Ilya - the meaning of the name. Name Ilya: meaning, fate and character of a man Designation of the name Ilya for a boy

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Ilya, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Ilya - Mars
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Ilya is bright red.
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Ilya's treasured plant - cornflower
  • The patron saint of the name Ilya is the nightingale
  • Ilya's talisman stone is diamond

What does the name Ilya mean: believer, strength of the Lord (the name Elijah is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Ilya: Ileyka, Ilya, Ilyusha, Ilyukha.

Patronymic name Ilya: Ilyich, Ilyinichna.

Angel Day named after Ilya: The name Ilya celebrates name days twice a year:

  • January 1 (December 19) - Venerable Ilya of Murom, miracle worker of Pechersk, originally from the city of Murom, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (XII century).
  • August 2 (July 20) - St. glorious prophet Elijah the Tishbite.

Signs of the name Ilya: August 2 - Ilyin's day. Ilya is finishing the summer. Elijah the prophet was dragged away for two hours. In the subordination of Ilya, thunder, lightning, thunderstorm, rain, he sends fertility to the earth. A thunderstorm breaks out as Elijah races across the sky in his fiery chariot.

Positive traits of the name Ilya: Ilya is distinguished by thoroughness, perseverance, and hard work. He is respected by others for his willingness to help in difficult situations.

Negative traits of the name Ilya: Ilya is characterized by impulsiveness, sensitivity, emotional incontinence, and dissatisfaction with the present. Ilya is focused on the future, he is full of ambitious plans, but at the same time he may not take advantage of the values ​​of the present and lose what he has. The life of the name Ilya may pass in anticipation of something, unique opportunities are not realized. Ilya is not very picky in choosing friends and can fall under bad influence.

Character of the name Ilya: Ilya has been a real boss since childhood. He has a highly developed sense of ownership: any business, any game is his, he organizes them and, as it were, bears responsibility for the results. He is an organizer by nature; a kind, gentle, straightforward, frank person. Sometimes, for completely inexplicable reasons, he gets cocky, and then it is difficult to calm him down. Ilya is not prone to daydreaming - he prefers quick, concrete results. A man named Ilya is a noble man, very devoted to his family. He may fall under the influence of friends and go astray, but not for long. This is a nature passionately thirsty for love, care, and attention. Coldness and neglect are unbearable for him! Ilya is quick-tempered, but easy-going; bitterly punishes himself for incontinence. For all his ardor, he knows how to keep his heart in check: first he builds a nest, and then he brings his beloved there.

The name Ilya is sociable, active, not very picky in choosing his comrades, and is easily influenced by them. Parents must remember this in order to protect them from bad influences. A man named Ilya is endowed with good intuition, excellent memory, intelligence, and is able to quickly understand the most difficult situation and make the right decision, the implementation of which is always prevented by some annoying little things. Lights up easily and cools quickly.

Sociable, adapts quickly, always ready to help with advice. Ilya is a very economical person. In sex there is spontaneity itself. The meaning of the name strives to find and conquer a free and independent woman, equal to him in intelligence. Appreciates affection and tenderness. The name Ilya cannot stand rude, assertive women who try to impose their style of relationships on him. Ilya, born in spring, is very emotional and erotic.

Born in autumn, Ilya is terrified of making a mistake in his chosen one. An unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for a long time and instill self-doubt in his abilities. He approaches creating a family in a thorough and economical manner. A man named Ilya will not marry until he is sure that he is able to financially provide for his family.

He loves children devotedly; there are many maternal traits in his character. Ilya is kind, quick-tempered, but easy-going, in a quarrel he is ready to take the blame upon himself, if only it would end as soon as possible. Despite his attachment to family and home, he loves to travel. Men named Ilya are distinguished by their sharp minds. They achieve success in pedagogy, medicine, law, and love work related to technology.

: Ilya is a cheerful, active child. He is pampered by his parents and respected by his friends, despite some selfishness and impudence. Ilya has a lot of friends, and not all of them influence him positively. Parents need to control their circle of friends. The name Ilya has a pleasant timbre of voice and musical abilities. Since childhood, an economic streak has been evident in him. He will happily help his parents in the garden, in building a summer house, or in repairing a car.

An adult man named Ilya is very sociable; loneliness is unbearable for him. He is a kind, sympathetic, gentle, frank and direct person. Sometimes he can sharply express unpleasant things, he can be very irritated, but subsequently he repents of his incontinence.

A man named Ilya can put forward an idea that is practically necessary at the moment, but is not always able to bring it to life. He knows how to see and correctly understand current events. The name Ilya has well-developed intuition, but he does not often succeed in assessing a person at first sight. Ilya becomes an excellent musician, singer, and artist. The profession of a doctor, teacher, investigator is possible for him, he can be a high-class worker. Very often in his soul the name Ilya lives with tomorrow's joys. It seems to a man named Ilya that his happiness is yet to come, so he is dissatisfied with his current state.

The creative potential of the name Ilya is enhanced by love. He especially needs to love and be loved. Ilya's sex life begins quite early, and it depends on the feelings he has for a woman. If she doesn't understand him, his sexuality weakens.

Ilya gets married, firmly standing on his feet. He loves his family very much and constantly takes care of them. The name Ilya sees its continuation in children; he believes that his cherished dreams will definitely be realized in them.

Choosing a profession by name: Ilya has a sharp mind, can become an effective business executive, a doctor, an excellent teacher, educator, and ideological inspirer. A man named Ilya is inclined to master the art of handicraft. Ilya may earn the favor of the “powers that be,” he will be a supporter of law and order, he may have to face hostility from envious people, but he will not allow himself to be distracted by such trifles.

Ilya’s business and career: Almost any activity will bring profit to Ilya: powerful friends, business, and even a marriage. A man named Ilya tends to save money for a rainy day, no matter how things go. However, there is a possibility that he will not become rich in the future.

Ilya's love and marriage: Ilya needs great love, but in matters of the heart he is so scrupulous and critical that he often misses chances for happiness. Ilya takes a thorough approach to creating a family; he will not marry until he can provide for his family with his earnings. A successful marriage named Ilya with Anna, Vera, Natalya, Sophia, Ulyana. The name can have complex relationships with Angelina, Valeria, Veronica, Euphrosyne, Zhanna, Christina.

Health and talents named after Ilya: Injuries and accidents are likely. Drivers can often get into traffic accidents. It is recommended to insure health and property.

Name Ilya in other countries: The translation of the name Ilya in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Elijah (Elijah), in Belarusian: Illya, in Bulgarian: Ilia, in Italian: Elia (Elia), in German: Elias (Elias), in Romanian: Ilie, in Ukrainian: Illya.

The fate of the name Ilya in history:

  1. The Holy Prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament - was born nine hundred years BC. For his fiery zeal for the glory of God, Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a chariot of fire. Russian Orthodoxy sacredly honors him. The first church built in Kiev under Prince Igor was built in the name of the prophet Elijah. The name Elijah given to him at birth - the fortress of the Lord - determined his whole life: he fiercely fought against the cult of the god Baal, which had spread among the Israelis.
  2. Ilya Muromets is the favorite hero of Russian epics, the embodiment of strength, courage, unshakable fortitude and generosity of the entire Russian people.
  3. Ileika Muromets (?-1607) is an impostor who took the name of Tsarevich Peter Fedorovich, the son of supposedly Queen Irina, replaced by Boris Godunov with a girl (Feodosia). Ileika, who was orphaned in childhood, served for several years with a Nizhny Novgorod merchant, and spent five months in Moscow on his business; then he sailed on merchant ships along the Volga, served as a Cossack, archer, and worker. In the winter of 1605/06, he was in the Terek city as a Cossack. Ileika settled in Tula, was captured after its surrender (October 10) and was hanged.
  4. Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1910) is a great Russian painter and wanderer, whose work reflected a wide variety of themes from history and modernity. Author of the famous paintings “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “They Didn’t Expect”, “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan”, “Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”. His portraits are remarkable in their social and psychological characteristics; master of drawing.
  5. Ilya Mechnikov - (1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, the discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, the creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation, the phagocytic theory of immunity, the founder of scientific gerontology. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).
  6. Ilya Erenburg - (1891 - 1967) Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.
  7. Ilya Frank - (1908 - 1990) Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1958) for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (together with Cherenkov and Tamm), laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1971).
  8. Ilya Glazunov - (born 1930) Soviet and Russian artist, painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunova. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1997). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)
  9. Ilya Mazuruk - (1906 - 1989) Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  10. Ilya Reznik - (born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
  11. Ilya Lagutenko - (born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group.
  12. Ilya (Iliy) Shatrov - (1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”.
  13. Ilya Efron - (1847 - 1917) one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian typographers and book publishers.
  14. Ilya Vasilevsky - (1882 - 1938) pseudonyms: Non-Letter, A. Glebov, Phoenix; Russian journalist, feuilletonist.
  15. Ilya Gruzinov - (1781 - 1813) professor of anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow University, who discovered in 1812 that the source of the human voice can be tracheal membranes.
  16. Ilya Kormiltsev - (1959 - 2007) Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" (2003 - 2007); the main lyricist of the songs of the Nautilus Pompilius group.

What does the name Ilya mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Strong-willed Active Restrained

Ilya Oleynikov, actor and TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of name: Hebrew

When you're lucky: Thursday, Saturday

When there are problems: Monday

Important years of life: 23, 44

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Lucky number: 6

What does the name Ilya mean?

The meaning of the name Ilya can tell you that it is very gentle, soft, especially in diminutive forms - Ilyusha, Ilyushenka.

Such a name is certainly reflected in the characteristics of both little and even adult Ilya.

He has a solid set of positive character traits, but the most important thing for him is to train his willpower from childhood so as not to become an indecisive and inactive lump, because this initially implies some indecisiveness and susceptibility to the influence of other people.

Owners of this name rarely swim against the tide, and it is very difficult for them to give up something that they really don’t like or doesn’t suit.

Sometimes they deliberately escalate the situation or bring matters to a conflict, so that later it will be easier to get rid of what does not suit them.

Before calling a child Ilyusha, parents should think about what middle name the boy will have in order to complement this rare and malleable name with fortitude and the ability to insist on his own - this is of vital importance for the future man.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

The history of the name Ilya in Rus' is quite interesting: according to legend, the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven alive on a chariot of fire. And therefore, for the people, this prophet replaced the pagan Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. That is why every time people heard thunder, they mistook it for the sound of the chariot of Elijah the prophet, the patron of agriculture, the master of rains and thunderstorms, and remembered the inevitable punishment for sinners.

The origin of the name Ilya is quite simple - it is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Elijah. The interpretation of the latter, in turn, means “the power of God, my God.” Elijah is one of the main Old Testament prophets.

No less popular in Rus' is the image of the epic hero Ilya Muromets, one of the three heroes who defeated the Nightingale the Robber and the Foul Idol. So what does the name Ilya mean for its owner? The character of the name Ilya is really like this - strong, important, economical, easily finding a common language with everyone, with great pleasure in protecting others rather than himself.

Forms of the name Simple: Ilya Full: Ilya Ancient: Ilya Affectionate: Ilyusha

Since childhood, little Ilyusha has been very fond of attention and has difficulty withstanding the loneliness and coldness of others, so there is always a large company around him. There is also some danger in this: you need to make sure that worthy guys gather around him, since he is subject to any influence and can contact hooligans, just not to be alone.

Very economical, he can happily help mom with household chores or dad in the garage.

It is safe to say that Ilya is a homebody: he travels willingly, but rarely, more often to exotic or, conversely, very familiar places, from where he returns home with pleasure. Although, in order to prove to everyone that he is still a real man, he may even take up some extreme sport, for example, snowboarding or mountain biking (or maybe keep it secret from everyone).

The general characteristics of the name Ilya are sociability, thriftiness, and indecisiveness.

Possessing a developed intellect, he is able to find a solution to any complex task, but it can be difficult for him to complete the task, because he is used to relying only on himself and usually does not ask for help, even if he understands that he may not be able to cope.

As if, in contrast to the interpretation of the origin of his name, Ilyusha has little fortitude. Although it usually doesn’t take much physical strength. He should definitely learn to cope with his fears and learn to refuse competently and firmly. Otherwise, ordinary indecisiveness may develop into self-doubt, although this is not characteristic of his character.

Ilya can sometimes be very hot-tempered, but he quickly moves away and then reproaches himself for his incontinence.

He is a man of action, he does not know how to dream and worry for a long time, or make plans for a long time. Usually he immediately takes up the implementation of the idea. Because of his isolation and polite silence, the owner of this name rarely becomes a leader; he simply does not really like working with people.

Despite the fact that he can skillfully avoid conflicts, he succeeds to a greater extent by infringing on his interests, which means that it is easier for him to work in tandem with a person who is approximately similar to him.

Although Ilyusha himself rarely asks for help, he is always ready to help others. Whatever the story may be: you need to help an elderly grandmother carry groceries home or take a giving birth cat to the veterinary clinic - it doesn’t matter, there will be no refusal. The almost unique name, which has a religious origin, does not allow him to ignore the misfortune of others.

Character Traits Responsibility Hard work Persistence Thoroughness Honesty Indecision Closedness Lack of restraint Weak will Lack of independence

Ilyusha is very caring, attentive and gentle. He gives his chosen one all his attention, his entire inner world, tries to avoid conflicts, no matter what happens. It takes a very long time to choose a life partner. It happens that he lives with a girl for a long time, and then still realizes that this is not his soul mate. He keeps it a secret for a while and then breaks up anyway to find the perfect match.

Good and bad couples Alexandra Anastasia Vasilisa Natalia Polina Victoria Ekaterina Kira Stefania Yana

For complete compatibility, it is extremely important for Ilya that his wife sincerely shares his hobbies and interests, then he will definitely make her happy.

This man will not lead his wife to “nowhere” - a prerequisite for him is the creation of a certain base. An apartment (or house), a car, good income, perhaps your own business - this is a description of those factors, in the presence of which Ilyusha will consider it possible to get married. Moreover, he will have to earn all this himself, without the help of his parents (even if they are quite capable of providing it all to him).

The meaning of the name Ilya for a boy

When choosing the name Ilya for your child, take into account the gentleness, even indecisiveness of his character. Too positive, soft, sympathetic Ilyusha risks falling under the bad influence of others.
Ilya must definitely add to his arsenal of skills: the ability to competently present his point of view, firmly defend what is right or just an opinion. The development of determination and toughness is of paramount importance for Ilyusha.

The owner of this name does not tolerate loneliness and always tries to surround himself with a motley company. By nature, Ilya is more of a homebody than a fan of noisy parties. He enjoys helping mom with cleaning and dad in the garage. And if suddenly those around him make fun of him, Ilya will go to extremes, for example: he will take up an extreme sport, proving his own masculinity, challenging his “homeliness”.

What will Ilya achieve success in? Thorough, intellectual Ilyusha tries to excel in his studies to his mother's satisfaction. With an excellent set of abilities, your child will achieve success in any chosen field. The most problematic thing remains - choosing the point of application of effort.

This boy needs to be raised more strictly and must be taught independence. You cannot deny Ilyusha attention, love and understanding - this is the only way the child will grow up to be a harmonious person, capable of empathy and free from other people’s opinions.

What games will Ilya like? For this boy, company always comes first. This means that he is unlikely to while away the time at home, read books or spend hours at the computer. Rather, it will race on the street all day. The only way to keep Ilya in one place is to offer him interesting intellectual games.

When is the name day?

January 1, 21 March 1, 22 June 6 September 2, 26, 30 October 11 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Ilya (name): origin, meaning, character, compatibility

Many people do not know that a person’s name can determine his destiny, character and life path. Ilya is a name whose origin few people know. This will be discussed in the article.

The influence of a name on a person’s life

Each name has its own energy, which gives countless possibilities dormant in a person. Parents should choose a name for their baby very carefully.

After all, if it is difficult to pronounce, sounds pretentious and pretentious, then the person’s fate will be very difficult.

Very often, a completely untalented person achieves success in life, since the energy of the name allows him to lead or be cunning. It has been proven since ancient times that the name a person bears determines not only his character, but also his destiny. It contains sounds that in mysticism are called waves. They are transmitted to a person’s subconscious and affect the body when others call them by name.

Pay attention to married couples. Those people who live happily are those whose names match as many letters as possible. If there are not a single identical letter, it means that the couple does not have common interests and it is difficult for them to overcome family difficulties. It turns out that not everything is so simple. The name greatly influences the life and destiny of every person. Ilya is a name whose origin will be discussed in this article.

Origin and meaning of the name Ilya

It first appeared in the Old Testament. He was revered by Jews and Christians. There was mention of Elijah the Prophet. This was one of the versions of the origin of the name Ilya. The translation of the name can be interpreted as “the power of God.”

The second version of its origin is simpler and more understandable to humans. It comes from the Hebrew name Eliyahu. To make it easier to speak, the name Ilya is now pronounced. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner depend on many factors, which we will consider below in the article.

According to statistics, back in 1970, Ilya was a very rare name. Parents did not like to call boys by this name back then. Therefore, it occurred one in a thousand. Although there is an assertion that the parents were wrong, because this name was considered one of the best in its meaning.


We have found out what origin Ilya (name) has, but now let’s look at what the person so named is like. Ilya has been very economical since childhood. If he is raised correctly, he becomes an indispensable assistant for his mother both in the kitchen and in cleaning. The boy will be happy to help his father. Everything related to household chores can be safely entrusted to Ilya. Among other things, he will be happy to repair the car with his father, help his parents in the garden, etc.

Mom and dad should definitely monitor their son's circle of friends. After all, Ilya doesn’t understand people at all and can get into an unpleasant situation. For the sake of friendship he is capable of much.

Ilya will never marry early. He has his own principles. First of all, he will get back on his feet, and only then will he offer his hand and heart to the girl. This is why many men with this name get married late.

Ilya loves children very much, and as a rule, there are many children in the family. Dad feels proud that he can provide for them all and give them a wonderful start in life. Children, in turn, are grateful to their father and repay him with their immeasurable love.

Such men, although economical, are restless. They love to travel and explore the world. Therefore, not only Ilya, but also his wife and children, at the first opportunity, go somewhere far away on vacation.

A man named Ilya is very kind, but also quick-tempered. When he leaves the quarrel, he takes all the blame on himself and apologizes in an original way. For example, he invites his wife, friend or employee to a restaurant, cafe or to the cinema. After all, he really wants to be forgiven.

In general, such a man is a very kind, sympathetic and decent person. It seems to radiate the rays of a bright, hot sun. It’s not for nothing that only good words are written about him in the calendar. They often say that Ilya is a wonderful person. His name and character are closely interrelated.


Sooner or later, Ilya marries, and he has a life partner. Not every girl is suitable for him, but only those who have the same letters in their names as their husband. These are “i”, “l”, “b” and “i”. These sounds mean common interests, outlooks on life and similar destinies.

Evaluate the compatibility of the name Ilya based on the letters. If a woman and a man have the same sounds in their names, then they suit each other well. Girls with the following names are most suitable for Ilya: Alexandra, Albina, Elena, Elizaveta, Efrosinya, Zinaida, Louise, Lisa, Maria, Matilda, Nelya, Ninel, Polina, Pasha, Raisa, Svetlana, Tatyana, Ulyana, Elvira, Yulia. These are just examples, but in fact there are many more names that suit this man. You have already learned a lot about the name Ilya, the meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer also depend on the letters. This is described later in the article.


For Ilya, this aspect is very important. He is a woman's conqueror. He is temperamental in sex, always achieves his goal and knows exactly what his chosen one wants. However, as soon as he got his way, he can quickly cool down, unless, of course, he really fell in love.

Ilya loves romance and will create the necessary atmosphere before moving on to intimate relationships. This could be a candlelit dinner, a cozy cafe or a meeting in some amazing place. Only after that he goes to the intimate side and lures a partner.

Work and career

Here Ilya has no equal. This person is very hardworking, punctual and conscientious. Therefore, he may well become a careerist who will easily achieve his goal and follow all the instructions of his superiors.

Ilya is respected at work by his employees and subordinates, as he is a fair and intelligent person. He will always advise, help or recommend something really practical and useful.

Be that as it may, for Ilya, career never comes first, since he has a beloved wife and children. Therefore, if he has to choose, he will give preference to his family, and will quit his job without regret.

The meaning of the letters in the name

The first letter is basic. The character of a person depends on it. The first letter “i” stands for sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness, friendliness, practicality and romance.

The third letter “b” is a person’s ability to classify and put everything into categories. Ilya has everything according to plan and shouldn’t have it any other way. This is the only way to achieve great success.

And the last, fourth, letter “I” speaks of self-esteem. A person easily achieves the respect and love of others. These could be colleagues, business partners, relatives, friends or superiors. Now we know who Ilya is. What name to choose for your son is up to the parents to decide, so this information will be useful to them.


In the article we looked at who Ilya is. A name with an interesting origin story can give a child a unique personality. It is safe to say that proper upbringing will instill in a boy exclusively positive character traits that will help him become a good person in life.

Ilya is a sympathetic and kind man. The name, the origin of which we now know, is not the only parameter that influences the character of a child, because there are also zodiac signs that can tell a lot about a person.

Male names. What does the name Ilya mean?

Parents should approach the choice of a name for a child more than responsibly, because the name largely determines a person’s fate. The name is credited with the magical property of developing certain character traits. The name should not be funny or difficult to pronounce; it should go well with the middle name and be suitable for the child.

Ilya: name, meaning of the name

One of the options for a name for a boy is Ilya. It is easy to pronounce and will go well with a long middle name, for example, Konstantinovich, Aleksandrovich. This is a good Russian name with ancient roots - everyone knows the hero of epic Russian fairy tales, Ilya Muromets. The name sounds soft, without presenting any difficulties for pronunciation, and has several diminutive variants: Ilyushka, Ileyka, Ilyukha, Ilyunya, Ilyusya. It remains to find out what the name Ilya means.

Thanks to its Hebrew roots, the meaning of the name Ilya is interpreted as “God’s power.”

Name horoscope

The name is patronized by several planets at once: Saturn, Mars and the Sun. A person who has such patrons has a sunny character and truly “Martian” energy.

Talisman stones: carnelian, diamond, fire opal.

Name colors: yellow, brown, orange.

Element: earth.

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

What does the name Ilya mean: character traits

All Ilyushkas are characterized by their thriftiness, which is unusual for a small child. They are happy to help their parents around the house and have a number of responsibilities that they do not forget to fulfill. They love pets very much and not only play with them, but also take care of them: walking them, feeding them, brushing them. Helper, master - this is what the name Ilya means in everyday life. Ileikas really like to tinker in the garden or garden, weed the beds, water the ripening crop. At the same time, there is no need to try to praise him for this - boys prefer restraint and distance in relationships.

The main character traits of Ilya will be more like his mother. Men with this name are characterized by affection and warmth in their relationships with those around them. They have developed intelligence.

Parents need to closely monitor their son's choice of friends. He is usually overly trusting and can easily fall under the bad influence of other children.

He has a lot of friends, thanks to his sociability and activity.

Ilya creates a family quite late, as he approaches this issue very responsibly. He will not marry until he earns a certain capital, builds a house and buys a car. He is usually attentive to his wife, listens to her, but it is difficult to call him a homebody: his restless character attracts him to travel. Ilya will be lucky with women named Vera, Natalya, Akulina, Sophia, Anna. You should not link your fate with Elizaveta, Tatyana, Margarita, Galina. He will love children and enjoy raising them, doing it selflessly and selflessly.

When planning to establish contact with the owner of this name, it is important to remember what the name Ilya means. These are kind, sunny, friendly people, but they don’t like it when they claim their personal space and get into their souls. Ilya is easy-going and ready to forgive everything, taking the blame upon himself.

What does the name Ilya mean?


Male name Ilya Translated from Hebrew it means “fortress of God.” Ilya is persistent and hardworking, and is respected by his friends. Willingly helps loved ones.


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME ILYA - Ilya is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning Yahweh - my God, the power of God, the strength of the Lord, the believer. A beautiful, reliable and good name, but in terms of psycho-emotional impression - feminine. Its carrier is a soft person. The entire set of pleasant and positive qualities can be negated by the lack of strength and power in its owner. This name is rarely given to children, in the city ten times more often than in the countryside (in 1970 - one in a thousand).


Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, recluse in the Near (Antoniev) Caves, October 11 (September 28), January 1 (December 19). Ilya of Murom, miracle worker of Pechersk, originally from the city of Murom, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (XII century). The favorite hero of Russian epics, the embodiment of strength, courage, unshakable fortitude and generosity of the entire Russian people.

Elijah the Tishbite, prophet, August 2 (July 20). One of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. Born 900 years BC. When the Egyptian people departed from the faith of their fathers and worshiped pagan idols, Elijah announced that as punishment there would be no rain or dew on the earth for three years and the drought would end only through his prayer. After three years, the prophets of Baal cried out in vain to the idol from morning to evening - the sky was silent. In the evening, Elijah turned to God with fervent prayer. Fire came out of heaven and burned the altar. The sky opened and heavy rain fell, watering the land that had been waiting for moisture for three years. The people fell to the ground: “Truly the Lord is One God and there is no other God besides Him!” For his fiery zeal for the glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a chariot of fire. Russian Orthodoxy sacredly honors him.



COLOR OF THE NAME ILYA - Bright red; bright scarlet field with a blue stripe.


ILYA'S PLANT - Elm, cornflower.

ILYA'S ANIMAL - Nightingale.

MAIN FEATURES OF ILYA - Ironic, artistic, many-sided.

ILYA'S TYPE - Self-absorbed nature. And at the same time, capable of empathy.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME ILYA - Ilya is sociable, cheerful, compliant, good in company, easily finds a common language with a variety of people. A noble man, very devoted to his family. He may fall under the influence of friends and go astray, but not for long. Coldness and neglect are unbearable for him.

ILYA'S DESTINY - Ilya will always help, teach, explain, but, with rare exceptions, he will not let anyone into his inner world. There are many maternal traits in his character, but overall he is a person who seems to reflect the rays of a bright, warm sun. It is not for nothing that the calendar says about him: “Elijah, my God Yahweh.”

ILYA'S PSYCHE - Hot-tempered, but easy-going. Bitterly punishes himself for incontinence. For all his ardor, he knows how to keep his heart in check: first he builds a nest, and then he brings his beloved there. Sometimes, for completely inexplicable reasons, it cocks. And then it is difficult to calm him down. Relaxation helps him overcome frequent disappointments and failures in business.

ILYA'S INTUITION - Well developed. Allows you to correctly assess the situation and even make the appropriate decision. But for some reason, annoying little things always get in the way of doing it.

ILYA'S THINKING - Tall. Good memory, ability to see and evaluate events from different angles.

ILYA'S MORALITY - Ilya is not very picky in choosing his comrades. Love stimulates his creativity.

ILYA'S HEALTH - He experiences failures very acutely, especially intimate ones. He needs a certain comfort. It may be affected by extraneous sounds. It can be difficult for him to completely relax. Characterized by insecurity in one's masculine virtues.

SEX AND LOVE ILYA - Gentle, attentive and caring. Able to appreciate a woman. It is important for him that his partner is spiritually close to him. This could be Vera, Elena, Angela, Irina, Sophia or Anna.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY OF ILYA - Family for Ilya is the center of the Universe. He is gentle and kind with children. A happy marriage is likely with Anna, Vera, Natalya and Sophia. Less suitable for marriage are Galina, Elizaveta, Margarita and Tatyana.

ILYA'S PASSIONS AND HOBBIES - Will be very willing to participate in building a summer house, growing a vegetable garden, repairing a car, growing crops. Loves to travel.

ILYA'S REALIZATION IN SOCIETY - Ilya more often chooses activities that are not related to organizational work with people. It also happens that the profession itself chooses him. He can be a doctor, a teacher, an investigator, a mechanic.

ILYA'S CAREER AND BUSINESS - Quite often he becomes a high-class professional, but rarely reaches command heights. The best option is when Ilya works in tandem with a colleague whose character traits complement his own. Tandem can be wonderful!

Ilya has been a real boss since childhood. He has a highly developed sense of ownership: any business, any game is his; he organizes them and is, as it were, responsible for the results. He is an organizer by nature. A kind, gentle, straightforward, frank person. He is not prone to daydreaming - he prefers quick, concrete results. Practical implementation of the adopted decisions is not successful for him.


The name Ilya is a Russian version of the Hebrew name “Eliyahu,” which meant “My God the Lord,” and can also be translated as “believer.”

There is another interpretation that the name Elijah comes from the name Elijah, which means

"the power of God" and "the strength of the Lord."

The Slavs associate the name Ilya with Elijah the prophet, who was next to Jesus.

Since childhood, boys named Ilya have shown themselves to be good owners; they are inquisitive and easy to teach. The game is important to him, sometimes it’s even difficult to understand when Ilya is playing and when he’s serious.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Ilya.

What does the name Ilya mean?

The name Elijah means - the power of God (ancient Hebrew)

The meaning of the name Ilya is character and destiny

A man named Ilya is an extremely economical person. Since childhood, he has been happy to help his mother and tinker with his father near a faulty car. Having matured, he becomes a “jack of all trades”; he succeeds in everything he takes on. He starts his own family in adulthood, when he can provide for it on his own. He is not very decisive with women, it is difficult for him to choose a life partner, and even more difficult to decide on marriage. He has been dating his future wife for a long time, most often this is his classmate at the institute. Ilya is required to receive higher education and tries with all his might to have a good specialty. A man named Ilya has a poor understanding of people; among his friends there are many people who take advantage of his kindness in pursuit of selfish goals. Easily influenced. Ilya is strongly attached to home and family, but at the same time he loves to travel and cannot stay in one place for a long time. Kind, but quick-tempered, he is the first to reconcile, ready to take all the blame on himself, regardless of who was the instigator of the quarrel. In general, this person radiates warmth, is generous in soul, sympathetic, friendly and merciful. Ilya eagerly builds a dacha, grows a vegetable garden, and grows rare varieties of fruit trees. With his wife he is gentle and attentive, he is more attracted to the inner content of a woman than to beauty.

Meaning of the name Ilya for sex

Ilya’s sex life is orderly, he plans his dates. Tries to subjugate a woman. If he doesn’t succeed, he gets very worried, and when he gets his way, he immediately loses interest in his partner. In bed, he may lack spontaneity, but he more than compensates for this with a rich erotic program. Ilya needs a certain comfort in love; even sounds can affect him, so it’s hard for him to relax. For a man named Ilya, the most important thing is to defeat a woman who is equal to him, free and independent.

The character and fate of the name Ilya, taking into account the patronymic

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Alekseevich, Ilya Andreevich, Ilya Artemovich, Ilya Vasilyevich, Ilya Valentinovich, Ilya Viktorovich, Ilya Vitalievich, Ilya Vladimirovich, Ilya Evgenievich, Ilya Ivanovich, Ilya Ilyich, Ilya Petrovich, Ilya Mikhailovich, Ilya Sergeevich, Ilya Fedorovich, Ilya Yuryevich sociable, loves to talk. Resourceful, will get out of any situation with dignity, cunning and resourceful. He loves to argue, he will always find a reason, but everyone already knows his weakness and makes fun of him. Ilya is inclined to overestimate his capabilities, but he immediately admits that he got carried away and accepts outside help with equanimity. Receptive to failures, and not only his own, sympathetic, responsive. He is sociable and has a feeling of sincere affection for his friends. He is passionate, loves to play preference, and is very upset when he loses. He is no stranger to romantic adventures, but in women he is looking not so much for a sex partner as for an understanding friend. Ilya is a caring family man, but, as a rule, he does not have enough time to raise children. When the children grow up, he throws up his hands in bewilderment, because he wanted to make completely different people out of them. In this case, all the blame falls on the spouse. Often it is difficult to provide for the family, and only the essentials. More often he has daughters.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Alexandrovich, Ilya Borisovich, Ilya Vadimovich, Ilya Grigorievich, Ilya Kirillovich, Ilya Maksimovich, Ilya Matveevich, Ilya Nikitich, Ilya Pavlovich, Ilya Romanovich, Ilya Tarasovich, Ilya Timofeevich, Ilya Eduardovich, Ilya Yakovlevich good-natured and friendly. Intelligent, erudite. He is so impressionable and modest that he may have problems communicating. Not every society feels relaxed. A man named Ilya is in dire need of stability and is looking for a reliable rear. Therefore, he marries early, without looking around, without weighing all the pros and cons. Often his first marriage is unsuccessful. Ilya himself is a loyal friend, a good family man, but he is more interested in work than home; he is not involved in raising children. However, he is very attached to them, always finds the opportunity to say a kind word to them, to encourage their academic success. He takes the issue of their education seriously and spares no expense or moral effort. It is difficult for the wife to cope with all family problems, but she cannot complain about the lack of affection or inattention on the part of her husband. Ilya always finds money for birthday gifts, he knows how to do everything around the house, but he just doesn’t have enough time for it. Boys are born to such Ilya more often. He is patient and does not part with his wife for a long time, even if the relationship reaches a dead end. Divorce occurs at the initiative of the spouse. But most often, Ilya remains in his first marriage and endures all the troubles, hoping for the best.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Bogdanovich, Ilya Vladislavovich, Ilya Vyacheslavovich, Ilya Georgievich, Ilya Danilovich, Ilya Egorovich, Ilya Konstantinovich, Ilya Robertovich, Ilya Svyatoslavovich, Ilya Yanovich, Ilya Yaroslavovich charming, kind and welcoming. Correct and tactful, as a rule, well mannered. He is frugal, earns money with difficulty, spends only on what is necessary. A man named Ilya is looking for a wife with the same views on material values. He does not strive for luxury, is content with little, but is generous in soul, ready to help everyone. Has many true and loyal friends. He is loved and respected in any society. He knows a lot, can answer any question, gives practical advice, but he himself is impractical and not enterprising. This kind of Ilya values ​​spiritual wealth more than anything in life, and according to this principle he selects friends and a life partner. She pays a lot of attention to the upbringing and education of her children. He can have both sons and daughters. Ilya loves sports and involves children in sports activities. Despite his busy schedule, he is a homely person and loves to spend evenings with his family. If he has a dacha, then everything there is made by his hands.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Antonovich, Ilya Arturovich, Ilya Valerievich, Ilya Germanovich, Ilya Glebovich, Ilya Denisovich, Ilya Igorevich, Ilya Iosifovich, Ilya Leonidovich, Ilya Lvovich, Ilya Olegovich, Ilya Ruslanovich, Ilya Semenovich, Ilya Filippovich, Ilya Emmanuilovich arrogant, stubborn and persistent. Hot-tempered over trifles. Irritable when faced with resistance. His character is unpredictable and contradictory. He considers himself always right and does not tolerate objections. He likes to criticize and teach others, but does not allow this in relation to himself. He chooses a wife who is meek and undemanding. A man named Ilya can provide for his family, but he believes that more attention needs to be paid to himself, his health, and his needs. He is attached to his sons, values ​​them more than his wife, he does not feel sorry for anything for them. The wife in the house of such Ilya is a free housekeeper. It is difficult for him to part with money; it is easier for him to buy food for the house himself than to control her spending. However, he will always have money for a good dinner at a restaurant with friends, a picnic on the weekend and other entertainment.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Albertovich, Ilya Alanovich, Ilya Anatolyevich, Ilya Veniaminovich, Ilya Vladlenovich, Ilya Dmitrievich, Ilya Nikolaevich, Ilya Rostislavovich, Ilya Stanislavovich, Ilya Stepanovich, Ilya Feliksovich Outwardly he is always calm, modest, even shy. However, behind the apparent shyness lies a hot-tempered, uncontrollable nature. This Ilya is not happy with himself either. He does not know how to manage himself, cannot control his emotions. He explodes instantly, then reproaches himself for a long time for his incontinence. Meanwhile, he is very kind, sociable, charming, smart and resourceful. A man named Ilya is enterprising and calculating. He is unusually amorous and easily changes lovers because he quickly gets bored with them. But with a woman who can win his heart, he will remain forever. Then Ilya will become a faithful husband, a devoted and reliable family man, and a wonderful father. Ilya gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often - sons. Ilya loves daughters more, strives for the birth of at least one daughter, so there are always many children in his family.

Forms of the name Ilya

Short form of the name Ilya. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha. Synonyms for the name Ilya. Elijah, Ilyas, Elias, Eli, Elia, Illesh. Short and diminutive options: Ileyka, Ilya, Ilyusha, Ilyukha.

Name Ilya in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 伊利亞 (Yīlì yǎ). Japanese: イリヤ (Iriya). Thai: อิลยา (Xil yā). Hindi: इल्या (Ilyā). Ukrainian: Ілля. Georgian: ილია (ilia). English: Ilya (Ilya).

Origin of the name Ilya

The name Elijah is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning “My God is the Lord,” and can also be translated as “believer.” Another interpretation is that the name Elijah comes from the name Elijah, which means “the fortress of the Lord.”

The most famous is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who in Islam is referred to as Ilyas. Among modern Catholics, the prophet Elijah is considered the heavenly patron of motorists and motorcyclists, and among Orthodox Christians he is considered the patron of Russian airborne troops, quite possibly because he himself ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire. The dates of the Catholic name day are February 16, April 17, July 20. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name day of Elijah. Ilya is artistic, ironic and many-sided. He is very deep in himself, but he is also able to empathize with others.

Ilya's character

In company, Ilya is cheerful and sociable. He easily communicates with any people, not conflict. Ilya always puts his family first, although for a short time he can still forget about it, listening to the advice of his friends. Coldness and neglect, which are simply unbearable for him, can push Ilya away from his family and loved ones.

Ilya is an advisor and teacher. He will tell and show everything to anyone who wants it, but he will only let in his soul to a select few. In character, he is very similar to his mother.

Ilya is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down. After quarrels, he repents of his incontinence for a long time. Although Ilya tends to get cocky at times, a man, as a rule, keeps his heart in check. Before proposing to his beloved, he will prepare all the conditions for living together. Ilya's impulsive actions often lead to failure and disappointment. His resourcefulness helps a man overcome them.

Ilya has well-developed intuition. He is able to correctly assess the situation, and, having assessed it, a man quickly makes the right decision and sets a goal for himself. But all sorts of little things often prevent Ilya from achieving his goal.

Ilya is smart, has a good memory, and is able to judge events from different points of view.

The secret of the name Ilya

Such a man is economical. He carefully chooses a woman for family life and tries to create only a happy family. Ilya will marry only if he can get on his feet and be independent. He dreams of earning enough to provide for himself and his wife. Treats children with great love.

Although Ilya dreams of a happy family, he is restless. Such a man loves to travel and enjoys trying new places.

Ilya has a sharp mind and a quick temper. In addition, such a man is very kind. In any conflict situation, he is able to take all the blame upon himself.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Incompatibility of the name Ilya

March 21, 2018

Most parents, before giving their child a name, are accordingly interested in its origin. This interest is explained by the fact that the name given to a person can predetermine his future life. Ilya, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys is a topic of concern for most, which will be discussed within the framework of this material.

The meaning of the name Ilya for a boy is brief

If you are concerned about the meaning of the name Ilya for a boy briefly, then we note that he is often associated with a person who is constantly looking for his path in life. Ilya is full of ambitious plans and the desire for self-realization. Ilya, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys is important and relevant for many parents who want to name their baby this way.

The main character feature of a child with this name is that from an early age he tries to optimize and organize the space around him as much as possible. Although Ilya has a quick-tempered temperament, he is nevertheless quick-witted and very devoted to his loved ones and family. Setting goals for himself, he always tries to achieve the results he needs despite the difficulty of completing the tasks.

The name Ilya has Hebrew roots, so in Russian, for many, its sound is more familiar as Ilya. The meaning of the name itself is “the power of God.” This name has always been quite popular and widespread in Rus'. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, its owners are good business executives with a reserved and easy-going character. They never refuse the help their loved ones and friends need.

What does the name Ilya mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

In search of an answer to the question - what does the name Ilya mean for a boy according to the church calendar, I would like to note that this name is very revered. For example, the holiday in honor of Elijah the Prophet is celebrated several times a year.

When going to the name day of the little owner of this name, you should definitely take into account his character and interests. After all, Ilya, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys play a very important role. Most children named this way seem at first glance to be withdrawn and cold, which is in fact completely wrong.

  • According to the church calendar, boys with this name do not like empty compliments and flattery. They are more pleased with praise for their deeds or neutral expressions. Thanks to this, the traitor can be quickly won over.
  • A peculiar, slightly cold demeanor (alertness, apprehension) with which a child treats new acquaintances, as a rule, is formed almost from birth. Such a feature is a kind of defensive reaction of people with this name, helping them to freely stay in society.
  • Another characteristic feature of Ilya's character is the constant dissatisfaction with the successes achieved, which moves them further, forcing them to develop and improve themselves.

The secret of the name Ilya: what to consider

Any name has its own secret, revealing which you can learn more about a person. The secret of the name Ilya suggests that its owners have good and stable energy. At the same time, the biofield of such a person is quite difficult to destroy. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that in some situations this bioenergetic field needs to be recharged. As a rule, the “donors” of such nourishment are relatives and friends. Praise, wise advice or a kind word can charge Ilya, add confidence and cheer up.

  • Spirit animal: bird. The nightingale in all cultures of the world is the personification of kindness, eloquence and love.
  • The element of people named Ilya is water. This suggests that, if necessary, they can adapt to any life situation while creating the most comfortable conditions for themselves.
  • Typical zodiac signs for the owners of this name are Taurus and Capricorn. Even if a person was born under a different sign, the listed constellations will still have a significant impact on his fate. As a rule, the peak influence of these signs appears in May and December.
  • The talisman stone is a diamond that will protect his financial problems, ailments and enemies.
  • The best metal for Ilya is silver, it is not only a pure and noble metal, but also an excellent amulet.

The origin of the name Ilya and its meaning for children

If you are concerned about the origin of the name Ilya and its meaning for children, I would like to note that this name is quite common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. There are many different names, which, in fact, are a modified form of the name Ilya or its analogues.

By origin, the name Ilya is Hebrew, however, in Rus' it appeared one of the very first. A direct translation from the Hebrew Elijah or Eliyahu is a man of faith or God's power. One way or another, this name has very ancient roots, which is also confirmed by the Bible, which mentions the prophet Elijah.

People who have received this name are distinguished by a calm character. In their youth, boys are judicious and intelligent beyond their years. Ilya is not only a good friend, but also an ideal assistant who will become an excellent and reliable support in any matter. Having such a brother, son or father is happiness, because he will never leave you in trouble and will come to the rescue even in the most difficult moment of life.

Ilya does not have any priorities in choosing a profession, that is, he can become a teacher, a lawyer, or choose a completely unexpected direction in his professional activity. For people with this name, the most important thing at all stages of life is the emotional support of loved ones.

The character of a boy named Ilya

In order to better understand the character of a boy named Ilya, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information. One of the most striking characteristics of people with this name is that Ilya is an excellent assistant in all matters. He takes on any job - gardening, helping his father or friend repair a vehicle, or building some kind of structure. If Ilya has good educators, he will grow up as an excellent support for the family.

In childhood, special attention should be paid to the boy’s environment in order to prevent bad influences. This is explained by the fact that this child is quite sociable, however, he does not know how to understand people at all.

From a young age, Ilya is a full-fledged master of his life. He completes all the tasks that he undertakes or organizes, being literally responsible for the results.

By nature, people with this name are kind-hearted, attracting others with their openness. Ilya cannot be called a dreamer - instead of having his head in the clouds, he prefers to immediately get down to business and systematically move towards his goal.

The fate of a boy named Ilya

Note that the fate of a boy named Ilya can turn out differently. It all depends on his upbringing, as well as the people around him. However, the most important thing for him is the participation and emotional support of his loved ones. Although Ilya is not a perfectionist, he is simply unable to leave anything unfinished. This feature of his character manifests itself from childhood, which in adulthood helps him become a professional in his field.

The name Ilya has been known in our country for a long time and is still popular. Foreign analogues of the name are also quite common and are most often found in European countries.

History of the origin of the name

The name Ilya came to us from the Hebrew language. It is derived from the Israeli name Eliyahu, which means “believer,” “my god,” or “the power of God.” It is also believed that this name is a Russian interpretation of the biblical name Elijah, which was borne by one of the prophets of the Old Testament. According to this version, the name takes on the meaning of “the fortress of the Lord.”

The Russian name Ilya is derived from the name of the prophet Elijah

Whether from that city from Murom,
From that village and Karachaev
It was a heroic trip here.
A good fellow leaves from here,
Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Does he ride out on his good horse?
And whether he rides out in a forged saddle.

Onega epics recorded by A.F. Hilferding in the summer of 1871

Ilya Muromets - Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main characters of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries

Name Forms

Name abbreviation: Ilya.

Diminutive options: Ilyusha, Ilyushenka, Ilyusya, Ilyunya, Ilenka, Lyunya.

Ilyusha is one of the diminutive versions of the name Ilya

Related names: Elijah, Elias, Eli, Elia, Illesh.

Church version of the name: Elijah.

What patronymics are formed from the name Ilya: Ilyinichna, Ilyich.

In the international passport, the name Ilya is written as ILIA.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Ilya is written as ILIA

Patronymics that successfully combine with the name Ilya: Andreevich, Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Viktorovich, Vadimovich, Germanovich, Dmitrievich, Demidovich, Nikolaevich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Romanovich, Yuryevich.

In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses, the population of which would be equal to the entire county town, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was lying in bed in his apartment in the morning.<…>Lying down for Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state.

Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"

Ilya Oblomov preferred to spend most of his life on the couch, which does not correspond to the characteristics of the name Ilya

Table: the name Ilya in foreign languages

Arabايليا Ilya
ArmenianԻլյա Ilya
BelorussianIlya, Illya, IlyaIlya, Ilya
BulgarianOr meIlya
HungarianIlles Illes
GreekΗλίας Ilya
Georgianილია ilia
Hebrewאליהו Ilya
SpanishElias Elias
ItalianElia Elia
Chinese伊利亚 Yīlì yǎ
Korean일리아 Ilya
GermanElias Elias
NorwegianElias Elias
PolishEliasz Eliasz
PortugueseElias Elias
SerbianIlija, Ilija Ilya
Thaiอิลยา Xil yā
TurkishIlyas Ilyas
FrenchEllie Elie
Hindiइल्या Ilyā
CzechElias Elias
SwedishElias Elias
Japaneseイリヤ Iriya

Name days and patron saints

A boy named Elijah will be baptized under the similar name Elijah. This name is found in Orthodox calendars more than 15 times. The most famous saints bearing the name Elijah are:

Ilya’s name day will be celebrated on one of the following dates (the one closest to his birthday):

  • January: 1, 21, 25, 27;
  • February: 3, 13;
  • March: 1;
  • April: 5, 10;
  • August: 2, 25, 30;
  • September: 16, 26, 30;
  • November: 16, 17, 22;
  • December:5, 9, 18, 29, 31.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Ilya is used to being a leader in everything, so as not to miss this place, he is ready to do anything. Having taken up any sport, a young man will definitely achieve success, since he must always be the best. At the same time, he is a romantic and caring person with whom it is pleasant to spend time and always has something to talk about. A man does not tolerate coldness both in friendships and in love relationships. For him there are no halftones, he divides everything into good and bad. The guy is an extrovert: he is open to communication, active and straightforward in society.

Ilya is the undisputed leader and is ready to do crazy things to maintain his position

Ilya is a big owner and an egoist, he will never give up what he has even to a loved one, but he will try to make sure that everyone around him is happy. In addition, the guy is endowed with ambition and determination. He will achieve his desires at any cost - he will not sleep at night, get an additional job, and engage in self-education. This man values ​​family connections and feels like one with his loved ones. Ilya is endowed with an excellent memory, but he quickly forgets insults received from others. He is obligatory, which is greatly appreciated by any boss and makes the guy an indispensable employee. This young man can handle any difficult situation; he will always easily find the right solution.

Ilya will do everything possible to achieve what he wants.

Ilya is not without negative aspects in his character. This may include a hot-tempered and violent temperament. The man is very emotional, it is difficult for him to restrain himself in critical situations. The guy is well aware of his shortcomings and is very worried that he cannot overcome them. Sometimes he can become cruel and rude, start spreading gossip, but he will never act meanly even with an enemy. Another negative aspect of Ilya’s personality is his disdainful attitude towards people who have achieved less in life than himself. But even with such individuals he is ready to contact if it brings him personal benefit.

Not a prophet and not a judge,
Not an Old Testament hero.
He is our old friend Ilya,
We love him for this.


Ilya is selfish and arrogant, often disdainful of people below him in social level

In his works, Boris Khigir speaks of Ilya as an economic person who has been helping adults since childhood. This guy is endowed with a variety of skills, easily copes with housekeeping, and is able to repair any equipment. But unfortunately, a man doesn’t understand people well and can fall under bad influence. He is witty, responsible, but quick-tempered. However, in difficult situations, he instantly pulls himself together and solves all the difficulties. She values ​​family connections, loves children, but despite her attachment to home, loves to travel.

According to Boris Khigir, Ilya is a very economical person, able to cope with any everyday difficulty

How does a name affect a child's personality?

Ilya from early childhood feels like the master of life. He has a sense of self-esteem, he becomes a leader in the company of his peers, and takes on the role of ringleader in games and entertainment. If one of the guys tries to resist the boy’s behavior, he gets offended and refuses to do anything at all. This is a very rational and active child. He is not prone to daydreaming, makes decisions instantly, and never regrets what he has done.

Since childhood, Ilya has positioned himself as the master of life

It is difficult for parents to organize their son and force him to complete a task or request. But the boy often volunteers to help his mom and dad around the house. Ilya has no problems with his studies: he tries to study well so that he can be better than others here too. Teachers love this student, he is in their special account. The boy quickly finds contact with his classmates.

The name Ilya has so much tenderness and strength,
It means God's grace.
Economical, reliable, smart and beautiful.
Your parents managed to name you correctly!


Little Ilya tries to help mom and dad, but he will never do it on orders

In adolescence, a guy’s character traits include hot temper, which can sometimes cause problems. He does not need real friendly support, since he considers himself the best and believes in universal recognition. Ilya is an obvious egoist, but he manages to become the soul of any company. This happens thanks to a brilliant mind and outstanding charisma. Sometimes a young man finds himself in bad company because he does not know how to choose the right circle of friends.

Despite his noticeable egoism, Ilya is considered the life of the party and is valued for his brilliant mind and charisma.

A teenager strives to learn something new and expand his horizons, but he does this not in “boring” school lessons, but through self-education. In addition, Ilya likes to spend time with his dad: fixing some mechanism together, making crafts, or going fishing.

Ilya loves spending time with his dad

Hobbies and talents

Ilya is a creative person. He has an amazing imagination that helps him create extraordinary ideas. Even in childhood, the young man showed a talent for music. If parents help their son develop this hobby, then in the future the guy will be able to achieve great heights in this area. In addition to music, the man also has artistic talent, which allows him to engage in painting or sculpture. However, Ilya lacks perseverance, so he does not immerse himself in creativity so often. But each of his paintings or sculptures becomes a real masterpiece.

If parents notice Ilya’s interest in music, then the bet on developing this talent will certainly pay off.

The young man loves to work around the house, spend time in his own workshop designing interesting interior items, and go hunting and fishing. But even these hobbies cannot keep Ilya busy for long, because he is used to activity and mobility. This man enjoys public speaking; he is a true master of words and a brilliant speaker. His emotional speeches evoke a lot of admiration from his listeners. Ilya loves to be under everyone’s attention, as a result of which he begins to attend acting classes in order to be on stage more often.

Ilya is a brilliant speaker and master of words, his emotional public speeches delight his listeners

Professions and business

It is very important for Ilya to choose the right profession. He can change areas of activity for a long time until he decides what suits him. The man is purposeful, never abandons started tasks halfway, and always tries to finish the job successfully. All these qualities will make a guy a successful professional athlete. Possessing creative talents, the young man will build an outstanding career as an artist, musician or actor. And skillful use of words allows you to try your luck in politics.

Ilya is purposeful, does not like to give up what he has started and does not assume the possibility of unsuccessful completion of any business he has started, which allows the guy to build a career as an outstanding athlete

In addition, Ilya is capable of research, teaching or scientific activities; the guy can easily cope with the work of a doctor, investigator, lawyer or analyst. But these professions will not fully reveal the young man’s ambitions and will not allow him to earn the desired amount of money, so he should take a closer look at a military career. Here his extraordinary and purposeful nature will manifest itself in full.

Ilya is persistent and smart,
Fortune visits him.
He is respected in the service, -
He admires everyone with his work.
Moves forward persistently.
I work tirelessly.
Lives in love for parents,
Understanding them like a son.


Ilya will be able to realize his ambitions and show his unique personality in military affairs

Thanks to perseverance, Ilya will be able to organize a profitable business. But you shouldn’t do this alone, the guy will need a devoted partner. A man easily earns money, he knows how and loves to do it. But no less pleasure gives him the waste of earned finances.

For Ilya's business to be successful, he needs a dedicated business partner.


Little Ilya is constantly cold, prone to colds. In adulthood, all ailments arise due to high physical exertion and overwork. The guy does not spare his health, sacrificing sleep and a healthy lifestyle for the sake of his career. All this is fraught with injuries, spinal diseases and nervous strain. In addition, a man should carefully monitor his cardiovascular system and avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Ilya’s health depends on stress and physical activity: nervous tension at work and at home increases the risk of various diseases

Love and sexuality

Ilya has an amorous disposition. The guy carefully chooses the object of his affection, he is afraid to get involved in a relationship with a rude lady who will try to suppress his personality. In addition, he tries to avoid authoritarian, arrogant and hot-tempered women. This man is looking for a charming, kind, but proud and independent partner who can withstand Ilya’s passionate, assertive, and sometimes angry nature.

Ilya prefers proud but kind girls

The young man rarely starts serious romances, preferring platonic love. However, intimacy is quite important for this man. He is an inventive lover, but will express himself fully only with a woman who will take a place in his heart.

Intimate life is quite important, but only with the one who will remain forever in his heart. Girl hugs a man. Ilya prefers proud but kind girls.

Relations with this guy will proceed under his full leadership. It is difficult for a young man to decide on the choice of a girl for the role of a life partner, but once he has decided, he will try to do everything to make his chosen one feel comfortable and cozy next to him. Ilya is a temperamental and passionate man who loves to feel like a winner.

For Ilya, the most important thing is to defeat a woman equal to him, free and independent.

Marriage and family

Ilya is unlikely to tie the knot at a young age. First, he will acquire his own home, a profitable job, and only then will he begin to look for a permanent life partner. A man carefully selects his wife and tries to get to know her well. Before getting married, a guy dates his chosen one for a long time. It is important for him that the woman is attractive in appearance and kind in character.

Before proposing, Ilya meets with a girl for a long time and tries to get to know his beloved well.

In marriage, Ilya is responsible for material wealth, and his wife must support the family hearth, look after the household and raise children. In addition, a man is inclined to help his beloved in everyday life. The guy does not like to conflict and quarrel; he tries to resolve any misunderstanding peacefully. In his relationship with his wife, Ilya proves himself to be a devoted, faithful and loving husband. He will never offend a woman; he will carry her in his arms all his life. This man is very jealous, he is a real owner, so he will not tolerate admiring glances in the direction of his chosen one. If the lady of his heart cheats on Ilya, then he will not be able to recover from the betrayal for a long time; several years will have to pass before he can forgive her.

Ilya will never betray his chosen one and will always carry her in his arms

Ilya loves his children, but is also capable of sincerely loving step-children. They reciprocate him completely; dad will remain an authority and role model for them throughout his life. The man is endowed with maternal traits and tries to give the child the right upbringing in order to raise a worthy person.

Ilya loves his children madly, they love him back

Table: name compatibility and nature of relationships

Female namePercent CompatibilityNature of the relationship
Anastasia20% This couple is not able to build a long relationship. Most romances between Ilya and Anastasia end after a couple of months due to the first difficulties. The girl likes it when relationships are put on display; she loves to be in society, have fun, and attend public events. The guy does not share her interests, sometimes wants to be alone. This incompatibility pushes the couple to break. These partners get married only on the orders of their parents or because of an unplanned pregnancy. In order to provide the future baby with a full-fledged family, Ilya and Nastya go down the aisle, making a serious mistake. Their family won't last more than five years anyway.
Elena98% Elena and Ilya make an ideal couple, capable of a long and romantic relationship. Their union is devoid of self-interest and deceit. The guy submits to the beauty and spiritual world of this girl, he is the first to make contact with her. His chosen one gladly opens up to this mysterious and sociable man. Lena and Ilya think and speak the same way, so a romance quickly develops between them. No less quickly lovers apply to the registry office. The life of the spouses will become rosy and cloudless, they will not be disappointed or upset. A man and a woman find time to travel together, engage in common hobbies, so they are not afraid of boredom and monotony.
Irina21% These people rarely fall in love with each other. Irina wants to change, she does not tolerate a boring and monotonous life. The girl is used to short-term novels that do not require any commitment. Ilya is attracted to this woman, but by inviting her on a date, the guy receives a clear refusal. This cold and indifferent woman changes the man's attitude to the whole fair sex, if he does not terminate all contacts with her, then he runs the risk of being completely disappointed in the ladies. These partners can marry only when they are young and inexperienced. After the wedding, they expect disappointments and difficulties that the spouses will not be able to cope with. Having lived several difficult years together, Ilya and Irina happily file for divorce.
Olga76% These people can create a harmonious couple. Olga sees the guy as a source of inspiration, which will always support and give a lot of different emotions. Bold and authoritative Ilya quickly wins the heart of this lady. But the relationship is not without controversy. Both partners are emotional and capricious, often becoming hostages of their own aspirations, which the other half does not agree to. The life together of Olga and Ilya consists of many eventful and interesting events. A marriage will become stronger if a man stops suppressing the personality of his chosen one and begins to respect her individuality.
Rose23% The couple has no chance for a long and strong relationship. Most often, this romance ends after several dates. It seems to Ilya that this girl lacks seriousness; he is not used to women showing too much interest in him. Against this background, the guy looks gloomy and insincere in Rosa’s eyes. She is used to fun and jokes, but with such a partner she quickly becomes bored. These two enter into marriage only under duress. Relationships are deprived of mutual understanding and happiness. The husband tends to neglect the feelings and emotions of his partner; she is not able to tolerate this for long. A man and a woman get divorced when the girl's patience runs out.
Tatiana79% Tatyana and Ilya quickly move towards rapprochement. An artistic and charming girl captivates this guy at first sight. The desire to possess this woman makes a man become noble and romantic. By courting beautifully, performing unconventional actions, and making many compliments, Ilya achieves his chosen one. The novel develops very quickly, which makes the young man doubt the sincerity of Tatyana’s feelings. After the wedding, the guy becomes a friend and helper for his wife, and knows how to do any housework. The girl does not want to be financially dependent on her lover, so she does not quit her job, which has a positive effect on family savings. If a woman earns more than a man, conflicts may begin in the family.
Emma76% Emma and Ilya are perfect for creating a relationship. The girl never gets bored next to this man; he charges her with optimism and faith in a bright future. The guy treats his chosen one kindly and tenderly, but is prone to excessive jealousy. The slightest flirtation of the chosen one with another man makes Ilya lose his temper and create scandals. The first years of marriage are filled with the spouses enjoying each other. But later children appear, and behind them are everyday problems, which reduce the passion of the lovers. To prevent the marriage from falling apart, Ilya and Emma should devote more time to each other and fall in love with everyday life.
Julia38% There is rarely a spark between these people that would make them experience a tender and romantic feeling towards each other. Julia is not attracted to this predictable and self-sufficient man; she prefers dynamic and changeable guys. Ilya also does not feel delighted at the sight of this lady, he does not like her demeanor and desire to put the relationship on public display. Sometimes these two can turn a blind eye to each other's shortcomings and start an affair. But living together will not bring them happiness and mutual support. The spouses will live their own lives, not paying attention to the experiences and problems of the other. Having come to terms with this, partners are able to live together for many years.
Yana31% Partners will not be able to create a harmonious and loving union. They do not understand each other at all, which creates problems in relationships that a man and a woman are unable to solve. Yana is a very capricious and demanding lady; she requires increased attention and constant care. Her chosen one cannot provide her with this, so in the girl’s eyes he becomes unreliable and frivolous. Ilya rarely succeeds in changing his opinion about himself, so the novel ends in separation. The marriage of these two will last only if each spouse has a partner on the side.

Table: correspondences for the name Ilya

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

Each letter that is part of a person’s name gives his personality additional characteristics:

  1. Letter I. The guy has subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness and peacefulness. To those around him, he seems to be a practical and serious person, but in fact, a soft, romantic nature is hidden under the mask.
  2. Letter L. A person subtly senses the beauty around him and is endowed with artistic and artistic talents. He strives to share his knowledge and feelings with his other half. A young man should not waste his life without deciding on his true purpose.
  3. Soft sign. A man has a penchant for analysis, classification, strives to divide everything into bad and good, sort it into shelves.
  4. Letter Y. The young man is not deprived of self-esteem, strives to win the respect and love of all the people around him.

Ilya is endowed with a subtle mental organization and a romantic nature

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

In winter, the successful and reasonable Ilya is born, but this guy greatly lacks responsibility. He is not prone to restraint and constancy, but he treats others sincerely and good-naturedly. This is a man of good character. The guy tries not to have serious affairs, but not because he values ​​his freedom, it’s just that the girls around him do not live up to the ideal.

Winter Ilya lacks restraint, constancy and responsibility

Vesenny Ilya is a very emotional guy. He is charming, which he successfully uses in relationships with people, often for selfish purposes. A man does not love himself, tries to remake his essence, strives for perfection, but rarely achieves it. Such a person tries to be ideal in everything: to become a good husband, a faithful comrade and a loving father, but often these desires are not destined to come true, because the guy lacks the necessary qualities for this.

Vesenny Ilya tries to become perfect, but he rarely succeeds.

In the summer months, Ilya is born, endowed with vanity and selfishness. He is prone to adventurism, traveling around the planet in search of interesting and vivid emotions. The man loves adventures and always finds them, as he has enviable perseverance and determination. Summer Ilya has a very difficult and straightforward character, which is why he rarely has successful romantic or friendly relationships.

Summer Ilya is in an eternal search for adventure

Autumn rewards Ilya with high demands on others and a desire to make the whole world more just. The guy is very persistent, but he has a hard time in life, because on his way he faces many unfair moments. A man very carefully shapes his environment; there is no place for liars, deceivers and hypocrites. Zodiac signPersonality characteristics AriesIlya is born under the sign of Aries, possessing unpredictability, impulsiveness and temperament. The guy knows his worth, is endowed with sociability and good nature, is successful with those around him, and is especially popular with girls. But the man does not start a serious relationship, as he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom. TaurusIlya-Taurus is a stubborn and purposeful person. He is successful in his career, thereby acquiring envious people and opponents. A man tends to impose his opinion on others, which also reduces his chances of building friendly and romantic relationships. TwinsThe man loves communication, is endowed with charm and friendliness. Such a person has a penchant for professions where you need to constantly communicate with people. For love relationships, he chooses girls with fickle characters. CancerThe sign of Cancer gives Ilya emotionality, capriciousness and even hysteria. The guy is prone to impulsiveness and absent-mindedness, and does not know how to make important decisions. This guy needs a girl who will take responsibility for both partners and solve serious issues. But Ilya-Cancer will become an excellent father for his children. a lionThis young man has strength and perseverance. He is highly moral, does not give up in the face of difficulties, and moves towards his intended goal until the last moment. A man tries to become a leader in any team, he is prone to excessive expression of emotions, but skillfully controls them. Ilya-Lev is well versed in people, appreciates honesty and sincerity in them. VirgoBorn under the auspices of the Virgin, Ilya becomes a charming gentleman, a well-mannered and balanced man who performs only deliberate actions. The guy is ideal for a serious relationship, he shows himself to be a calm and attentive person. ScalesThe guy is endowed with charm, romantic and sensual nature. He has a great sense of humor, which helps to win the sympathy of everyone around him. Ilya-Libra does not become the leader of the team, but shows himself as a wise and compromising member. This man makes a devoted husband, a caring father and an exemplary family man. ScorpionIlya-Scorpio has a changeable mood, a decisive and impulsive disposition. It can both attract people to itself, and repel. Few people can tolerate his fickle and freedom-loving personality, so the man rarely has romantic relationships or friendly interactions. The guy prefers short-term intrigues. SagittariusCheerfulness and friendliness are the brightest qualities of the personality of Ilya-Sagittarius. The guy is very trusting, prone to idealization. He endows his chosen ones with non-existent character traits. Realizing that the girl is far from his ideal, the young man becomes disappointed and becomes depressed. CapricornUnder the influence of the sign of Capricorn, Ilya is born, who has a practical, friendly, but calculating character. The guy has many talents, always achieves his goals. He needs a faithful, honest, positive and active girl. AquariusIlya-Aquarius loves to fantasize and can spend hours in an imaginary world. Men are characterized by isolation and indecisiveness. He is an outside observer of life, without taking an active part in it. He will love a decisive and wise woman with authority and self-confidence. FishThis young man is prone to daydreaming, he is good-natured and correct in everything. The guy wants to see the world around him perfect. He will get along with a powerful and ambitious lady who will control his destiny.

Photo gallery: famous personalities in history with the name Ilya

Ilya Mechnikov - Russian and French biologist Ilya Erenburg - Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure Ilya Repin - Russian painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes Ilya Frank - Soviet physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Ilya Glazunov - Soviet and Russian artist-painter, teacher Ilya Mazuruk - Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Ilya Reznik - Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia Ilya Lagutenko - Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Ilf - Soviet writer and journalist Ilya Averbukh - Soviet and Russian figure skater Ilya Averbakh - Soviet film director, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Ilya Kormiltsev - Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, main author of the group's lyrics " Nautilus Pompilius" Ilya Frez - Soviet film director and screenwriter Ilya Gringolts - Russian violinist Ilya Golosov - Soviet architect who worked in the style of symbolic romanticism and constructivism Ilya Kovalchuk - Russian hockey player, left winger Ilya Glinnikov - Russian actor, TV presenter Ilya Lyubimov - Russian theater actor and cinema Ilya Malakov - Russian actor Ilya Chert (Knabengof) - Russian musician, songwriter, writer, leader of the group "Pilot" Ilya Burov - Russian freestyle skier, performing in ski acrobatics, bronze medalist of the 2018 Olympic Games Ilya Chernousov - Russian skier, bronze medalist 2014 Winter Olympics in the ski marathon, bronze medalist of the 2011 World Championships in skiathlon, Honored Master of Sports of Russia Ilya Korobko - Russian actor Ilya Oleynikov - Soviet and Russian film, television and pop actor, TV presenter, composer Ilya Sorokin - Russian hockey player, goalkeeper KHL club CSKA, champion of the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang as part of the Olympic athletes from Russia, Honored Master of Sports of Russia Ilya Vorobyov - Russian and German hockey player, center forward, after completing his playing career he took up coaching, and is currently the head coach of the Russian national team ice hockey

Ilya's fate depends entirely on himself. A man is well aware of this, so he relies only on himself. Fate does not spoil him with special gifts, but also does not burden him with serious problems. This person is able to cope with any problems and achieve their goals. He never ceases to improve himself and rejoices at the results achieved.
