What happens if the Earth's magnetic field disappears? Imminent problems with the earth's magnetic field are possible. If the earth's magnetic field burns out, what will happen.

According to some scientists, the Earth's magnetic field is collapsing as the planet's poles change places, which can lead to catastrophic events for all the inhabitants of the Earth.

The magnetosphere is a large area that encloses our planet in a protective dome. And it seems the time has come for us to think about other things more important than global warming.

Researchers warn we should be concerned about our planet's magnetosphere; The Earth's magnetic field is disrupted, which can not only seriously change the climate (which is already happening), but also destroy electrical grids around the world.

At the very heart of our planet lies a massive hot core that generates a magnetic field to protect our space home from deadly solar storms. The planetary shield is referred to as the magnetic field, whose mighty strength, according to researchers, has declined by 15 percent over the past two hundred years.

This huge protective natural layer of the Earth goes thousands of kilometers into space, single-handedly protecting the planet from the charged particles of the solar stream and deflecting them from the Earth. But besides that, magnetism is such an important and dominant quantity that it affects modern technologies and weather conditions as well.

However, the situation could change dramatically as scientists warn that over the past two centuries, the magnetic field has weakened significantly, suggesting that this could be a sure sign that the Earth's magnetic poles are preparing for a "flip."

If there is a “turn off” of the Earth’s magnetic field, then the entire planet and everything on it will be open to the solar wind, which will burn giant gaps in the ozone layer, which in turn can have a devastating effect on humanity.

Catastrophic forecasts suggest that if the planet's magnetosphere actually collapses, then the power grids will fall, the weather will change dramatically and painfully, people will have serious health risks. The consequences of this phenomenon will be affecting everything on Earth.

It's a big enough problem to get the most attention, says Richard Holme, professor of oceanographic and environmental sciences at the University of Liverpool. We don't have to go looking for examples, just imagine: our electricity source was knocked out - this is a serious disaster and a big problem, since little work these days can be done without electricity.

Scientists predict that among the most worrisome things that could arise from this scenario, a dramatic change in the climate situation comes to the fore. Recent research links "Global Warming" to magnetic field perturbations, suggesting that planetary warming is far less related to CO2 emissions than we previously believed.

Experts support the idea that the Earth is experiencing a natural process of low cloudiness caused by less cosmic rays hitting the planet's atmosphere. But everything can change overnight, because no one knows when exactly the magnetic poles will change, and then an unrestrained lava of hard radiation will pour onto the Earth.

The most worrying factor, according to scientists, is cosmic radiation. Experts, making forecasts, believe that in the event of the so-called "reversal" of the poles, about 1,000,000 people could die from an increase in the level of cosmic radiation at one moment. A terribly large figure, but in fact, this is just the beginning of a disaster.

Radiation can be 3-5 times more than from man-made ozone holes. In addition, there will be more ozone holes, and longer lifetimes, said Dr. Colin Forsythe of the Mullard lab at UCL.

It is interesting to note that by examining pottery fragments from ancient civilizations, scientists have been able to figure out how much the planet's magnetic field has changed in the last few centuries. According to the researchers, the Earth's magnetic field is in constant motion, and every hundred thousand years or so, the polarity of the poles "flips".

In the event that the structure of the Earth's magnetosphere continues to decline, then in the distant future the planet can expect to look exactly the same as Mars looks today. Once the Martian monastery was a green planet - but the solar winds "removed" its oceans and atmosphere, taking away the ability to support life.

The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. It is what keeps the compass needle pointing north and protects our atmosphere from the constant bombardment of charged particles from space, such as protons. Without a magnetic field, our atmosphere would slowly disappear under the influence of harmful radiation, and life would almost certainly not be able to exist in the form that we observe today.

Geomagnetic inversions

You may think that the magnetic field is an infinite, constant aspect of life on Earth, and to some extent you would be right. But the Earth's magnetic field is actually changing. About once every few hundred thousand years or so, it flips over. The North Pole changes places with the South. And when this happens, the magnetic field also tends to become very weak.

Anomaly of the South Atlantic

Geophysicists are now alarmed by the realization that the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been declining over the past 160 years at an alarming rate. This collapse is concentrated in a vast expanse of the southern hemisphere and extends from Zimbabwe to Chile. It is known as an anomaly of the South Atlantic. The strength of the magnetic field in this place is so weak that it even poses a danger to satellites that orbit the Earth over this area. The magnetic field no longer shields them from radiation that interferes with satellite electronics.

Consequences of the reversal of the magnetic field

But that is not all. The strength of the magnetic field continues to weaken, potentially heralding even more dramatic events, including a global reversal of the magnetic poles. Such a significant change will affect our navigation systems as well as power transmission. The Northern Lights can be seen at different latitudes. In addition, at very low field strengths, more radiation will reach the Earth's surface during the global roll, which can also affect cancer rates.

Scientists still do not fully understand the extent to which these effects will be achieved, so their research is especially relevant. They use some possibly unexpected sources of data, including 700 years of African archaeological records, to investigate the matter.

Origin of the Earth's magnetic field

The Earth's magnetic field is created by the presence of iron in the liquid outer core of our planet. Thanks to data from observatories and satellites that have recently studied the magnetic field, scientists can accurately model what it would look like if we placed a compass directly above the swirling liquid core of the Earth.

Reverse Polarity Spot

These analyzes reveal a striking feature: below southern Africa, there is a patch of reversed polarity at the core-mantle boundary where the liquid iron of the outer core meets the hard part of the Earth's interior. In this region, the polarity of the field is opposite to the average global magnetic field. If we could set up a compass deep under southern Africa, we would see that in this unusual area, the arrows that indicate north actually point south.

This slick is the main culprit in the anomaly in the South Atlantic. In numerical simulations, unusual patches similar to this have appeared just before geomagnetic reversals.

Throughout the history of the planet, the magnetic poles have changed quite often, but the last reversal occurred in the distant past, about 780 thousand years ago. Given the rapid decline in the strength of the magnetic field in the last 160 years, the question arises of what happened before.

The study of archeomagnetism

During archeomagnetic research, geophysicists and archaeologists try to learn about the past of the magnetic field. For example, clay that has been used to make pottery contains small amounts of magnetic minerals such as magnetite. When the clay was heated during the process of making pottery, its magnetic minerals lost the magnetism they may have had. When cooled, they recorded the direction and intensity of the magnetic field at that time. If the age of the pottery can be determined (using radiocarbon dating, for example), then there is also a chance to reconstruct the archeomagnetic history.

Through the use of this kind of data, scientists have a partial history of archeomagnetism for the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast, in the Southern Hemisphere these records are very scarce. In particular, there is virtually no data from South Africa, which, along with South America, could provide a better understanding of the history of the modern anomaly.

Archeomagnetic history of southern Africa

But the ancestors of modern South Africans, metallurgists and farmers who began to migrate to the region about 2000-1500 years ago, accidentally left us some clues. These Iron Age people lived in mud huts and stored grain in fortified mud bins. As the first Iron Age agronomists in southern Africa, they relied on rainfall.

These communities often responded to times of drought with cleansing rituals that entailed the burning of granaries. These somewhat tragic events for ancient people were ultimately a boon for the study of archeomagnetism. As with the firing and cooling of pottery, the clay in the granaries recorded the earth's magnetic field as it cooled. Since these ancient huts and grain bins are sometimes found intact, scientists can use them to get data on the direction and strength of the magnetic field at that time.

Scientists have focused their attention on sampling from the Iron Age sites that dot the valley of the Limpopo River.

Magnetic field flux

Sampling along the length of the Limpopo River provided the first data on the magnetic field of southern Africa between 1000 and 1600 AD. Scientists have found that around 1300, the strength of the magnetic field in this area was declining as rapidly as it is today. Then its intensity increased, albeit at a slower pace.

The appearance of two intervals of rapid field decay - about 700 years ago and the present one - suggests the opposite phenomenon. Perhaps a similar anomaly appeared regularly in South Africa, and is older than the data showed? If so, why is it repeated in the same place?

Over the past decade, researchers have accumulated seismic wave analysis data from earthquakes. Since seismic waves travel through the layers of the Earth, the speed at which they travel is an indication of the density of the layer. Scientists now know that a large area of ​​slow seismic waves characterizes the main mantle boundary under southern Africa.

This particular region is most likely tens of millions of years old, and its boundaries are clear. It is interesting to note that the spot of reverse polarity practically coincides with its eastern edge.

Scientists believe that the unusual African mantle changes the flow of iron in the core from below, which, in turn, changes the behavior of the magnetic field at the edge of the seismic region and the reverse polarity patch.

It is assumed that this area grows rapidly and then slowly returns to normal. From time to time, a single spot of reversed polarity can grow large enough to dominate the southern hemisphere's magnetic field.

How does inversion happen?

The traditional idea of ​​inversion is that it can start anywhere in the nucleus. However, the new conceptual model suggests that there may be specific locations at the core-mantle interface that contribute to these reversals of the magnetic field. It is not yet known whether the current magnetic field will begin to decrease in the next few thousand years, or if it will simply continue to weaken over the next two centuries.

But the evidence provided by the ancestors of modern South Africans will no doubt help scientists further study their proposed inversion mechanism. If this idea is correct, the pole reversal could start in Africa.

The reason to shudder (to knowledgeable people, of course) was given by a little information published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters. A group of French scientists led by Gauthier Khulot from the Denis Diderot University in Paris, which has long been studying the anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field, said: there is no way to predict exactly when the magnetic poles of our planet will change places and the so-called inversion will occur. That is, in the literal sense, the South Pole will become the North, and vice versa. A computer model based on current data showed that there is not enough data for convincing forecasts. You need to get 20 years. This is even at best. As a result, French scientists make a disappointing conclusion: an inversion can occur. Whenever. Maybe in a thousand or two years, as some of their colleagues predict. Or maybe in two years, as others persistently prophesy. The phrase "in two years" just worries. After all, 2012 will come. The one on which the Mayans appointed the end of the world. Through his prophetic calendar. On Earth, probably, there is no longer a person who would not have heard about this. And although experts have explained many times that the Mayans did not mean a disastrous catastrophe, but only the end of a certain period of time, an unpleasant aftertaste, as they say, remains.


The expectation of an inversion, or a polarity reversal, as it is also called, at first glance gives away fantasy. However, many scientists consider it a real phenomenon. And they believe that it has happened many times in the history of our planet. Allegedly, the change of poles in the literal sense of the word was imprinted in ancient rocks. And in deposits of solidified lava. The bottom line is that both rocks and lava are able to remember the magnitude and direction of the geomagnetic field that existed at the time of their formation. By studying many breeds of different ages, scientists who believe in inversion have created the so-called magnetic-chronological scale. And they determined in which geological epochs the direction of the ancient geomagnetic field coincided with the modern one. And when it was just the opposite. According to the scale, almost a thousand inversions hit the Earth over a period of 600 million years. And the last - 780 thousand years ago. A clear periodicity in the polarity reversals was not noticed. It happened that the next “came” even a million years after the previous one. And it happened that after 50 thousand years. In other words, another geomagnetic leapfrog can really happen at any time.


It would seem, well, what's so terrible about inversion. Well, it will not be the blue tip of the compass needle that will look at the North Pole, but the red one. In fact, the phenomenon would not be worth attention if it happened instantly: once - and the poles changed places. And the field immediately gained its former strength. But geophysics does not give such a guarantee. On the contrary, they are frightening: the polarity reversal can drag on. In the process, there may be a period when the value of the field drops to almost zero. And it will turn off. But will it turn on again? And how fast? The reason for the uncertainty is that scientists still have a poor understanding of the processes that generate the geomagnetic field. It is assumed that the Earth, having a molten iron core, works like a giant dynamo. The core rotates and generates an electric current. This is in a simplified - theoretical - form. In reality, it's a complete mystery. “We don’t have enough computer memory and processing power to take into account all the intricacies of the process,” Gary Glatzmeyer, a computational physicist at the University of California, justifies himself. To clarify the situation, the University of Maryland is even going to make a model of our planet - a ball with a diameter of 3 meters with a "core" of 14 tons of molten sodium. They will rotate it and watch how the field appears and disappears. “We are going to test the current computer models in real experiments,” the researchers say.


The disappearance of the field automatically deprives the Earth of the magnetosphere - a natural barrier that stands in the way of the solar wind and cosmic radiation. Life is not capable of resisting both for a long time. By our standards, representatives of the current generation can become witnesses of death. If they don’t come up with anything like a protective shell, as in one of the episodes of the film Highlander. Some scientists believe that a magnetic catastrophe, which happened about a billion years ago, "withered" Mars. His field, which definitely was, turned off and did not turn on. As a result, not only the "Martians" suffered, but also the atmosphere - it was blown away. However, the Earth is in danger of a much faster end. Theoretically, of course. Or rather, two ends at once. One catastrophe was predicted by the American Academy of Sciences, which expects a powerful solar flare in 2012 that could damage power lines throughout the planet. But not as deadly as in the movie "The Sign", which burned all life. However, not even the most powerful outbreak can become deadly if the planet's magnetosphere disappears. And the defenseless Earth will fall under the plasma ejection and the hard radiation of the Sun. Once again, let us recall the phrase "in two years" in relation to the polarity reversal, we will impose the prophecy of American academicians and be horrified.

SYMPTOMS Compass scored an arrow in Siberia

Scientists who monitor the Earth's magnetic field say that growing anomalies indicate an approaching reversal. First, the geomagnetic field is weakening from year to year. This is a clear sign. Secondly, the field warps. The north magnetic pole in 1904 was removed from its familiar place. And now it is moving from the area of ​​the Canadian island of Ellesmere towards Russia. To Siberia. It moves with acceleration: it started from 15 kilometers a year, and has already reached 60. Thirdly, data from satellites indicate that there are more inhomogeneities in the magnetic field of our planet, and they themselves are becoming larger. And lastly, earthquakes have become more frequent - Haiti, Chile, and Turkey have struck in a very short period. Some scientists attribute increased activity in the interior to changes in the Earth's rotation rate. And these changes cannot but affect the operation of the planetary dynamo. Or, on the contrary, malfunctions in it give rise to tectonic shifts.

MOSCOW, September 8 - RIA Novosti. A cloud of plasma, which was formed as a result of a powerful solar flare, has reached the earth. Now the magnetic field of the ejection is "burning" the field lines of our planet, the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) said in a statement.

Scientist: current solar flares are a mysteryThere was a new strong flare on the Sun. Expert Sergey Bogachev, on the air of Sputnik radio, told how scientists perceive what is happening, and how such solar activity can threaten humanity.

According to scientists, the plasma cloud came to Earth's orbit about 12 hours ahead of schedule. This means that its speed exceeded the expected one and a half times.

Record activity of the Sun

The strongest burst of solar activity in the last 12 years took place on September 6-8. Several flashes of extreme brightness occurred on the surface of the celestial body. Coronal matter was emitted towards the Earth. On our planet, this phenomenon caused a strong geomagnetic storm, but so far no negative consequences have been caused by solar flares.

The first outbreak occurred on Wednesday, September 6, and became the most powerful in the last 12 years. She was assigned a score of X9.3. (The previous explosion of similar force was recorded on September 7, 2005). The sunspot where the flare occurred remained active until September 8, and it emitted three more medium (M-level) and one strong (X-level) flares. The last flash, which was as close as possible to level X in strength, occurred around 11:00 Moscow time.

The shock wave from the first outbreak reached the Earth much earlier than expected: already at midnight on September 8, a strong (fourth level on a five-point scale) geomagnetic storm began. According to forecasts by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the magnetic storm should end at 18:00 Moscow time.

Sunquake and the placebo effect

During the first flash, seismic waves propagated along the surface of the star, which scientists call a sunquake, Aleksey Struminsky, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti.

“What is interesting about this flare is that at the time of individual flares, a sunquake is observed, when seismic waves propagate through the Sun - they are visible in the images,” he said.

According to Struminsky, the consequences of such an outbreak should not bring any harm to health. "There are people who believe in this (the impact of solar flares on health). There are those who do not believe. If we talk about those who believe, it will affect the same way as the same flares in previous cycles ... Almost no one will notice anything ", said the scientist.

He clarified that, despite the strength of the outbreak, the operation of radio communications and satellites would be only marginally affected.

A somewhat different opinion is shared by the head of the Moscow Space Club, Ivan Moiseev. According to him, the outbreak can lead to satellite failures. Outages should not occur, but temporary equipment failures during geomagnetic storms are a common occurrence.

But Moiseev ruled out the possibility of a negative impact of outbreaks on people's health. Harmful effects are more likely to be psychological factors.

“Such facts have not yet been recorded by scientific research. Theoretically, yes, it is possible, but practically it has not been proven. and psycho-emotional state. A person is worried, expects troubles - so they happen, "Moiseev believes.

All systems are working properly

Despite the alarming prospects for radio and satellite technology, there have been no reports of failures or serious malfunctions of the equipment. The first to report that solar flares had no effect on control systems was the Strategic Missile Forces.

"The most powerful geomagnetic storm caused by a solar flare did not have a significant impact on the performance of the combat control systems of the Strategic Missile Forces.<…>The systems make it possible to exclude any influence of external sources on the combat readiness of troops. The paths for delivering orders and collecting reports of the automated command and control system of troops are formed by wire, radio and satellite communication channels and have the necessary survivability and noise immunity," the Defense Ministry said.

The department emphasized that the orders of the combat control are brought to the launchers directly, bypassing intermediate links, including in the conditions of nuclear impact and electronic suppression.

Later, the Ministry of Defense reported that there was no harmful effect on the Russian orbital group either.

"The magnetic storm caused by a solar flare did not have a negative impact on the Russian orbital grouping and ground-based control systems for spacecraft of the Russian Space Forces," the Russian military department noted.

"The duty forces of the ground-based automated control complex are performing communication sessions and controlling the spacecraft of the Russian orbital group in the normal mode," the Defense Ministry added.

The consequences of astronomical phenomena also did not affect the work of the largest Russian cellular operators.

"Flashes on the Sun did not affect the operation of the MTS network in any way," said Dmitry Solodovnikov, MTS press secretary.

"The Megafon network is operating normally," the operator's press service assured.

"The Beeline network is operating normally, there are no deteriorations due to a solar flare," a VimpelCom representative said.

Nor was it necessary to evacuate the international crew of the International Space Station. In the event of a threat of radiation exposure, cosmonauts and astronauts usually hide in the descent vehicle of the Soyuz spacecraft docked to the station. The Mission Control Center (MCC) reported that the radiation background on the ISS, despite new outbreaks, quickly returned to normal.

Northern lights at unprecedented southern latitudes

Pavel Skripnichenko, an employee of the Department of Astronomy at the Ural Federal University, said that such flashes on the Sun can cause aurora borealis at latitudes where it usually does not occur.

"In the Urals, the aurora as such is not generally observed, because the southern latitudes are quite sufficient. Normal auroras, multi-colored, which are best known, are observed to the north. But as a result of the strong activity of the Sun in the Urals, at a latitude of about 50-60 degrees, one can observe here such red flashes. That is, it is not guaranteed that they will be visible, but they, in principle, can be observed when there is high solar activity or when there is a flash, "the scientist said.

Sergey Smirnov, a senior researcher at the Pulkovo Laboratory, said that the northern lights might also be visible in St. Petersburg.

“In St. Petersburg, the northern lights may be very likely, but due to heavy cloudiness, the citizens may not see it. For example, now the cloud cover over the city is two tiers. So it’s better to observe this phenomenon outside the city,” Smirnov said.

According to NOAA forecasts, the northern lights, provoked by powerful solar flares, will reach Moscow on Sunday night with a probability of about 50%.

Nevertheless, Vladimir Surdin, a senior researcher at the P. K. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, believes that large cities are rather poorly suited for observing the aurora. Even if it does reach Moscow, Muscovites will have little chance of observing the amazing phenomenon.

“It is unlikely, because there are clouds over Moscow, and they are unlikely to disappear in the coming nights. We will definitely not see the aurora, even if there is one. Over the city, such things are not visible even in cloudless weather, because the sky is very illuminated. such a bright thing," Surdin told RIA Novosti.

End of the Greatest Storm

After several flares of medium magnitude (but approaching the boundary of powerful flares), the activity of the Sun fell to a weak level of class C, follows from the graph of the Laboratory of Solar X-Ray Astronomy of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

The FIAN representative clarified that a magnetic storm of the fourth level on a five-point scale is occurring on Earth. The strength of the event is about 10 times greater than predicted. In Canada, now on the night side of the Earth, there are strong auroras at high and middle latitudes. The storm is planetary.

Scientists note that what happened is a natural result of changes in the solar corona over the past three days. During this period, as a result of the interaction of two large groups of sunspots, energy was accumulated, which was released in a large flare. At present, the consequences of this natural phenomenon are difficult to predict with sufficient accuracy.

According to the NOAA forecast, the end of the magnetic storm on Earth is expected around 18:00 Moscow time.

The sun has not calmed down and continues to rage. According to scientists, the Sun has recorded the second of the day and the fourth powerful flare. The first two most powerful outbreaks occurred on September 6,

while the second of them was in the last 12 years.

These events on the same day caused disturbances in radio communications and GPS reception on the day side of the Earth, lasting about an hour.

Solar flares are catastrophic phenomena on the surface of the Sun caused by the reconnection (reconnection) of magnetic field lines "frozen" into the solar plasma. At some point, the extremely twisted magnetic field lines break off and reconnect in a new configuration, releasing an enormous amount of energy.

Depending on the intensity of solar flares, they are classified, and in this case we are talking about the most powerful flares - the X-class. The energy released during such flashes is equivalent to the explosions of billions of megaton hydrogen bombs.

The next outbreak, which was assigned the highest activity class - X9.3, occurred the day before, between 17.00 Moscow time and 18.00 Moscow time. Another one is already on Friday, August 8, at 11.00 Moscow time.

According to scientists, the current situation is the result of changes in the solar corona over the past three days.

The strongest solar flare recorded in the modern era occurred on November 4, 2003, and it was classified as X28 (its consequences were not so catastrophic, since the ejection was not aimed directly at the Earth).

Solar X-Ray Astronomy Laboratory/FIAN

Extreme solar flares can be accompanied by powerful ejections of matter from the solar corona, the so-called coronal mass ejections. For the Earth, it can pose both a greater and lesser danger, depending on whether the release is directed directly at our planet. In any case, the effects of these emissions affect after 1-3 days. We are talking about billions of tons of matter flying at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

This time, a huge mass of matter was just on the way to Earth. This was evidenced by data from solar coronagraphs observing the outer layers of the solar atmosphere.

As expected, the extreme activity of the Sun has already caused the strongest magnetic storm on Earth, which was assigned the fourth level on a five-point scale.

True, as scientists note, this storm turned out to be ten times stronger than previously predicted.

“A cloud of plasma from the Sun came to the orbit of our planet at about 2 am Moscow time, about 12 hours earlier than expected. This means that its speed exceeded the expected 1.5 times, and the impact on the Earth was made with more power than expected. The direction of the ejection magnetic field, based on the data of the ACE instrument, is unfavorable for our planet - the field is directed opposite to the Earth's and is currently "burning" the Earth's field lines, ”explained Sergey Bogachev, Chief Researcher at FIAN.

The plasma ejection from yesterday's X9.3 flare reached Earth at 2:00 am Moscow time, about 12 hours ahead of schedule. This means that its speed exceeded the expected 1.55 times, and the impact on the Earth was made with more power than planned.

One of the spectacular and least harmless manifestations of solar flares has already become the aurora. According to the website Spaceweather.com, the auroras were observed in the Scandinavian countries, the phenomenon was so bright and impressive that people stopped their cars. “It was such an amazing sight that I had to stop and take some photos,” said Finnish resident Jani Ilinampa.

Jani Ylinampa/Spaceweather.com

On the same night, strong auroras were observed in Canada at high and middle latitudes. The storm is planetary in nature, experts from the Solar X-Ray Astronomy Laboratory said.

Auroras could be observed not only in Canada, but also in a number of American states - Maine, Connecticut, New York, Kentucky, Indiana and others.

This picture was taken by photographer Chris Cook from the Atlantic coast of Massachusetts:

Chris Cook/Spaceweather.com

“The Northern Lights looked great tonight, reflecting off the warm waters of Cape Cod. The best view was when the Moon was low on the horizon in the south side of the sky,” the photographer said.

It is highly likely that on the night of Saturday, September 9, the auroras can be observed in the middle Russian latitudes. According to forecasts, the probability of occurrence of auroras over Moscow is 50%. However, the illumination of the city and clouds will most likely interfere with seeing them.

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