All people have a conscience why. Conscience is one of the fundamental concepts that allow us to consider ourselves human.


What is conscience? An inner voice that dictates the right behavior, or a useless quality that prevents you from reaching new career heights? Why does a person need it? How to get rid of remorse and return to a normal lifestyle? How to be guided in order to cultivate a highly moral and ethical personality? ? Where is the invisible line between the concepts of "good" and "evil"? Why listen to the inner voice when the benefits "lie" on the surface? A set of questions that arise in people at a subconscious level. In search of answers, we often have to comprehend the unknown areas of our own soul, changing the worldview and correcting established principles.

Dealing with the terminology, conscience is a "censor" of psychological processes, with the help of which a person evaluates the scale of ongoing events. Guided by an inner voice, we can determine the appropriateness of our own actions, identifying the need for our help or detachment. Such a feeling becomes a kind of “stop tap” warning us of the danger of the upcoming situation. If you did wrong, then mental anguish, explained by remorse, is directed to the right path in an attempt to correct the already existing set of circumstances.

A person who has stolen someone else's thing will return the item only if he has a correctly formed conscience. Internal calls to change the state of affairs will help to change their minds, while maintaining their moral and moral character. People deprived of such a feeling will have pitch darkness in their souls, accompanied by.

Varieties of distorted sense of conscience

Conscience is not transmitted to a person at the genetic level - it is acquired in childhood, based in the depths of the soul in the process of education. If parents choose an incorrect model of behavior with their child, then the offspring automatically develops a worldview that does not correspond to generally accepted moral laws. In families where the father beats the mother, the kid in adulthood will not be tormented by the conscience associated with assault. On the subconscious of the child, an understanding will clearly form that such communication between a man and a woman is a classic format of relationships.

If you do not correct your own worldview in time, then a person becomes an immoral personality rejected by society. He will not be able to coexist harmoniously with such foundations with the outside world. It is not surprising that people brought up in dysfunctional families often have the concepts of “good” and “evil” shifted. There is only one explanation for such consequences - the moral and moral laws by which society lives were not instilled in children. Over time, a person whose subconscious mind has formed an incorrect model of society develops serious mental disorders, accompanied by. In the 21st century, there are four types of distorted conscience:


Such feelings are the objective result of an incorrect behavior model instilled in a child in childhood. For example, previously slave-owning relations between people were considered normal, so the rights to a person belonged to a high-ranking official or king. This format of communication in society was the standard, so boys and young girls were brought up based on this “pattern”. It is not surprising that the offspring soaked up their rank with their mother's milk, knowing their privileges and responsibilities. At the moment, the situation has changed dramatically, therefore, such a model of behavior is a manifestation of immoral qualities that do not comply with the laws of society.

Unfounded guilt.

An oppressive form of conscience, accompanied by internal spiritual tortures. There is such a feeling in the process of formation of a personal conflict, in which the generally accepted foundations and social laws do not correspond to the worldview of a person. For example, parents for a long time brought up in a child a model of relationships in which a man should build a family with a woman. The grown-up offspring realizes that he is sexually attracted to the same sex. Satisfying his own desires, he has to go against the opinion of mom and dad, violating established social "laws". It is not surprising that the result of such an act is the appearance of the baseless.

conservative conscience.

Unquestioning adherence to generally accepted laws is an inappropriate decision inherent in especially executive or responsible people. Rushing to a business meeting, they may not pay attention to a person who needs help. What to do in this situation? What principles to follow? A conservative conscience will insist on personal gain, explained by the importance of the upcoming interview. Based on moral and moral foundations, you need to stop and forget about your affairs if you are convinced of the need for your help.

Ignored or justified.

Remorse of conscience makes a person experience spiritual torment, during which the inner voice points out to him the wrongness of the act done. Such a state is invariably accompanied by a variety of forms of pessimistic thinking. In an attempt to hide from the oppressive feeling of guilt, people come up with ways to satisfy the “hunger” of their own conscience. Justifying your actions is an effective method to temporarily return to a normal lifestyle. Ignoring the internal "call" of justice is another popular option that mentally ill people enjoy using. Violating the harmonious ratio of “good” and “evil” at his subconscious level, a person loses his moral and moral qualities.

How to Suppress Your Conscience: Common Mistakes

The formation of a child's conscience directly depends on the upbringing of the parents and the immediate environment of the offspring - school friends or comrades in a sports club. Correcting a distorted behavior pattern, getting rid of mental anguish, is possible only with the help of the professional help of a practicing psychologist who will deal with the patient's internal ups and downs. However, it is never too late to start changing your own worldview on your own. In order to develop such a feeling in oneself, one must first of all abandon the typical excuses and excuses of unscrupulous people. Exclude from your personality the following common factors inherent in immoral and weak-willed characters:

Initially, change your social circle by ceasing to maintain relationships with unscrupulous comrades. The influence of friends greatly affects the formation of a personal image, so this procedure cannot be neglected. Regularly being in the company of immoral friends, you risk adopting a complex of immoral qualities. In this situation, it is important to rationally approach the solution of the problem, giving an objective description of each friend.
Stop making excuses based on historical events. People who imprinted their names on world events invariably differed in a set of other personal qualities. Napoleon, who declared war on his father-in-law, was made a great but bloody emperor not by this act, but by his ingenuity and developed strategic thinking. Aristotle, who betrayed his teacher Plato, was helped to make discoveries not by this immoral act, but by a flexible mind and quick wit. Do not look up to historical figures who had no conscience - this is an inappropriate decision.

Stop covering up your own misdeeds with alternatives recognized by society in other countries of the world. A husband who has cheated on his chosen one should not explain himself to his wife, guided by the privileges of polygamy in Islam. When deceiving a friend or comrade, do not refer to the Buddhists, who place the personal desires and requirements of a person at the center of religion. It is important to realize that you are in a society with well-established laws, so the moral and moral character must meet precisely such standards.
Do not justify your inaction or shameless behavior, hiding behind good intentions. You can't help the kids in the orphanage by buying toys with the money you stole from pensioners' savings books. Women will not be able to build a full-fledged relationship by taking a man away from a family where the child is bored without the attention of his father. Pure thoughts are distinguished by the transparency of actions, under which there should be no unpleasant background.
Stop abusing drugs and tobacco products, drowning out the feeling of guilt in a glass of alcohol. Such drugs and substances help to satisfy the "hunger" of conscience only for a while. As a result, you will either have to sleep or learn to deal with emerging remorse. You cannot get rid of the internal conflict with the help of external factors - only the recognition of your own will help correct the current situation.
Stop self-flagellation, trying to make amends for your misdeeds before society. If you are sincerely aware of the scale of guilt, then you will prefer one action to a thousand words. Help the children in the orphanage by spending your own savings on toys and warm clothes. An unpleasant situation can only be redeemed by positive deeds and good deeds.

Conscience is a kind of thing that helps to cope with negative energy and bad thoughts. In important periods of life, highly moral and moral people can count on the support and useful recommendations of their inner voice, guided by their own desires within socially acceptable boundaries. The main thing is to learn how to manage your thoughts in order to eliminate the risk of unpleasant situations. If a person knows how to control his emotional state, remaining calm even in stressful cases, then there are significantly more options for a positive outcome of events.

The presence of a conscience that helps in difficult moments of life to choose the right path is a way to get rid of negative emotions and self-torture, finding peace. Coexisting in harmony with your thoughts, you will be able to rationally assess the events taking place in the world around you, choosing the optimal model of behavior. If you do not think about your moral and moral character in time, then you can significantly spoil relations with loved ones, being in conflict with generally accepted foundations and social standards.

March 23, 2014, 04:44 PM

A new research project has shown that there are areas in the human brain that are responsible for evaluating life situations, i.e. the so-called human conscience. The author of the project noted that certain areas in the brain that are responsible for conscience are activated when a person faces a choice in life or evaluates any action (good or bad). The scientists published the results of their work in one of the scientific journals.

Experts suggest that a clot of tissue in the brain, which they managed to detect, helps a person choose between “good” and “bad”. Experts believe that the site they have identified is also responsible for strategic planning. Thanks to this site, a person is able to solve several problems, as well as draw conclusions from mistakes and not make them in the future.

In the course of their research, scientists from Oxford studied the human brain, which allowed them to "see" the part in the brain that is responsible for the manifestation of conscience.

The experiment of scientists involved 25 people (both men and women). Experts wanted to determine whether conscience has a specific location or is it a purely psychological term.

All volunteers underwent magnetic resonance imaging, after which a group of researchers analyzed data on the frontal areas of the human brain.

Previous studies have shown that conscience is inherent only in humans, in animals such a phenomenon is simply absent.

During the analysis of the data, the scientists compared the brains of volunteers with the brains of monkeys, which also underwent tomography, which allowed them to conclude that there are significant differences in the frontal zone.

It is in this part of the brain that the conscience is located, which distinguishes humans from animals, said the head of the research project. After extensive research, experts have determined that the brains of primates and humans are almost identical, with the exception of the area that is responsible for conscience.

Conventionally, the specialists studied the brain was divided into 12 parts, of which 11 parts in humans and monkeys were completely the same, but humans had “lateral frontal poles”, which were not found in primates. Experts emphasize that the lateral frontal poles they discovered are a completely unique part of the human brain, which no other mammal has.

The area in the brain that distinguishes a person from all animals has the form of a small clot of spherical tissue, due to which a person is able to evaluate good or bad deeds. In other words, thanks to this part of the brain, a person can analyze situations and learn not only from his own, but also from other people's mistakes. The human brain has two frontal poles that diverge in different directions in the area behind the eyebrows.

Conscience is called a certain moral tension, a person's experience for words and deeds. At the same time, the problem of conscience can affect not only one's own actions and words, but also the actions of someone else, and the meaning of the word conscience is distorted from one individual to another.

Definition and types

Determining what conscience is is not easy at once. The thing is that the problem of conscience is centuries-old and psychologists, philosophers of each period defined this word in their own way.

What does conscience mean from a psychological point of view: this is a quality of a person that indicates that he is able to take responsibility for his actions and words. Philosophers define a sense of conscience as a moral self-consciousness that distinguishes between good and bad, and also encourages a person to do good deeds.

V. Dahl gave conscience such a definition - it is an inner consciousness, a secret corner of the soul, where lynching takes place over every action and phrase, dividing them into good and bad, as well as a feeling that can give rise to love for good and aversion to evil.

Honor and conscience are inherent in moral people who adhere to the principles of justice and rules of life. If the conscience gnaws at a person, this means that he has committed an act that he himself cannot approve.

If she never torments a person, he is said to be soulless. So if it is impossible to return the spoken words and actions, why is conscience needed, and is it needed at all, or are there motives and ways to get rid of conscience?

Concept in religion

In Christian terminology, this word consists of fellowship and message. This means what it means to live according to conscience in Christianity - to live, benefiting society, to live together with it. Deeply believing people often say that if conscience torments, it is the voice of God that reproaches us for some unseemly deeds.

Why is it different for everyone?

When conscience is tormenting, a person engages in self-digging and self-torture, reproaches and shames himself, again and again scrolling through the act in his head, as a subject of reproaches. Some people are not and never have been tormented by it, because they do not realize that they are harming someone by their actions.

In fact, to have such moral feelings is characteristic of people brought up according to a certain scheme of distinguishing between good and evil. By adulthood, a so-called measure is formed in their minds, by which they determine the coloring of their own and other people's actions. This parenting pattern is very common: we often hear young children being told that tearing leaves off trees is bad, but sharing toys is good.

But such upbringing can make a child happy in the future only if the meanings and definitions of good and evil have not been distorted by the parents. If these concepts were instilled in a distorted form or not instilled at all, it is possible that in adult life a person lives without giving an account to honor and conscience.

What does it mean to have a conscience?

To the question: “Is conscience necessary?” can only be answered in the affirmative. A man's conscience serves as a just, but also a ruthless measure of his deeds. If your conscience gnaws, it means that what you have done does not correspond to your own ideas about good or neutral deeds.

If we imagine that honor and conscience are not inherent in any person on Earth, we can safely say that chaos will begin. Everyone will do completely random things: go and kill the offender, who for others is the breadwinner of the family and an adored relative, steal money from someone, perhaps the last, destined for food or treatment. After all, making an appointment and not showing up, insulting or hitting - all this would be ubiquitous, because no one could say that these actions are disgusting and unfair to others.

Sigmund Freud briefly described this quality. He believed that it originates in infancy: the child depends on parental love and acts in accordance with their standard of good and evil, so as not to lose this love.

It follows from this that conscience appears precisely in childhood, and parents and the environment play an important role in its formation. Multiple studies have proven that a conscientious person becomes one whose parents in childhood did not beat him for misconduct, but expressed their grief at his behavior. In adulthood, this person is responsible for his every word and does everything accordingly.

Tormenting conscience

There are a lot of definitions for this word, and among these definitions there is one stable one - torturing and gnawing. What to do to a person who is tormented by conscience? First of all, be happy for yourself. This means that you clearly see the problem and know what you were doing and why you lost your peace of mind.

Sometimes frank conversations about a problem are needed. For example, parents, sisters and brothers, close friends, spouses are people who should accept you as anyone, which means they will listen if your own conscience tormented you.

If the loss of balance is caused by deeds or words that hurt another person, you need to ask his forgiveness. An accepted apology will be a real balm for a troubled soul.

Do not try to drown out such feelings or define them in a different way, attributing them to fatigue or nervousness. If you have the honor to admit what you have done to yourself, life will become much easier.

A tormenting act is not always equivalent to the sensations experienced by the perpetrator. For example, some greatly exaggerate what they have done - such a situation is well described in Anton Chekhov's short story "The Death of an Official". A person can simply bring himself to hysteria when there are no objective reasons for this.

The most effective is still a dialogue with an offended person. Remember that a frank apology is not a humiliation or an infringement of pride, but shows you as a highly moral and well-mannered person who can answer for his words and deeds.

Differences from honor

Honor, conscience, guilt, duty - this is just a short list of terms and states that are often identified. Honor and conscience are quite close concepts, but they have certain differences, and fundamental ones.

Lastly, we measure our own actions in relation to others. This is a kind of inner judge of all words and deeds that brought joy to someone, and grief to someone. In accordance with this, the soul becomes good and easy, otherwise the conscience torments.

Honor is the measure of behavior towards oneself. There is a stable expression: this is below my honor and dignity. This means that a person cannot act in a certain way without hurting his own feelings.

It is worth noting that honor imposes a much greater responsibility. Honor is a set of strict rules and principles in which a person is brought up from childhood. This does not mean putting yourself above others, on the contrary, it means knowing your place among people and treating yourself more strictly than others.

  • Moral theology
  • St.
  • teacher
  • St.
  • arch. Evgeny Goryachev
  • St.
  • schiarchim.
  • igum.
  • arch.
  • Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom
  • bible dictionary
  • archim. Plato (Igumnov)
  • Alexey Leonov
  • Conscience- the ability of the human to distinguish and, the consciousness of good and evil (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov), a natural law that requires a God-pleasing life from the human mind (St.).

    Conscience is a desirable or active force (ability) of the human spirit, pointing a person to good and demanding its fulfillment. Being closely connected with reason and feeling, conscience has a practical character and can be called practical consciousness (St.). If the mind cognizes, and the senses feel, then conscience, as an active force, determines the type of activity of the spirit in relation to the object cognized by the mind and felt by the senses.

    In the word "conscience" the root "message" together with the particle "co" indicates "co-communication" and "co-action". The human conscience did not initially act alone. In man, before the fall, she acted together with Himself, who dwells in His human soul. Through the conscience the human soul received the message from God, therefore conscience and are called the voice of God or the voice of the human spirit enlightened by the Holy Spirit of God. The correct action of conscience is possible only in close interaction with the divine grace of the Holy Spirit. Such was the human conscience before the fall. However, after the fall, the conscience was influenced by passions, and its voice began to subside due to the diminution of the action of Divine grace. Conscience as the inner voice of God gradually turned into an external conscience, that is, the ability to act for the sake of a temporary, earthly, transient interest, and not in the name of fulfilling the Divine commandment. External conscience has led to hypocrisy, to the justification of human sins. The restoration of the correct action of conscience is possible only under the guidance of the Divine grace of the Holy Spirit, it is achievable only through a living union with God, revealed by faith in the God-man Jesus Christ.

    The conscience of a Christian has its source in God. The autonomization of conscience, that is, the appropriation of the absolute right of self-determination in the moral sphere, is inherently a sin.

    How to hear the voice of conscience?

    Conscience manifests itself in a person in the form of a moral feeling. Intending to perform, performing and / or having already performed some action, suggesting the possibility of its moral assessment, a person, to one degree or another, internally feels how this action corresponds to or.

    The correctness of a person's awareness of his moral actions depends on a number of factors, including: on the influence of the environment in which he lives (due to cultural, religious traditions, local laws, etc.), on the factor of education, self-education, on the individual moral state .

    Under the influence of these and some other factors, the voice of conscience, as a spokesman for the natural moral law, can be suppressed, muffled, and distorted. In this regard, what may be considered good for representatives of some religious, social or ethnic groups, representatives of others may be assessed as evil (for example, blood feuds, sexual promiscuity, attitudes towards abortion, etc.).

    In relation to the definition of states of conscience, adjectives such as “good” (), “clean” (), “burned” (), “vicious” (), “desecrated” (), etc. are used.

    There are three main functions of conscience. As a legislator, conscience indicates to a person how he should act in this or that case, so that this act (intention, action, etc.) corresponds to what was established by God. As a witness or judge, conscience determines whether a person has broken the law or not, whether he is right or wrong. Finally, the function of the rewarder is expressed in the fact that, depending on whether a person has violated the requirements of the moral law or not, he experiences either remorse and, or satisfaction from the committed action.

    St. Ignaty Brianchaninov:
    “Conscience guided a person before the written Law. Fallen humanity gradually assimilated an incorrect way of thinking about God, about good and evil: a falsely named reason communicated its incorrectness to conscience. The written Law has become a necessity for a guide to true knowledge of God and to God-pleasing activity. The teaching of Christ, sealed by holy baptism, heals the conscience from the deceit with which sin has infected it. Returned to us, the correct action of conscience, is supported, exalted by following the teachings of Christ.

    Stv. Theophan the Recluse:
    "Conscience. Conscious of being obliged to please God, the spirit would not know how to satisfy this duty if it were not guided by conscience in this. Having communicated to the spirit a piece of His omniscience in the indicated natural creed, God also inscribed in it the requirements of His holiness, truth and goodness, instructing him to observe the fulfillment of them himself and judge himself in good order or
    malfunctions. This side of the spirit is conscience, which indicates what is right and what is not right, what is pleasing to God and what is not pleasing, what should and should not be done; pointing out, he imperiously compels him to do that, and then rewards him with consolation for his performance, and punishes him with remorse for non-performance. Conscience is the legislator, the guardian of the law, the judge and the vindicator. It is the natural tables of the covenant of God, which extends to all people.

    Patriarch Kirill:
    We most often imagine the Judgment of God as the judgment of man. But Divine judgment is already at work, for the Lord was pleased to include judgment in the very nature of man. Man is capable of judging himself. By what law? State? No, according to the law of his conscience. And we know that very often the judgment of conscience turns out to be the most formidable for us. I had to meet with criminals sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. And when in a confidential conversation I asked what was the most difficult for them now, very often they told me: “Conscience. I can't calm down. Already the punishment is over, but the conscience does not recede.
    The court of conscience is the most severe and most impartial court, this is the court of God, because the Lord has put a moral feeling into our nature. Man is the only living being capable of judging himself. And, probably, the Last Judgment will be a continuation of this judgment. Due to human limitations, we forget a lot, sins and conflicts leave our memory, and conscience calms down. And sometimes the conscience is destroyed by vices, drunkenness, or simply the habit of committing lawlessness. But the Terrible Judgment of God will make up for all the imperfection of our own human judgment: bad memory, cynicism, neglect, deviation from the Divine commandments - all that did not give us the opportunity to justly condemn ourselves during our lifetime.

    Academician N.V. Levashov in March 2010

    What is this - a joint message (Conscience)?

    It seems that everyone has such a close concept - Conscience… What can be hidden in it? But, most likely, it is not for nothing that the mass replacement of words close to us with foreign ones is carried out. This means that something native, to which we often do not attach importance, can really carry a lot of interesting and deep things that connect us with our roots - ancestors.

    In order to figure it out ourselves and help others who wished it, people, guys from the Omsk cell of the Russian Public Movement “Renaissance. Golden Age" was organized "Round table" on the topic conscience.

    In general, when discussing with each other, everyone argues from their own bell tower, by virtue of their experience and knowledge, but there are many opinions, and the truth is one, and we will gradually approach it. During the discussion, the question arose: do all people have it, a conscience? Really good question!

    Some participants of the "Round Table" expressed the opinion that every person has a conscience from birth. Let's figure it out. This is quite possible if already present at the birth of a particular person in his genetics. This means that the genetics of such a person has evolved for more than one incarnation on this Earth, or rather, in this or a similar society (for some people, even outside the Earth). That is, this quality arises in a person (Essence) at a certain stage of his development, and with proper development, it can be fixed in the structures of this Essence, i.e. in genetics. And if a person has incarnated from a relatively high level, then the concept of Conscience is already embedded in his genetics.

    But as for its awakening… Now all kinds of conditions have been artificially created on our Earth so that even if such an acquired quality as conscience could awaken, it would be quite difficult for a person to live with it. Since there are many traps, thanks to which the concepts of "anti-conscience" (like: act for your own good; develop yourself; if another is beaten - this is his karma, you do not need to interfere) begin to actively infiltrate the minds of our children from an early age - teachers, television programs, and, most offensively, by the parents themselves, who bring up their children by their own examples.

    But the genetics of most peoples is strong enough to be able to awaken (albeit not completely) in such conditions, and it is our duty to help other people overcome such "traps". Thus, during the current life, a person can contribute both to the deepening and even greater strengthening of the concept of conscience in his genetics, and to its “lulling”. Here much depends on the person himself.

    But do not forget that the above applies to the indigenous peoples of Russia.

    For example, among another people in their "holy scripture" it is said that, since the concepts " conscience"is not in the Torah itself, then there is no such concept in nature ... The same applies to the concept of "morality" ( video). Interesting logic? It is not the laws of nature that determine what should be written in the "holy books", but the text of some "holy book" determines what can be in nature and what is not and cannot be in it.

    So, if you follow the concepts from such a “holy book”, you can do whatever you want, up to murder, as long as it does not contradict what is written there ... And at the same time, no need to think- "Holy Scripture" does it for you.

    But for some reason, following the logic of Scripture, it turns out that, sometimes, the responsibility for a particular act does not depend on the essence of the act performed, but, for example, on the religion of the one to whom this act was directed. And to the outrage from the public, the answer is about the same: as it is written in my"Holy Scripture", and it gives me one right or another.

    UD cool, isn't it?

    Torah Torah - what is written there, of course, you need to know, but we have enough of our own cases with problems. At the round table, everyone saw their own facet of the concept of "Conscience" and shared this with everyone present.

    As a result of the conversation, the opinions of the majority of people who came to the meeting agreed on a common point, conscience is a measure of a person’s actions: he acts for himself, or outside for the benefit of others. Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov He said this very well on the first day of his Seminar in Moscow in March 2010:

    "In order to evolutionary development went in the right direction and at a high pace, you need to understand some simple things: in order to learn how to influence external processes and events, a person needs not to “row for himself”, but to give back! Those. his actions should not be directed at himself, but outside. When a person is concerned only with his body - his stomach and intestines - he is not able to significantly affect external processes. But if he tries to work outward, then the effect will appear there Where are his efforts directed? In order for something to noticeably change in a person during one life, he must “plow like Papa Carlo”! He must constantly work on himself, fight with his shortcomings, get rid of instilled instincts and a perverted worldview, addictions and wrong things. He must clearly know and understand higher level of responsibility, which certainly accompanies a higher level of skills! .. "

    Conscience not all living beings who call themselves people have it (see above). Conscientious action is when you understand responsibility for the action (as well as inaction too!) and you will not do as you would not want to be treated (or not treated) with you.

    And now I propose to think a little about the spelling of the word itself - Conscience(Based on materials from the Internet, in particular from the Wikipedia site). Conscienceco joint news, that is, well-known information, experience accumulated by us and our ancestors over many lives (about the laws of nature, about good and evil, etc.), transmitted from generation to generation.

    When a person grows to the level of generation conscience, he learns to think and be guided not by personal interests (it’s better, more convenient, easier for me), but by larger interests (it’s better for the family, nature, planet). When a person grows to the level of generation conscience, there is an assessment of one's own and other people's interests, their comparison and folding "narrowly focused and less valuable" in favor of "broadly focused and more valuable". act according to co-lead- means to act in the interests of society as a whole: the society of people, living organisms, nature, that is, it means often sacrificing personal interests, if necessary.

    If a person (from indigenous peoples) does not have a severely broken genetic connection - the connection with his roots - his ancestors, at the genetic level he will have a fairly strong feeling and understanding of conscience. That is why sophisticated methods of degradation are applied to the peoples of Rus', since such fundamental concepts for us as honor, conscience, mutual aid very difficult to put to sleep - they are quite strongly developed in our genetics.
