Determination of human biorhythms. Biological rhythms of the body

The biorhythms of internal human organs consistently adapt to a certain time zone, thanks to which the body can work without failures. By listening carefully to your essence, you can achieve great success in various types of work. If a person’s biorhythms are disrupted, for example, after arriving in a foreign country with a different climate and time zone, then the body will need to adapt. It can last approximately three days.

Classification of biorhythms

According to modern research, biological rhythms in people change depending on age. For example, newborns have a short biorhythmic cycle. The active phase passes into the relaxation phase and vice versa literally after 2-4 hours. In addition, it is very difficult to recognize the chronotype in a preschool child, according to which he is a “night owl” or a “lark”. Biologically, the rhythms lengthen gradually as the child grows older. Around puberty they become diurnal.

Biological rhythms can be divided into three main groups:

  1. High frequency rhythms, lasting no more than 30 minutes. These include breathing rate, heart rate, intestinal motility, brain biocurrents and the speed of biochemical reactions.
  2. Medium-frequency rhythms, the duration of which can range from 30 minutes to 6-7 days, include wakefulness and sleep, actions and inactions, daily metabolism, changes in body temperature and pressure, changes in blood composition, and the frequency of cell divisions.
  3. Low frequency rhythms are characterized by weekly, seasonal and lunar periods. The main biological processes included in this periodicity include changes in cycles in the reproductive system and endocrine activity.

Rhythms are also known whose period is fixed (90 minutes). This includes, for example, cycles of emotional fluctuations, sleep, and increased attention. Depending on the alternation of activity and rest of human systems and organs, daily, monthly and seasonal biological rhythms are distinguished. With their help, the restoration of the physiological potential of the body is ensured. It is noteworthy that the rhythmic cycle is reflected at the genetic level and is inherited.

Sometimes it happens that a person’s poor health has nothing to do with jet lag or illness. It's all about negative energy, which can be directed consciously or unconsciously by other people. It is very difficult to get rid of this negativity - damage or the evil eye - on your own. In this case, you will need the help of a healer who will help you quickly and effectively get rid of the scourge.

Calculation of biorhythms

Today on the Internet there are a large number of free special programs with which you can easily determine biorhythms by date of birth. This information makes it possible to find out on which days a person’s activity will be increased, and what time is better to devote to rest and not plan important things. In our Center, which is led by a famous psychic, you can get detailed information about biorhythms, as well as learn how to determine them yourself.

Programs that set biorhythms by date are convenient because they absolutely do not require an understanding of the methodology for calculating biorhythms. You just need to enter the necessary data and literally immediately get the result, which is usually accompanied by valuable comments. It is worth paying attention to the fact that human biological rhythms largely depend on weather conditions: on sunny days, mood and activity increase significantly. This may explain why in regions with long winters people are more likely to suffer from prolonged depression and apathy.

Biorhythm compatibility

When comparing biorhythms, you can understand why communicating with some people brings great pleasure, while with others, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find a common language. Compatibility in biological rhythms plays a very important role in matters of the heart and relationships between spouses. If the compatibility rate exceeds 75-80%, then this is excellent. With such values, the partners get along well with each other and their relationship can be called harmonious. Moreover, the higher this indicator, the greater the chances of becoming an ideal couple, because in this case people enjoy comprehensive communication.

You can also calculate the biorhythms of compatibility when contacting people with whom you have to communicate, for example, on duty or in other life situations: selection of a personal secretary, employees for an enterprise, personal consultant or family doctor. Establishing biorhythms of compatibility is a simple method to determine the possibility of mutual understanding between people in the event of their upcoming collaboration. A good option can be considered when the biorhythm of one of the partners decreases, while the second person during this period feels its rise. In this situation, thanks to the different energies of people, quarrels and misunderstandings can be avoided.

The dependence of human life on biorhythms

The quality of life of each person largely depends on biological rhythms. Such a concept as the daily chronotype represents the daily activity that is inherent in an individual person. Throughout the day, the peak of physical and mental activity for each of us occurs at a certain time. According to this, people can be divided into three types:

  1. “larks” (those who fall asleep at 21.00-22.00 and wake up early in the morning);
  2. “pigeons” (they go to bed after 23.00 and wake up with an alarm clock at about 8.00);
  3. “night owls” (stay up until late at night and can sleep through the first half of the next day).

The chronotype determines how quickly a person can adapt to certain situations or conditions, as well as some indicators of his health. For example, the biological rhythms of “owls” are considered the most flexible - they are the easiest to change their mode of life. However, if we talk about their cardiovascular systems, they are the most vulnerable. Read more useful information on this and other topics on our website.

It is a known fact that in those enterprises where employees work in accordance with individual schedules, which are drawn up taking into account personal chronotypes, productivity and labor efficiency increase significantly. After all, when biorhythms are normalized, physical activity is not scary. But in the case when the biological rhythm is disturbed, hard work can lead not only to many functional disorders of the body, but also to serious illnesses.

Biological rhythms are the body’s reflection of cyclical natural phenomena. They can be depicted graphically in the form of a curve that will show the ability to perform a certain type of work in an estimated time.

Physiological processes in the body are associated with the alternation of day and night, the least activity is at 3-5 o'clock in the morning, and high performance is observed at 10-12 o'clock and in the evening at 16-18 o'clock.

During a person’s life, there are 3 main types of biorhythms:

. physical(the cycle is 23 days). As activity increases, endurance and energy increase, and coordination of movements improves. When a decline begins, there may be health problems, a person begins to get tired quickly, and a loss of strength appears. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to rest.

. emotional(28 days). Show mood swings and nervous system conditions. During a recession, mental confusion is observed, the desire to conflict intensifies, and various fears and pessimism appear.

. intellectual(33 days). As one grows older, creative activity increases; a person is lucky in everything. In the phase of decreased biorhythm activity, intellectual activity slows down, reaction speed changes, and the ability to assimilate material decreases.

How to calculate biorhythms for every day

There are special programs for calculating biorhythms (can be downloaded for free from the link below), but you can calculate the day of the biological cycle yourself:

The number of years lived excluding leap years must be multiplied by 365;
- then count the number of leap days (every 4th year) and multiply it by 366;
- the amount received will show the number of days lived. Dividing it by 23 days (physical cycle) we get a number with a remainder. For example, if the remainder is 18, then it is the 18th day of the physical biorhythm cycle. In the same way, you can determine the day of the emotional and intellectual cycles.

There are 6 days in a year when the beginning of two cycles coincides. These days will be quite difficult, and on 1 day of the year the beginnings of all three biorhythm cycles coincide, this day will be especially difficult.

During a person's life there are periods of highest biorhythm activity; these years are called acme. For men, they repeat every 3 years, starting from 15-16 years, for women - every 2. Based on these periods, you can make a calculation and find out the gender of the unborn child. If both parents are in the 2nd year after acme, for example, then a boy will probably be born. If it's a year after the acme, it's a girl.

A birthday is considered a turning point from troubles to joy, and the first month after the birthday is the most favorable. The 5th and 9th (10) months will also be favorable. The 2nd and 12th (especially) months after your birthday will be unfavorable.

By calculating your biological rhythms for the next day or week (month, year) in advance, you can make adjustments to your plans in order to use your body’s capabilities to the maximum, and also not miss a good time for rest when biorhythms are not conducive to active activity. The program is very simple to use, and the calculation takes only a few seconds - this is the time it takes to enter the date of birth.

Today there are more than 300 rhythms in the human body. All psychophysical rhythms (cycles), taken together, correlate with each other in a certain way. Disruption of one or more rhythms in a person leads to diseases, as this introduces a mismatch in the functioning of organs.

Biorhythms are closely related to the rhythms of the external environment. A measure of the stability of a living system is the stability of its rhythms, adaptation and adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions. Rhythm disturbance in one of the links of a living system introduces inconsistency into the coordinated structure of the function. First of all, blood and organs fail: liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen.

There is a hypothesis that there are three human biorhythms (biocycles). They are equal:

1. physical (F) - state of health, physical strength = 23.69 days.

2. emotional (E) - mood, state of mind = 28.43 days.

3. intellectual (I) - creativity = 33.16 days.

These rhythms begin from the moment a person is born and continue throughout his life. The first half of the rhythms indicates a rise in this indicator, the second half indicates a decline:

* The first 11-12 days of the physical cycle (F) are characterized by an increase in physical strength,

* 14-15 first days of the emotional cycle (E) - uplifting mood,

* 16-17 first days of the intellectual cycle (I) - about the rise of creative forces.

The points of intersection of these cycles with the time axis are called “critical”; extreme situations are possible at them. This “critical point” is approximately 3 days (1.5 days before and 1.5 days after this date). If several cycles occur simultaneously at such a point (“combined day”), then this day is the most dangerous for human health. It is believed that the positive phase of the cycle begins on the second day of the rise and ends on the penultimate day.

According to Tibetan medicine, the biorhythms of organs depend on the seasons of the year and the hours of the day.

Attention to human biorhythms should also include taking medications. So their intake should be timed to coincide with the time of minimal organ activity. Moreover, research by doctors (and the experience of Tibetan medicine) has shown that the optimal time to take medications is at sunset (± 5 minutes)*.

*Sunset times are indicated, for example, in tear-off calendars.

Only 30% of the medicine taken is absorbed by the human body, the rest is excreted from the body through urine, feces, and sweat.

Any chemical medicine also has negative side effects on the body.

This is a diagram showing the periods of activation of human organs.

A more detailed examination of the diagram shows that the stage of lung activation occurs at 3-5 o’clock in the morning, and it is at this time that the majority of people rest. Then the large intestine comes into play. Therefore, from 5 to 7 am it is necessary to empty the intestines so that in the next stage (7-9 hours) with the maximum amount of gastric enzymes, have breakfast and not create problems with digesting food. When food enters the stomach at this time, the products are absorbed to the maximum extent and are not stored as fat deposits. Next, the pancreas comes into play and the work of the digestive system ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

It is necessary, if possible, to take into account the rhythms of the body and build a nutrition system based on these factors, i.e. Be sure to have breakfast between 7 and 9 o’clock to provide your body with a boost of energy for the whole day. But in the evening, when the body wants to rest, do not burden it with digesting heavy foods - fatty meat, cutlets or chicken. After all, to process food at this time, the stomach will have to ask for a loan from the organ that will be active at that time. As a result, we will be able to protect ourselves from many diseases and maintain vigor for many years.


Biological rhythms- periodically repeating changes in the course of biological processes in the body or natural phenomena. It is a fundamental process in living nature. The science that studies biorhythms is chronobiology. Based on their connection with the natural rhythms of the environment, biorhythms are divided into physiological and environmental.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. (diurnal, seasonal, tidal and lunar rhythms). Thanks to environmental rhythms, the body orients itself in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. Environmental rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

Physiological rhythms do not coincide with any natural rhythm (rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure). There is evidence of the influence, for example, of the Earth’s magnetic field on the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram. Based on their origin, biorhythms are divided into endogenous (internal causes) and exogenous (external). Based on their duration, biorhythms are divided into circadian (about a day), infradian (more than a day) and ultradian (less than a day).

Infradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting more than a day. Examples: hibernation (animals), menstrual cycles in women (humans).

There is a close relationship between the phase of the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of young people. Acceleration is highly susceptible to the solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronous with the period of “reversal of polarity” of the solar magnetic field (which is a double 11-year cycle, that is, 22 years). Longer periods have also been identified in the activity of the Sun, spanning several centuries. The study of other multi-day (about a month, annual, etc.) rhythms, the time sensor for which are such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles, etc., is also of great practical importance.

Ultradian rhythms

Rhythm lasting less than a day. An example is concentration of attention, reduction of pain sensitivity in the evening, secretion processes, cyclical phases alternating throughout 6-8 hours of normal sleep in a person. In experiments on animals it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation injuries fluctuates very noticeably throughout the day.

Circadian (circadian) rhythms

The central place among rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm, which is of greatest importance for the body. The concept of circadian (circadian) rhythm was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. It is a modification of the circadian rhythm with a period of 24 hours, occurs under constant conditions and belongs to freely flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with a period not imposed by external conditions. They are congenital, endogenous, that is, determined by the properties of the organism itself. The period of circadian rhythms lasts 23-28 hours in plants, 23-25 ​​hours in animals.

Since organisms are usually found in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythms of organisms are prolonged by these changes and become daily. Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization. Experiments on animals established the presence of CR of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure and diuresis. The contents of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., were subject to daily fluctuations. Essentially, all endocrine and hematological indicators, nervous and muscular indicators fluctuate in a circadian rhythm. , cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various tissues and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The body's sensitivity to various environmental factors and tolerance to functional loads are subject to the same circadian rhythm. About 500 functions and processes with circadian rhythms have been identified in humans.

The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase of their development has been established. In the bark of young apple tree shoots, a daily rhythm in the content of the biologically active substance phloridzin was revealed, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing of flowers and plants.

Exogenous biological rhythms

The influence (reflection) of lunar rhythms on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. The cycle corresponds to the phases of the moon (29.53 days) or the lunar day (24.8 hours). Lunar rhythms are clearly visible in marine plants and animals, and are observed during the cultivation of microorganisms.

Psychologists have noted changes in the behavior of some people associated with the phases of the moon; in particular, it is known that during the new moon the number of suicides, heart attacks, etc. increases. Perhaps the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar cycle.

Pseudoscientific theory of “three rhythms”

The theory of “three rhythms” is about the complete independence of these multi-day rhythms both from external factors and from age-related changes in the body itself. The triggering mechanism for these exceptional rhythms is only the moment of birth (or conception) of a person. A person was born, and rhythms arose with a period of 23, 28 and 33 days, determining the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The graphic representation of these rhythms is a sine wave. One-day periods during which phase switching occurs (“zero” points on the graph) and which are supposedly distinguished by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity are called critical days. If two or three sinusoids cross the same “zero” point at the same time, then such “double” or “triple” critical days are especially dangerous. Not supported by research.

The theory of “three biorhythms” is about a hundred years old. It is interesting that its authors were three people: Hermann Svoboda, Wilhelm Fliess, who discovered emotional and physical biorhythms, and Friedrich Teltscher, who studied intellectual rhythm. Psychologist Hermann Svoboda and otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess can be considered the “grandfathers” of the theory of biorhythms. This happens very rarely in science, but they obtained the same results independently of each other. Svoboda worked in Vienna. Analyzing the behavior of his patients, he noticed that their thoughts, ideas, impulses to action were repeated with a certain frequency. Herman Svoboda went further and began to analyze the onset and development of diseases, especially the cyclical nature of heart and asthmatic attacks. The result of these studies was the discovery of the rhythmicity of physical (22 days) and mental (27 days) processes. Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, who lived in Berlin, became interested in the human body's resistance to disease. Why do children with the same diagnoses have immunity at one time and die at another? Having collected data on the onset of illness, temperature and death, he linked them to the date of birth. Calculations have shown that changes in immunity can be predicted using 22-day physical and 27-day emotional biorhythms. The “father” of the theory of “three biorhythms” was a teacher from Innsbruck (Austria) Friedrich Telcher. New-fashioned biorhythms pushed him to his research. Like all teachers, Telcher noticed that the desire and ability of students to perceive, systematize and use information, and generate ideas changes from time to time, that is, it has a rhythmic nature. By comparing the dates of births of students, exams, and their results, he discovered an intellectual rhythm with a period of 32 days. Telcher continued his research, studying the lives of creative people. As a result, he found the “pulse” of our intuition - 37 days, but over time this rhythm was “lost.” Everything new finds its way with difficulty. Despite their professorial titles and the fact that the same discoveries were made independently, the founders of the theory of “three biorhythms” had many opponents and opponents. Research into biorhythms continued in Europe, the USA, and Japan. This process became especially intense with the discovery of computers and more modern computers. In the 70s - 80s. biorhythms have conquered the whole world. Now the fashion for biorhythms has passed, but everything in nature tends to repeat itself.

Academic researchers reject the “theory” of three biorhythms. Theoretical criticism of “theory” is set out, for example, in a popular science book by a recognized expert in chronobiology, Arthur Winfrey. Unfortunately, the authors of scientific (not popular science) works did not consider it necessary to specifically devote time to criticism, but familiarity with their works (in Russian there is a wonderful collection edited by Jurgen Aschoff, a book by L. Glass. and M. Mackie. and other sources ) allow us to conclude that the “theory” of three biorhythms is untenable. Much more convincing, however, is the experimental criticism of the “theory”. Numerous experimental tests in the 70-80s completely refuted the “theory” as untenable.

Unfortunately, thanks to the widespread use of the pseudoscientific theory of three rhythms, the words “biorhythm” and “chronobiology” are often associated with anti-science. In fact, chronobiology is an evidence-based scientific discipline that lies in the traditional academic mainstream of research, and confusion arises due to the dishonesty of scammers (for example, the first link in a Google search for the query “chronobiology” is a site advertising the services of charlatans).

Household use and programs for “detecting biorhythms”

The term Biorhythm is also used to define the expected cycles of declines and rises in a person’s physical or mental activity, which does not depend on a person’s race, nationality, or any other factors.

There are numerous programs for determining biorhythms, all of them are tied to the date of birth and have no scientific basis.

Numerous algorithms for such calculations assume that, from the day of birth, a person is under the influence of three stable and unchanging biological rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.

  • Physical cycle equals 23 days. It determines a person’s energy, strength, endurance, and coordination of movement.
  • Emotional cycle is equal to 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood.
  • Smart cycle(33 days), it determines the creative ability of the individual.

It is believed that any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles, positive and negative. During the positive half-cycle of the biorhythm, a person experiences the positive influence of this biorhythm, and during the negative half-cycle - a negative influence. There is also a critical state of the biorhythm, when its value is zero - at this moment the influence of this biorhythm on a person is unpredictable. Enthusiasts of such calculations believe that a person’s general condition is determined by his “level of positive cycles.” The programs summarize the amplitudes of the three “cycles” and produce “favorable and unfavorable dates.”

  • All these algorithms and programs have no scientific basis and belong exclusively to the realm of pseudoscience.

There is a scientific basis: 1. Brown F. Biological rhythms. In the book: Comparative physiology of animals. T.2, M.: Mir, 1977, pp. 210-260; 2. Gorshkov M. M. The influence of the moon on biorhythms. // Collection: Electromagnetic fields in the biosphere. T.2 // M.: Nauka, 1984, pp. 165-170.

Algorithms for calculating biorhythms

B=(-cos(2pi*(t-f)/P))*100% where P=(22,27,32)

The formula used everywhere is:

B=(sin(2pi*(t-f)/P))*100% where P=(23,28,33)

B - biorhythm states in % or can be expressed as a state relative to zero, as well as a state of increase or decrease.

pi is the number π.

t - the number of days relative to zero units of measurement until the current moment.

f is the number of days from zero time units to the date of birth.

Correction by values

Exact values ​​of biorhythms:

  • physical 23.688437
  • emotional 28.426125
  • intellectual 33.163812

PI 3.1415926535897932385

Calculation based on average values ​​leads to an error of several days for each year of calculation. Apparently, there is some kind of profanation wandering back and forth from various “authoritative” sources.

Note: This section is heresy from beginning to end, which confirms the patent falsehood of the “three biorhythms theory.” The fact is that if research was actually carried out to measure “physical”, “emotional” and “intellectual” states, the result would be known with an accuracy of, say, 1 second (although usually hours or even days are meant). Thus, determining the length of the cycle even for one person and assuming that the cycles are absolutely stable could be done no better than with an accuracy of 5 decimal places (1 second = 0.00001 days). The figures given with an accuracy of six (after the decimal) digit confirm that in fact no serious research has been carried out on the topic of “three biorhythms”. In fact, this is the way it is: if there is no doubt about the existence of the cycles themselves, and this has been confirmed by many experiments, then the statement that there are three strictly fixed rhythms is a delusion or a lie (and this has just been proven experimentally, see below). footnotes at the bottom of the page).

Biorhythm compatibility

Compatibility for individual biorhythms is determined by the formula:

S = [((D/P) - ) * 100]%, where P=(23,28,33)

S - coefficient of compatibility of biorhythms.

D is the difference in the dates of birth of 2 people in days.

Function for rounding a decimal fraction to a lower whole number (antier).

P - biorhythm phase.

K - Biorhythm compatibility coefficient %

The coefficient is found in the table

S 0 3 4 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 18 21 22 25 27 28 29 31 33 34 36 37 40 43 44 45 46 48 50 51 53 54 55 56 59 62 63
K% 100 99 98 96 95 92 88 85 83 80 78 70 60 57 50 43 40 36 30 25 22 17 15 8 4 3 2 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 8 15 17
S 65 66 68 70 71 72 74 75 77 78 81 84 85 86 87 88 90 92 93 95 96
K% 22 25 30 36 40 43 48 50 57 60 70 78 80 83 85 88 92 95 96 98 99


Some people's biorhythms may be on a 12-hour daily cycle, rather than the 24-hour cycle that most people have. This phenomenon has not been fully studied, and the reasons have not yet been clarified.

see also

  • Noorhythms


  • On-line calculation of biorhythms, monthly forecast, comparison of biorhythms
  • Calculation of human biorhythms online. Receive biorhythm values ​​via email.
  • Biological rhythms. Brief Medical Encyclopedia, publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", second edition, 1989, Moscow
  • V. Grinevich. Biological rhythms of health. // Science and Life, No. 1, 2005.
  • O. Belokoneva. Trillions of silent hours. // Science and Life, No. 5, 2009.


  • Gubin G. D., Gerlovin E. Sh. Circadian rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in the onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1980.
  • Chronobiology and chronomedicine/Ed. F. I. Komarova. - M.: Medicine, 1989. ISBN 5-225-01496-8
  • Perna N. Rhythm, life and creativity / Ed. P. Yu. Schmidt - Leningrad-M.: Petrograd, 1925.