call it the globe.

Well, of course - Losyash!

Look guys, how many books. Losyash read them all. He knows a lot of interesting things. And for you, he has prepared such a task.

Choose appropriate words with hissing consonants

A game"Black White"

slide 24.

Pin has prepared puzzles for you .

He can assemble anything from a pile of metal, and this “anything” will work as he pleases. The result is almost impossible to predict. But for him the main thing is not the result, but the process.Slides 25-27.

IX. Reflection . slide 28.

Complete the sentences:

In class, I learned...

The most interesting task was...

The difficulty caused me...

I can commend myself for...

X . Summing up the lesson.

slide 29.

Smeshariki really liked your work at the lesson, and they prepared gifts for you. These are coloring pages with the characters of your favorite cartoon.

But before the presentation, they would like to hear again about the hissing sounds:

What consonants are called hissing sounds?

How many?

What groups are hissing divided into?

Here we know all the animals,
Round like balls
And tell us in the final
Their name is Smeshariki! List all Smeshariki whose names contain hissing sounds. (Krosh, Hedgehog, Nyusha, Barash, Losyash, Kar-Karych, Kopatych)slide 30

Children are given gifts-coloring books from Smeshariki.

What is your mood at the end of the lesson? (Slide 31).

Thank you for the lesson!

Cows - squeak

magpies - crackle

mice - fly,

bears - moo,

roosters - graze,

woodpeckers - knock,


are sleeping

Municipal budgetary educational institution"Secondary school No. 19 of the city of Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory"

Synopsis of the lesson in Russian

in 1st grade

"Hissing consonants"


primary school teacher

Dmitrieva Svetlana Anatolievna

Novoaltaisk, 2012

Lesson topic "Hissing consonants"Target: Introduce sibilant consonants. Tasks: To develop in students the ability to recognize hissing consonant sounds, to distinguish between hard and soft hissing sounds, to teach them to designate them in writing with the corresponding letters. Equipment: cards for group work, syllable cards, keywords for defining the topic of the lesson. Organizing time.
    Calligraphic minute.
La la ru ryu tsa che What two groups can syllables be divided into? (With hard consonants: la ru tsa. With soft consonants la ryu che)
    Determining the theme and goals.
Guess riddles: Tail wags. Zubasta, but does not bark. (Pike)
With a long, thin beak, a frog will grab it. A drop will drip from its beak. Who is this? (Heron)
Who walks in a stone shirt? In a stone shirt Walks ... (Turtle) As the riddles are guessed, syllable cards are attached to the board: shi pyaschie, key word of the topic of the lesson) - Why do you need to study hissing consonants?
    Working on new material.
-Find riddles hissing in words. (Ts, Ch, Sh) -What do we know about them? How are they pronounced? Let's write down what we know in the table.
What do we know? 1 - What else would you like to know? Fixing students' questions on this topic in the table. What do we know?
- Is it all hissing? What else is there in Russian? Exercise 71. Read tongue twisters.
    Misha's hat knocked down the bumps. Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner.
- What hissing sound is heard many times in the words of the first line? - In the words of the second line?
Compilation of a short record of hissing. Zh Sh Ts Ch Sh - hissing consonants
Vocabulary work. Look in the textbook dictionary for words that begin with hissing consonants. Yolk man honest thursday scarf chauffeur puppy
Commented letter. Drawing up sentences with vocabulary words by students, recording one of them with commentary. Find a base. Underline the hissing consonants.
Letter from memory. Exercise 72. I brush my puppy. I tickle his sides. (Mutual check) - Are there hissing words in these words or not? Underline them. - Compare the pronunciation of hissing? - Are they pronounced hard or soft?
Fizminutka. If there are hissing words, then clap your hands, if not, then silence.
Group work.Choose appropriate words with hissing consonants.Cows _______________, magpies -_________________, mice -_______________, the Bears -________________, roosters -_______________, woodpeckers - _________________. 2
    Words for reference: squeak, crackle, fly, low, graze, shout, knock, growl, sleep.
Summary of the lesson.- What did you learn in class? What did we learn new? What do we know? Test. If you agree with my statement, put +, if not, then -.
    1. There are 5 hissing consonants in Russian. 2. Exhaled air during the pronunciation of hissing consonants does not encounter obstacles. 3. Hissing consonants are only hard.
Answer: +, -, -

List of used literature:

1. Yakovleva S. G. Implementation of a new educational space:system potential L. V. Zankova, 2006
2. Gornostaev P. V. From Confucius to Zankov. The problem of the general development of students in the history of pedagogy, 2007
3. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 1 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)
4. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 2 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)
5. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 3 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)
