What Yavlinsky says about Crimea. Grigory Yavlinsky

One of the most famous and long-serving Russian politicians, who became a heavyweight back in 1990 with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, turned 65 years old [video]

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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However, he is cheerful, as always, oppositional, and even plans to compete for the presidency in 2018. We invited Grigory Alekseevich to the studio of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.


- Grigory Alekseevich, happy anniversary to you.

Thank you.

- We congratulate you twice, you have announced your decision to run for president. This is your third time going to the Kremlin...

My decision is firm. The last time I participated in the presidential election was in 2000, when I took third place. In Moscow, more than 24% voted for me, in the central districts - up to 30%. But today, I think, is a very important, turning point moment. Another question is that we have a problem with the way our elections are structured. During the voting for candidates, 35% of voters came to the State Duma (although 48% wrote). This has never happened in the history of new Russia. According to polls today, 61% of people are not interested in politics, they are not interested in their state, country.

This can be interpreted differently. Everything is so good that we trust the authorities. It solves global problems, and we are not distracted.

Russia ranks 129th in the world in terms of life expectancy. And everyone, of course, feels that the country is very good (laughs). Or, for example, we are in first place in the world in the number of deaths from cancer. Or - I’ll tell you as an economist - over the last two years, food prices have increased by 32%. Therefore, you are right - everything is fine!

- So why do you think people don’t go to the polls?

They don't believe in them. Considered pointless. They believe that the group of people in power will not leave anywhere. They at the top pretend to imprison each other, say that they are fighting corruption, but all the time they make it clear that they will not budge. Indifference to the government, which is not trusted, is a hundred-year-old problem. When the Emperor abdicated in 1917 and everyone began running around with red bows, not a single person came out in defense of autocratic statehood. And then the October coup d'état occurred. The reason is the same “apathetic” mood, which was already total then.

But the Federation Council has already introduced amendments with which the authorities are trying to revive confidence in the elections. Eliminate absentee voting and increase the number of polling places so more people can vote. And to prevent fraud, they are sharply expanding the rights of observers, introducing video broadcasts from polling stations by law, and promising, finally, to actually put people behind “carousels.”

Yes, they write such laws in an attempt to inspire confidence. These changes are very minor and not major. But what do they want to do? You know, there is a popular expression - eat the fish and sail on the ship. They want to change nothing and at the same time make it seem like everything is changing for the better.


They say that you are a very convenient sparring partner for Putin. You have no chance of winning, but the authorities will have a reason to say that the elections are fair, we also have a liberal candidate.

Wonderful! (laughs) If we had fair elections and fair debates once, then we would see what would happen. Then it will definitely reach the second round. Give us at least one year on television to talk about Russian problems in the context of elections and changes in power! About the fact that 30% of dairy products are counterfeit. How old people live in nursing homes. Like, for example, in Yakutia they are almost begging to send troops there, because poor old people are being robbed and frozen there. That teachers' salaries have formally increased by 5% recently, but taking into account inflation they have fallen. That's what we would be talking about!

Well, actually, all this is on the screens... Or should we just give up on the great role of zombie television? There is the Internet, social networks, which capture an audience of millions easily and cheerfully. Social networks are now comparable to any Channel One.

We, the opposition, are offered to give a damn. But doesn’t the government want to spit on television itself? Let her spit, then we'll see. As for social networks, they, of course, can bring people to the square, but the idea of ​​why they go out through networks cannot be carried out. You can only shout - let's go out here or there - that's possible. But how to fill this with meaning and content?

- Can a TV do this?

Yes! Because he is concentrated. Therefore, the same thing goes through all channels. But the authorities have few channels. She needs tabloids, popular sites, and then all this together really changes people's consciousness. This is part of a huge propaganda machine.

But the story of the young people who took to the streets of Russian cities in March proves the opposite. The same Navalny was able to pull schoolchildren onto the streets with the help of the Internet. And even infect them with the idea of ​​“fighting corruption.”

Yes, but this has little to do with politics.

- Maybe this is a new modern policy?!

And I’ll tell you how this policy works. Young people are coming out, rightfully so, because there really is total theft all around. They see that when they talk about theft, no one wants to explain themselves, no one wants to answer for it. And they are rightly rebelling. But I repeat: the protest you asked me about just now is fair. I worry about these people and am ready to defend them (by the way, we have opened a special legal assistance center). But we must remember that the biggest troubles for the authorities in recent decades began with similar things. In Kyiv, students were once dispersed, their parents took to the streets, and the Maidan began!

However, politics begins when there is not a riot, a bazaar and fun, but an alternative is presented. Not when you just go out and shout “down with you”! Why down with it? So everyone came out there and said - down with the prime minister. Well, please, instead the premiere will be different, from the same team. Anyone. So what, life will be arranged differently? Nothing will change! And this type of protest is a rebellion. In Russia there were frequent riots. A riot is also a part of politics, a manifestation of discontent, but there is no creative part to this idea. I believe that politics begins when there is creativity in it. When instead of one order you want to build another. Instead of this power, choose another one and, moreover, pursue a different course, build life in the country differently...


We need to see how differently we can approach solving the most painful problems. For example, stop the war in Syria. In a year and a half it cost us 85 billion rubles. What it is? These are 400 kindergartens with 200 places. Or 120 sports complexes. Or – 320 thousand cancer patients who can be cured for this money. Instead, we got involved in someone else’s civil war. Changing this is politics!

Let's look at the thesis and counterthesis. Syria. When they talk about 85 or any number of billions, it is useful to remember that these are not wads of money from accounts. This cost includes missiles and bombs that need to be tested. Plus, our aviation and missile forces received (even if it sounds cynical) a good school. And it turns out that our armed forces have strengthened thanks to Syria. And why not take this factor into account for our national interests?

It is useful to remember that Russia’s military spending has increased by one and a half times, and healthcare funding has decreased by 30%. Interesting numbers, right? And I have a different view of how the army should improve, and here’s why. What happened in Afghanistan? We improved and improved there and as a result, the country fell apart. Syria is a trap! The longer we are there, the more resources we will spend.


Listeners ask - ask him for Crimea? He doesn’t seem to be a stupid person, why does he adhere to such an unpopular point of view, speaking out against the annexation of Crimea?

I want you and me to live in a country with recognized borders. And I don’t want only 10 of the 193 countries in the UN to support Russia’s position. I believe that the policy of isolation is a bad policy. Everything that was done with Crimea was done illegally. But there are ways to permanently solve this problem. And in such a way as to show respect for the people who live there. For example, it doesn’t seem right to me that Crimeans feel like second-class citizens. They have two passports, but according to Russian they cannot go abroad. They have no investment, they have few holidaymakers. Now, in general, Crimea has almost turned into a military base... I love my homeland and want people to live freely and openly in it. And I want there to be peace with Ukraine. I consider this my priority. We are obliged to live in peace with our closest and most important neighbors, such as Ukraine and Belarus. What's wrong with this? Why put my country in a position where anyone and everyone can apply sanctions to it?

Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists in Crimea were in the status of official observers during the referendum. Its inhabitants were completely unanimous in their desire to go to Russia. And also for reasons of their own safety. Well, maybe a small part of the Tatar population was cautious, but everyone walked with joyful tears in their eyes. With tears! So how should we deal with this? You and I are sitting here and deciding so well, but the Crimean population is thinking with horror - will they really hand us over to Ukraine again? Our listener wrote at the beginning of the program: “Hello. Yavlinsky comes to power - what will he do? And when Grigory Alekseevich spoke about Crimea, he wrote again: “Yes, it’s better not to go to the polls with such thoughts.”

So he doesn't walk. People who are structured this way, who have such thoughts, do not come to the polls. That's all. It is necessary to convene an international

A conference on Crimea with the participation of Russia, Ukraine, the EU, the USA, and the most influential states. A possible solution to such a conference is to hold a referendum that will be recognized by the entire world community. Otherwise, Russia will not have internationally recognized borders, and Crimeans will continue to live on territory that is universally recognized as annexed. We need to go ahead and say – we agree to an international conference and referendum according to the rules established at it under international control.

Sergey (radio listener):

Hello. This is how many years I have known Mr. Yavlinsky, he always says the same thing. It’s as if I’ll stand on the sidelines, and you decide everything for yourself. So that people would fight, and then he would sit in a chair and calmly rule over the fools.

Yavlinsky (throwing headphones on the table):

I heard your criticism. Thanks a lot. Stay healthy.

- This is the answer?

This is an answer and a wish.


Then let's return to domestic politics. Our listener writes: “With such an opinion, Yavlinsky only takes away votes from other oppositionists, for example, from Navalny.” By the way, the question is: why are Yabloko and Navalny stubbornly not together? Now Navalny, and before it was Nemtsov, Chubais... Still the same eternal question: is a single liberal bloc possible in Russia?

But I want to ask - in Russia there is Komsomolskaya Pravda and other publications - Moskovsky Komsomolets, Izvestia, Life News - why don’t you unite?

- We will unite if we need to...

Here! You don't need to. And we don't need it. You write the same thing over and over again. You all have the same position on key issues. Why don't you unite? But because life has nuances. Because even in these conditions there are a million people who voted for Yabloko last fall. Million! And this is according to official data. What is your circulation?

- We now have about half a million daily circulation. And the fat lady has two million.

- Stop, stop, but in the end you don’t get into parliament!

We don't pass.

- And if we had agreed with other parties, maybe we would have passed?

We have a different electorate.

- Are you sure?

Of course it's different. Everyone said - why don’t you unite with the Democratic Choice of Russia? Where are they now? There is none of them. But there is “Apple”. Because we could not participate in the politics in the 90s that led to the collapse of Russia. And they always wanted to marry us. For what?

Finally, a pleasant response from the listeners: “It’s a pity that Mr. Yavlinsky is not the President of Russia - internal and external problems would have been resolved. In Russia they don’t like smart people, so we swim, excuse me, in...”

Thanks a lot.

- From Ukraine they write: “Pan Yavlinsky, you are the best! Good luck, good luck, good luck!” And we have a call from Crimea.

Listener Denis:

Mr. Yavlinsky talks about saving money for the country. If he becomes president, will he curtail the construction of the Crimean Bridge? To save money. Or will he simply give it to Ukraine?

If I become president, then infrastructure, including roads to Crimea, will be built for much less money. Because those who do it in the most efficient way and for the most limited means will build. This is what I promise.


- Our listeners write - won't Yavlinsky become just another Russian Tsar?

My character is not a guarantee. It’s not whether I’m a good person or a bad one. The guarantee is the system. And the system is a free press. These are truly independent courts that can summon any minister, even the president, and present him with questions that he will have to answer. This cannot be done in one day, but gradually we will make the government transparent and accountable to citizens.

We all know this from the textbook. Now look what happens in real life. The most powerful, sometimes cannibalistic lobbying groups that will tear apart their own mother for wealth and profit. These guys will quickly squeeze you, so to speak. Otherwise they’ll shoot you, no matter what, as soon as you start pressing him. You will also get rid of security within the framework of democracy...

Of course, in our country anyone can be killed. There is the former first deputy chairman of the Russian government and former State Duma deputy, deputy of the Yaroslavl Assembly (Nemtsova - Red.) - killed a hundred meters from the Kremlin...

As for large lobbying groups, they will immediately feel the master’s hand. No one is going to mess around with them. And if you talk to them harshly and warn them, they will do exactly what is required of them. And those who don’t will have a different conversation with them. Besides, they are each other's competitors. This means they can be put in place. And at the same time - to serve the country and serve the people.

- But even now the authorities are resisting corruption - they are imprisoning governors in batches...

What kind of resistance to corruption is this if, as you say, they are imprisoned in batches? And who comes next? Ministers? And then who? Generals? And who will go next? This means that these are not just individuals. This is a system. It needs to be done differently.

These are all beautiful words... Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky also came to power with the noblest aspirations, the people carried him in their arms... and then Gorbachev, somewhat similar in terms of the number of good intentions...

I have already seen the country in which I was born disappear. And I will never let this happen again. And the trends that I see now lead precisely to destruction.

Grigory Yavlinsky - about the opposition, presidential elections and the past anniversary. A well-known politician and economist will come to the Komsomolskaya Pravda studio [video broadcast from 14:05 Moscow time]

One of the most famous and long-serving Russian politicians, who became a heavyweight back in 1990 with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, turned 65 years old [video]

Yavlinsky in the studio of Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”: - If you just go out into the streets and shout “Down!”, nothing will change. Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

However, he is cheerful, as always, oppositional, and even plans to compete for the presidency in 2018. We invited Grigory Alekseevich to the studio of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.


- Grigory Alekseevich, happy anniversary to you.

Thank you.

- We congratulate you twice, you have announced your decision to run for president. This is your third time going to the Kremlin...

My decision is firm. The last time I participated in the presidential election was in 2000, when I took third place. In Moscow, more than 24% voted for me, in the central districts - up to 30%. But today, I think, is a very important, turning point moment. Another question is that we have a problem with the way our elections are structured. During the voting for candidates, 35% of voters came to the State Duma (although 48% wrote). This has never happened in the history of new Russia. According to polls today, 61% of people are not interested in politics, they are not interested in their state, country.

This can be interpreted differently. Everything is so good that we trust the authorities. It solves global problems, and we are not distracted.

Russia ranks 129th in the world in terms of life expectancy. And everyone, of course, feels that the country is very good (laughs). Or, for example, we are in first place in the world in the number of deaths from cancer. Or - I’ll tell you as an economist - over the last two years, food prices have increased by 32%. Therefore, you are right - everything is fine!

- So why do you think people don’t go to the polls?

They don't believe in them. Considered pointless. They believe that the group of people in power will not leave anywhere. They at the top pretend to imprison each other, say that they are fighting corruption, but all the time they make it clear that they will not budge. Indifference to the government, which is not trusted, is a hundred-year-old problem. When the Emperor abdicated in 1917 and everyone began running around with red bows, not a single person came out in defense of autocratic statehood. And then the October coup d'état occurred. The reason is the same “apathetic” mood, which was already total then.

But the Federation Council has already introduced amendments with which the authorities are trying to revive confidence in the elections. Eliminate absentee voting and increase the number of polling places so more people can vote. And to prevent fraud, they are sharply expanding the rights of observers, introducing video broadcasts from polling stations by law, and promising, finally, to actually put people behind “carousels.”

Yes, they write such laws in an attempt to inspire confidence. These changes are very minor and not major. But what do they want to do? You know, there is a popular expression - eat the fish and sail on the ship. They want to change nothing and at the same time make it seem like everything is changing for the better.


They say that you are a very convenient sparring partner for Putin. You have no chance of winning, but the authorities will have a reason to say that the elections are fair, we also have a liberal candidate.

Wonderful! (laughs) If we had fair elections and fair debates once, then we would see what would happen. Then it will definitely reach the second round. Give us at least one year on television to talk about Russian problems in the context of elections and changes in power! About the fact that 30% of dairy products are counterfeit. How old people live in nursing homes. Like, for example, in Yakutia they are almost begging to send troops there, because poor old people are being robbed and frozen there. That teachers' salaries have formally increased by 5% recently, but taking into account inflation they have fallen. That's what we would be talking about!

Well, actually, all this is on the screens... Or should we just give up on the great role of zombie television? There is the Internet, social networks, which capture an audience of millions easily and cheerfully. Social networks are now comparable to any Channel One.

We, the opposition, are offered to give a damn. But doesn’t the government want to spit on television itself? Let her spit, then we'll see. As for social networks, they, of course, can bring people to the square, but the idea of ​​why they go out through networks cannot be carried out. You can only shout - let's go out here or there - that's possible. But how to fill this with meaning and content?

- Can a TV do this?

Yes! Because he is concentrated. Therefore, the same thing goes through all channels. But the authorities have few channels. She needs tabloids, popular sites, and then all this together really changes people's consciousness. This is part of a huge propaganda machine.

But the story of the young people who took to the streets of Russian cities in March proves the opposite. The same Navalny was able to pull schoolchildren onto the streets with the help of the Internet. And even infect them with the idea of ​​“fighting corruption.”

Yes, but this has little to do with politics.

- Maybe this is a new modern policy?!

And I’ll tell you how this policy works. Young people are coming out, rightfully so, because there really is total theft all around. They see that when they talk about theft, no one wants to explain themselves, no one wants to answer for it. And they are rightly rebelling. But I repeat: the protest you asked me about just now is fair. I worry about these people and am ready to defend them (by the way, we have opened a special legal assistance center). But we must remember that the biggest troubles for the authorities in recent decades began with similar things. In Kyiv, students were once dispersed, their parents took to the streets, and the Maidan began!

However, politics begins when there is not a riot, a bazaar and fun, but an alternative is presented. Not when you just go out and shout “down with you”! Why down with it? So everyone came out there and said - down with the prime minister. Well, please, instead the premiere will be different, from the same team. Anyone. So what, life will be arranged differently? Nothing will change! And this type of protest is a rebellion. In Russia there were frequent riots. A riot is also a part of politics, a manifestation of discontent, but there is no creative part to this idea. I believe that politics begins when there is creativity in it. When instead of one order you want to build another. Instead of this power, choose another one and, moreover, pursue a different course, build life in the country differently...


We need to see how differently we can approach solving the most painful problems. For example, stop the war in Syria. In a year and a half it cost us 85 billion rubles. What it is? These are 400 kindergartens with 200 places. Or 120 sports complexes. Or – 320 thousand cancer patients who can be cured for this money. Instead, we got involved in someone else's civil war. Changing this is politics!

Let's look at the thesis and counterthesis. Syria. When they talk about 85 or any number of billions, it is useful to remember that these are not wads of money from accounts. This cost includes missiles and bombs that need to be tested. Plus, our aviation and missile forces received (even if it sounds cynical) a good school. And it turns out that our armed forces have strengthened thanks to Syria. And why not take this factor into account for our national interests?

It is useful to remember that Russia’s military spending has increased by one and a half times, and healthcare funding has decreased by 30%. Interesting numbers, right? And I have a different view of how the army should improve, and here’s why. What happened in Afghanistan? We improved and improved there and as a result, the country fell apart. Syria is a trap! The longer we are there, the more resources we will spend.


Listeners ask - ask him for Crimea? He doesn’t seem to be a stupid person, why does he adhere to such an unpopular point of view, speaking out against the annexation of Crimea?

I want you and me to live in a country with recognized borders. And I don’t want only 10 of the 193 countries in the UN to support Russia’s position. I believe that the policy of isolation is a bad policy. Everything that was done with Crimea was done illegally. But there are ways to permanently solve this problem. And in such a way as to show respect for the people who live there. For example, it doesn’t seem right to me that Crimeans feel like second-class citizens. They have two passports, but according to Russian they cannot go abroad. They have no investment, they have few holidaymakers. Now, in general, Crimea has almost turned into a military base... I love my homeland and want people to live freely and openly in it. And I want there to be peace with Ukraine. I consider this my priority. We are obliged to live in peace with our closest and most important neighbors, such as Ukraine and Belarus. What's wrong with this? Why put my country in a position where anyone and everyone can apply sanctions to it?

Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists in Crimea were in the status of official observers during the referendum. Its inhabitants were completely unanimous in their desire to go to Russia. And also for reasons of their own safety. Well, maybe a small part of the Tatar population was cautious, but everyone walked with joyful tears in their eyes. With tears! So how should we deal with this? You and I are sitting here and deciding so well, but the Crimean population is thinking with horror - will they really hand us over to Ukraine again? Our listener wrote at the beginning of the program: “Hello. Yavlinsky comes to power - what will he do? And when Grigory Alekseevich spoke about Crimea, he wrote again: “Yes, it’s better not to go to the polls with such thoughts.”

So he doesn't walk. People who are structured this way, who have such thoughts, do not come to the polls. That's all. It is necessary to convene an international

A conference on Crimea with the participation of Russia, Ukraine, the EU, the USA, and the most influential states. A possible solution to such a conference is to hold a referendum that will be recognized by the entire world community. Otherwise, Russia will not have internationally recognized borders, and Crimeans will continue to live on territory that is universally recognized as annexed. We need to go ahead and say – we agree to an international conference and referendum according to the rules established at it under international control.

Sergey (radio listener):

Hello. This is how many years I have known Mr. Yavlinsky, he always says the same thing. It’s as if I’ll stand on the sidelines, and you decide everything for yourself. So that people would fight, and then he would sit in a chair and calmly rule over the fools.

Yavlinsky (throwing headphones on the table):

I heard your criticism. Thanks a lot. Stay healthy.

- This is the answer?

This is an answer and a wish.

Both in Crimea and in Russia everyone rejoiced at the reunification of the peninsula with its historical homeland. And Grigory Yavlinsky says that a new referendum is needed...


Then let's return to domestic politics. Our listener writes: “With such an opinion, Yavlinsky only takes away votes from other oppositionists, for example, from Navalny.” By the way, the question is: why are Yabloko and Navalny stubbornly not together? Now Navalny, and before it was Nemtsov, Chubais... Still the same eternal question: is a single liberal bloc possible in Russia?

But I want to ask - in Russia there is Komsomolskaya Pravda and other publications - Moskovsky Komsomolets, Izvestia, Life News - why don’t you unite?

- We will unite if we need to...

Here! You don't need to. And we don't need it. You write the same thing over and over again. You all have the same position on key issues. Why don't you unite? But because life has nuances. Because even in these conditions there are a million people who voted for Yabloko last fall. Million! And this is according to official data. What is your circulation?

- We now have about half a million daily circulation. And the fat lady has two million.

- Stop, stop, but in the end you don’t get into parliament!

We don't pass.

- And if we had agreed with other parties, maybe we would have passed?

We have a different electorate.

- Are you sure?

Of course it's different. Everyone said - why don’t you unite with the Democratic Choice of Russia? Where are they now? There is none of them. But there is “Apple”. Because we could not participate in the politics in the 90s that led to the collapse of Russia. And they always wanted to marry us. For what?

Finally, a pleasant response from the listeners: “It’s a pity that Mr. Yavlinsky is not the President of Russia - internal and external problems would have been resolved. In Russia they don’t like smart people, so we swim, excuse me, in...”

Thanks a lot.

- From Ukraine they write: “Pan Yavlinsky, you are the best! Good luck, good luck, good luck!” And we have a call from Crimea.

Listener Denis:

Mr. Yavlinsky talks about saving money for the country. If he becomes president, will he curtail the construction of the Crimean Bridge? To save money. Or will he simply give it to Ukraine?

If I become president, then infrastructure, including roads to Crimea, will be built for much less money. Because those who do it in the most efficient way and for the most limited means will build. This is what I promise.


- Our listeners write - won't Yavlinsky become just another Russian Tsar?

My character is not a guarantee. It’s not whether I’m a good person or a bad one. The guarantee is the system. And the system is a free press. These are truly independent courts that can summon any minister, even the president, and present him with questions that he will have to answer. This cannot be done in one day, but gradually we will make the government transparent and accountable to citizens.

We all know this from the textbook. Now look what happens in real life. The most powerful, sometimes cannibalistic lobbying groups that will tear apart their own mother for wealth and profit. These guys will quickly squeeze you, so to speak. Otherwise they’ll shoot you, no matter what, as soon as you start pressing him. You will also get rid of security within the framework of democracy...

Of course, in our country anyone can be killed. There is the former first deputy chairman of the Russian government and former State Duma deputy, deputy of the Yaroslavl Assembly (Nemtsova - Red.) - killed a hundred meters from the Kremlin...

As for large lobbying groups, they will immediately feel the master’s hand. No one is going to mess around with them. And if you talk to them harshly and warn them, they will do exactly what is required of them. And those who don’t will have a different conversation with them. Besides, they are each other's competitors. This means they can be put in place. And at the same time - to serve the country and serve the people.

- But even now the authorities are resisting corruption - they are imprisoning governors in batches...

What kind of resistance to corruption is this if, as you say, they are imprisoned in batches? And who comes next? Ministers? And then who? Generals? And who will go next? This means that these are not just individuals. This is a system. It needs to be done differently.

These are all beautiful words... Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky also came to power with the noblest aspirations, the people carried him in their arms... and then Gorbachev, somewhat similar in terms of the number of good intentions...

I have already seen the country in which I was born disappear. And I will never let this happen again. And the trends that I see now lead precisely to destruction

A native of the independent city of Lvov and an honorary veteran of the liberal movement from the Yabloko party, Grigory Yavlinsky has gone completely crazy. The reason for this is alcohol abuse or awareness of political impotence - history is silent. Probably both. The Yabloko party gradually migrated under Slabunova’s heel and continues to fall apart. Grigory Alekseevich himself is preparing for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 2018. Apparently, for Yavlinsky this will be the last opportunity to compete for the post of head of state, and the permanent Yabloko leader is making every effort to prevent the people from voting for him.

Well, tell me, will anyone other than a handful of sodomites support Yavlinsky with such a program “for the improvement of Russia”?

The video was filmed in front of Grigory Yavlinsky’s reception in St. Petersburg on Mozhaiskaya 15.

It is proposed to spend the main budget items on drug legalization and achieving a visa-free regime with the European Union. Are Grigory Alekseevich’s Lvov roots making themselves felt? I remember that Orthodox Ukrainians called for the same thing before the extreme Maidan. And if we add to this the desire to give Crimea to the Kyiv authorities for desecration, Ukrainian notes can be traced more and more clearly.

But Russia is not Ukraine, and you won’t be able to fool us on the chaff of “visa-free travel” and the “European dream”. Therefore, the electorate that supports such postulates does not have the right to vote. But there may be some reason for the nod towards sodomites. A couple of homosexuals will probably put a cross on the ballot for Yavlinsky. But of course, Grigory Alekseevich and Yabloko are advocating at the legislative level the right of same-sex couples to marry and take adopted children. Only in contrast to a few voices from sexual minorities will there be nationwide condemnation and hatred. Even hypothetically suggesting the possibility of transferring children into the care of sodomites is already beyond good and evil.

Well, Grigory Alekseevich has already lost the elections with such a program, but he has scored enough points for himself in the eyes of foreign curators. He also sowed confusion in the minds of the few speaking on his side. Although, keeping in mind the past exploits of Yabloko and the Yabloko people, you can expect anything from Yavlinsky’s comrade. Not only the distribution of Russian lands, the persecution of Russian citizens with narcotic drugs and the corruption of children. Just remember how “Apple” is in memory of a bandit and an alcoholic degenerate.

  1. Many people think that the problem of Crimea will resolve itself. No, it won't resolve. We'll have to look for a solution. The world does not recognize Crimea as Russian. And experience shows that this is serious.
  2. The authorities convince us that this does not harm us. Wrong. Harmful. Over the three years of sanctions, Russia has lost more than 9 trillion rubles. And in the 21st century, not a single economy in the world is able to survive in isolation. Moreover, it is impossible to engage in modern science and develop high technologies in isolation.
  3. What’s the problem, since the Crimeans really wanted to join Russia? The problem is that the laws were seriously broken! On January 28, 2003, Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma signed an agreement on the Russian-Ukrainian state border. The agreement described in detail every meter of the state border. And the territory of the Crimean peninsula was unconditionally assigned to Ukraine by the treaty.
  4. Now that all laws have been violated, we must look for a worthy legal way out of this situation. I propose to convene an international conference on the status of Crimea and at it to develop a roadmap for solving this problem on the basis of the law and taking into account the will of the people. It is quite possible that the conference will decide to hold a new referendum under international control, which will be recognized by all parties. The result of such a referendum will be the end of this dangerous situation.
  5. Propaganda tells us that this is unrealistic. No, this proposal is realistic. Moreover, all international experience indicates that this is exactly what will happen sooner or later.
  6. Many doubt: why should Ukraine agree with the decisions of the international conference, recognize the correctness of its decisions, and follow the road map for Crimea? It is precisely to ensure that there is agreement between both Ukraine and Russia that an international conference is being convened under the auspices of the UN. All parties influencing the situation should take part in it: Russia, Ukraine, the European Union (primarily the countries of the “Normandy Dialogue”: Germany, France), Great Britain and the USA (as guarantor countries that signed the Budapest Memorandum; in 1994, three nuclear powers , including Russia, guaranteed Ukraine's security in exchange for the renunciation of nuclear weapons), Turkey and representatives of Crimea. The result of the conference will be a roadmap on all key issues.
  7. People believe that we must defend our positions at all costs and that if we “give back” under pressure from the West, it will be a sign of weakness. Wrong. Returning to the issue of holding a legal referendum in Crimea is a sign of political strength.


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The President in the film “Crimea. The Path to the Homeland” once again confirmed that this was a military annexation, only covered by a choice. And sooner or later we will have to solve the problem of Crimea, hold a free and real referendum there under the control of international forces. Only this will return Russia to internationally recognized borders and to the international community. " "

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It is necessary to abandon Crimea so that this problem does not haunt Russia for the rest of its life. " "


Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky (Ukrainian Grigory Oleksiyovich Yavlinsky, April 10, 1952, Lvov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian political figure, economist, in 1993 - one of the leaders of the electoral bloc "Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin", founder of the public association ( since 1995) and the political party "Yabloko" (since 2001), head of the mentioned organizations in 1993-2008. Head of the Yabloko faction in the State Duma of Russia of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd convocations. Leader of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the 5th convocation. Candidate for President of Russia in 1996 and 2000; tried to take part in the 2012 presidential elections, but the Central Election Commission refused to register him. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In the 2018 presidential elections, Yabloko will again nominate Yavlinsky. At the same time, Yabloko leader Sergei Mitrokhin said that G. Yavlinsky was not registered illegally in the 2012 elections.

Yavlinsky is appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and Chairman of the State Commission for Economic Reform. By September 1, 1990, the “500 days” program and 20 draft laws for it were prepared, approved by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and submitted for consideration to the Supreme Council of the USSR.

At the same time, on behalf of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikolai Ryzhkov, an alternative project was being developed - “Main Directions of Development”. Ryzhkov stated that if he is not accepted, he will resign. As a compromise, Mikhail Gorbachev proposed combining the two programs into a single program of the President of the USSR.

On December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin, unexpectedly for many, resigned. Vladimir Putin took over the post of acting president. In 2000, the election campaign began again in Russia. Grigory Yavlinsky started it under the slogans of economic development and criticism of the current regime. He proposed reducing taxes on small businesses, unifying legislation in the country and building a “State for Citizens” in a short time. Yavlinsky saw his support as the “middle class” of educated people. The Yabloko leader called on his followers to build a “Russia without dictators and oligarchs.”

Yavlinsky refused to cooperate with Putin from the very beginning of the campaign. “I do not intend to fight for “good Putin.” “I intend to fight with Putin for the post of President of Russia,” Yavlinsky said. He noted that some businessmen in the United States will be glad to see an authoritarian regime in Russia and therefore may support the presidential candidate in power. In his keynote speech, Yavlinsky also pointed to the close cooperation between Putin’s team and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma

On April 11, 2014, in an interview with the “Facing the Event” program on Radio Liberty, Yavlinsky criticized Russia’s foreign policy towards Ukraine, stating the following: “... the annexation of Crimea also took place on the quiet... they (the Russian elite - approx. ed.) they want this (Ukraine - editor's note) to be a failed state, so that it is an outskirts and an appendage of Russia.”

On December 13, 2014, at a meeting of the federal council of the Yabloko party, Grigory Yavlinsky spoke in favor of the unconditional return of Crimea to Ukraine, noting “so that this problem does not haunt Russia all its life,” and “We must say: yes, Crimea is not ours.”

At the same time, Yavlinsky believes that the future of Crimea should be determined by the residents of the peninsula on the basis of the relevant legislation: “We do not consider the referendum on March 16, 2014, hastily and outside of any rules, laws and norms, carried out under the “protection” of the Russian armed forces, to be legal. We believe it is legitimate to raise for discussion the issue of holding a legal and legitimate referendum (or local referendums with the prospect of the cantonization of Crimea), fully consistent with Ukrainian legislation and international legal norms, agreed upon with Kiev, the authorities of Crimea, Moscow, the EU, the OSCE and the UN. Such a referendum should take place under the strictest international control and contain three questions: do people want to live as part of Ukraine, an independent Crimean state or Russia. We believe that determining the procedure for such a referendum should be an important subject of discussion at a specially convened International Conference on the Peaceful Resolution of the Crisis. It is obvious to us that the expression of the will of people must be inextricably linked with respect for the dignity and interests of all residents of the territory in which it is held, with the greatest possible consideration of all its features. At referendums, citizens speak out in favor of living in an open and peaceful society in their chosen form of statehood, and not in favor of the formation of power by uncontrollable authoritarian groups.”

Natural science